wbdent I would recommend that if you want people to contact you then to have them go through you profile or have them click on your user name in the post and then send email to you that way.

wbdent It is your choice if you want to post your email address in the forums in a post. I am not going to stop you. But I will point out that it is a good way to start getting junk mail in you email in that email address. It is not that WhiteBlaze releases your email address to anyone. But search engines randomly go through every web site on the internet and programs are written to do search for email addresses that are posted in messages on the internet. So this also pertains to any other web site that you post on.

wbdent But I can assure you that the email address that you registered here on WhiteBlaze with does not get release to anyone. No one can see it or have access to it except the site administrators. That address is secure. I just want to point out the problem with posting your email address to the public. But it is your choice.