Quote Originally Posted by Red Wolf View Post

"Preserving the Trail" and the focus on the Appalachian Trail Museum could very well be the THEME for this next year's Trail Days Festival in Damascus, Virginia ! One member of the Damascus Town Council ( a good friend ) called me last week and asked about permission to use the A.T. Museum name,picture,logo etc. by the Town of Damascus if the Museum was the focus of the Trail Days '10 theme. The Museum picture would be on the official T-shirts, in the printed program, and with a spot in that program, etc. et al ! Of course, I immediately put him into contact with Larry Luxenberg,A.T. Museum Society President; Larry is thrilled ( ! ) , as well as the rest of the Museum's board of directors ! The Museum can use all the GOOD PR we can get in order to help us reach our $75,000 GRAND OPENING GOAL . He admitted that THE IDEA to do this originated with that excellent hiker supporter, Eleanor Grasselli . Eleanor, per the recent meeting of the Damascus Town Council, has once again been named Trail Days' Co-ordinator, a position she has served well many times in the past. CONGRATS once again Eleanor ! ~ ( also, she has assured me that ALDHA will have the same time slot in the Trail Days' Program for the ALDHA HIKER RECEPTION ) ! The next meeting of the Town Council should make everything official , hopefully. ~ Stay tuned.......


Robert Croyle "Red Wolf o'da Smoky's"
Appalachian Trail Museum Society, Membership Secretary
ps. please pardon the typo in the title / it should read TRAIL DAYS'10 AND MUSEUM ~ RW