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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Lakewood, WA

    Default Another update from the CDT

    So, I'm here in Lincoln after coming through about 170 miles of wildness. Spectacular weather helped alot, although the scenery was less impressive than I thought it might be. Perhaps living in the Northwest has made me something of a scenery snob. The Chinese Wall was nice, but having spent time in the Grand Canyon I wasn't super impressed. I was, however, impressed by how destroyed the trail system is. Nothing I've seen, anywhere, can compare to the muck and mire of the horse chewed trails of the Bob. The Scapegoat was grand hiking indeed, but I took something of a thrashing as a storm pounded me up above treeline for about half of the traverse. It was nice to be out in such a remote area and that, in and of itself, was a treat. I'm setting out on pavement for Bozeman to start this big alternate route that I have set up. I'll rejoin the CDT in the Winds, after passing through the greater yellowstone area.

    Mentally, this has been the most difficult trip so far. I just haven't been able to focus on the here-and-now and seem to spend most of my time brooding about things back home. The night before I left, my woman dropped a bunch of news on me and that is really weighing on me these days. So, I'm spending far, far too much time pining over things that I can do nothing about, which is really the opposite of what a long distance hiker should be doing. Anyhow, I'm definitely on trail until Jackson, and will then re-evaluate what it is I want to do. Every day seems to be a challenge to keep things together in my head, let alone try to grow out here. Or, perhaps, I'm growing and just don't recognize it as such. I'll have to think about this as I swill beer tonight with the few other hikers in town.

    I'm going to take beating coming out of Bozeman, with 165, 210, and 210 mile resupply legs to get me to South Pass City, if I make it that far. I suspect I will, but things might blow up at home and drive me off the trail. My time at the library is almost up and the hikers next to me really stink.

    Blister: Fight the power.

  2. #2


    Best of luck on your way to Jackson, Chris. I liked your term 'scenery snob,' which reminded me of what I call 'grandeur fatigue.' Halfway thru Glacier NP, my friend Sam and I, every time we came around a corner or over a pass, there's another series of escapments, pinnacles, ethereal landscapes, and after a while it's like no big deal! Same thing in the Bob.

    You should write a book. Reading your journal entries is like watching the TV show 'Lost.' One has so many questions (like what was the bomb the woman dropped before you left?). Seriously, your writing is terrific and would make a good book.

    I'll be attempting the Helena segment (Lincoln to Anaconda) in August. Wish me luck.

  3. #3
    Spirit in search of experience. wacocelt's Avatar
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    State of Flux


    Thanks for sharing Chris. I hope you are able to clear your mind and just relax into your body while it does it's thing. The AT has really been doing me alot of good this year since my wife and I seperated, though the isolation of a long days hike does sometimes give one entirely too much time to dwell , like you said, on things you can do nothing about.

    I really like the lyric from one of the songs in Walking with Freedon, Lion Kings doc, 'Tell me a story to take my mind off my mind.'

    I wish you the best man, happy trails and be well!
    Everything is exactly as it should be. This too shall pass.

  4. #4
    Getting out as much as I can..which is never enough. :) Mags's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris
    ...if I make it that far. I suspect I will, but things might blow up at home and drive me off the trail.


    We're rooting for you. Yeah..relationships can throw a curve ball at times (God! How I know that fact this past year or so...), but I find that the wilderness can be a tonic. It is what the Colorado Trail did for me last year..and what the CDT can be for you this year.

    Good luck!
    Paul "Mags" Magnanti
    Twitter: @pmagsco
    Facebook: pmagsblog

    The true harvest of my life is intangible...a little stardust caught,a portion of the rainbow I have clutched -Thoreau

  5. #5


    They don't call the Bob Marshall the "Bog" for nothing. When we passed through it was muddy but not all that bad. Being the fall may have helped.

    The Scapegoat was great even on a day when the wind was blowing hikers off their feet!

    I hope everything works out at home. Hang in there, atleast through the Winds and the Red Desert. There's awesome trail and better times ahead.

  6. #6
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    Wish I could talk you into staying on the trail. Missing 3/4 of the trail in Montana would give me the blues- enjoy that scenery from the pavement? But who am I to say for you? Hopefully the roadwalk will be the tonic that clears your mind. If the Winds don't impress you then your problems are....beyond backpacking!!?! My real wish for you is happiness- good luck Chris

  7. #7


    Looking at the maps, there are a lot of alternate routes that don't include a lot of pavement. There's a lot of National Forest out there. We've considered trying something different next time - just for fun - but then I remember how much I enjoyed the trail in Montana and am not sure I really want something different. But there is a lot of Yellowstone to explore yet, and parts of the Beartooths, and maybe the Gravelly or Tobacco Root range, or who knows what.

    Did you ever talk to Gingerbreadman about his alternate route last year and how it worked? I know he said he planned a route that was off pavement. I never heard whether he actually hiked it though.

  8. #8
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    Thanks for all the responses to my last post. I'm in Bozeman right now after having a rather interesting hitch (meaning it sucked arse standing in the rain for 6 hours until I got a ride) from Lincoln to Helena, then bused it down here. I'll be hitting trail again in a few hours courtesy of a ride from Ryan Jordan. Over the next nearly 400 miles, I'll cross only 4 paved roads. That will put me in Jackson and I'll think about what to do. I've hiked in the Winds before (first trip in the West), so know what is coming up (and want to get back to it), and would actually like to cross the Divide Basin (Red Desert). So I suspect, unless there is some new development on the home front, that I'll be on trail until Steamboat. I'll re-evaluate then.

    Thanks again for the support.

  9. #9
    Registered User Blister's Avatar
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    Default Yo Brotha!

    Think your trip is feeling odd - I'm about to post what I've been up to under my trip report thing. But this entry first! Keep to it, home is still gonna be there whether you are there or not and whatever happens - happens. At least the weather has been holdin out. I was heading out of many glacier when those winds started. DAMN I almost fell over with every gust, my guess is that they were about 75 mph where I was. Slowed down my pace quite a bit - can we say - "didn't stick to my itinerary that night!"
    Saw 2 yes 2! Grizzlys on the 15 something out to Marias Pass (sp?) Be sure to check in on my entry - I just don't want to post everything twice.
    Peace Out Brother!
    Rock on!
    Blister "Bitchen" Sister

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Blister
    Think your trip is feeling odd - I'm about to post what I've been up to under my trip report thing. . .Saw 2 yes 2! Grizzlys on the 15 something out to Marias Pass (sp?) Be sure to check in on my entry - I just don't want to post everything twice.
    Peace Out Brother!
    Rock on!
    Blister - what is the URL for your journal? I've been following as many of the CDT hikers as I can, and somehow never marked yours.

  11. #11
    Registered User
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    Land of Pagosah


    Skipping down to hike another section- now I'm with you! I thought you were going to roadwalk past all that trail. I've only heard of one person doing that and he was doing the trail(?) in sections over several years...sad, what one will do for recognition. Hope the Winds recharged your spirits and everything works out for the best

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