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Tri-Corner Knob Shelter

Added by Youngblood
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  Description for Tri-Corner Knob Shelter

Description by Youngblood


Tri-Corner Knob Shelter is 219.4 miles north of Springer and sleeps 12. The fencing is removed. It has sky lights, a HUGE covered area and a table with seats for cooking and eating.

Comments for Tri-Corner Knob Shelter (2)

  1. #1 Uncle Wayne
    Have bear cables been installed at Tri Corner Shelter? There were none in October 2003 when we stayed in the old shelter. Hope they improved the privy also.
  2. #2 Youngblood
    Yes and yes. The bear cables are off the side about 30 yards in front of the shelter and the composting privy is just beyond that. My photo does not do justice to this shelter, it is not dark or dinky. The huge overhang even covers benches along each side of the shelter. It is first rate and then some. Even on an overcast day the skylights provided adequate lighting.

  3. #3 Strategic
    Re: Tri-Corner Knob Shelter
    Thanks Youngblood, it's actually a great picture. I love the effect of the light fog around the old stone of the walls and the new tin of the roof. Good update as well.
  4. #4 Bilko
    Re: Tri-Corner Knob Shelter
    Uncle Wayne, I stayed at Tri-Corner Shelter in July of '03. I remember it as a terrible shelter, it had rained just about all day long, and there were 16 people in there when I hiked up, late in the afternoon. Of course they moved over for one more. Everyone had their wet clothes hanging up on make shift clothes lines, all the packs were hung up and it was dark and damp. To top it off the right side of the shelter as you are facing it had a high level of dirt, the shelter was built along side a slope. Water was running down the hill and into the shelter, there was a 2-3 inch stream running through Tri-Corner Knob Shelter. There was no cover over the picnic table, I don't remember a picnic table at all, we sat on down trees to eat. The privy was up high, looking down on the shelter, a high throne. I see that the slope has been removed, hopefully removing the shelter stream. I still have a picture of the stream in the shelter. The next morning I was the first one out of there, it was still dark and I left a nice t-shirt behind. I was just glad to get out of there.