I am a professional hiker with several long distance trails on my resume. I was the 13th hiker to finish the Mountains-to-Sea Trail in North Carolina last year. It was either last year or the year before that the Appalachian Trail finishers hit the 10,000 mark. I am challenging 100 of those hikers or any hiker to join me on the Mountains-to-Sea Trail this year. It is a wonderful alternative to the Appalachian Trail and about 42.8% of the total distance. Once you have done the AT what's next. Grab your backpack and come out with me. I will be hiking the MST both directions this time from May to November. It will take 3 months to go each way. I have written a thru-hiker's manual for the trail so I know the trail and know where to go in town. Hiking the MST is a different experience that everybody should enjoy.

Help me help the Mountains-to-Sea Trail. I would love to see at least 100 people out for this challenge.
