Quote Originally Posted by Andrewsobo View Post
I was planning to start from the north side of Katahdin and bring my from there pack, start the AT at the summit and then go straight onto the trail... what do most people do? i don't understand how you would use a daypack, or why. So basically just climb to the top of the mountain then straight back?
That's a good idea and what we did in 2001. The climb up from Chimney pond is short but steep. I think it only took us an hour or so.
The walk into Chimney pond from the nearest parking lot (roaring something???) was nice too and we saw 2 moose on the way in.

Have a great hike.

Most people are NOBOer's and they leave their pack at the campground and use a daypack for the colder/exposed weather at the top and then hike back down to the same spot. That's why they call it a dayhike.
Other's go up the AT and down the knife edge which is an awesome hike if the weather is good. (the weather isn't always good in Maine)
That's probably my personal favorite.
But your idea, although not as scenic is probably the easiest physically and you don't have to hike the same trail twice. (even though the scenery is different each way of course)