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  1. #1

    Default Cherish every moment....

    Cherish every moment

    This is the second attempt I am making to write this. It is really hard to put this down, but I want to share it here.

    I know that most folks wont understand, but since I am posting this in “Dogs on the Appalachian Trail” forum I suspect the odds are better.

    I lost my friend of 11 years yesterday, and words can not tell you how that makes me feel. I have been very fortunate to have some great dogs in my life, but Peter really was a great one.

    It is not a coincidence that if you look at my last post here, it was to brag about how well behaved he was. He really was amazing, and I never took him for granted.

    Some would say I “rescued” him off of the side of a highway when he was 6 weeks old all those years ago… the truth is that it is more accurate to say he rescued me.

    He was not afraid of much. It is interesting that as I type this, there is a lightening storm flashing around me… one of his only fears. Knowing it can not scare him now is a comfort… now I am crying again. I want to tell the story….

    He rode up to Mississippi with me this weekend to camp at Tishomingo State Park while I had some medical treatments. He loved to hike and camp and was a perfect companion. He had traveled on my small boat to the Bahamas and gone on many adventures… he carried his own pack and was the perfect traveler. People liked him, and even non-dog people commented on how well behaved he was. My general policy was that if I could not take him, I did not want to go. It was a policy that served me well and my only regrets are where I disregarded it.

    We drove back and he was (as usual) content to sleep and look out the window. We got home in the evening and although we had been on the road all day we went for our normal 6.5 mile walk. He gets lots of time off leash on the walk, and chased rabbits as is his custom. We got home, and he finished off the bottom of a carton of cottage cheese for me (the last bite of sandwich, or whatever I was eating ALWAYS belonged to him).

    We settled in for the night, and I slept soundly with him on watch as always. Yesterday morning though, he did not eat his breakfast and I noticed his stomach was swollen. I sensed something was wrong so we went to the vet.

    Apparently he had a tumor that had been growing on his liver, and started to bleed. The vet did an x-ray, then and ultrasound and finally exploratory surgery to learn the liver was so full of blood there was no possible way to save my best friend.

    He allowed my unusual request to come into the operating room and hold Peter’s head as they administered the medication to stop his heart so I could tell him one more time just what a good boy he was and how thankful I was to have had him in my life.

    He was 11, and I really thought we had much more time. The vet had said less then a month earlier that he was in terrific shape. We walk almost 200 miles a month, and he has had excellent care and feeding sine he was a pup.

    No matter if you are a man or a pup, life is short.

    Hike more, Sail more, Live more, Love more, Laugh more... do not let it pass un-noticed or taken for granted... .

    Please cherish every moment.

    Peace and Love,

    Craig and Peter Dog.

    (Clich here to see more pictures of a truly wonderful dog).

    Want a 'Hike Your Own Hike' sticker?... => send me a message <=

    Favorite quote;
    Quote Originally Posted by sailsET View Post
    My guess is that you are terribly lost, and have no idea how to the use the internet.

  2. #2


    Thank you for this beautiful post and the reminder that we are only guaranteed this moment, this day. I am so sorry about the loss of your buddy. It is obvious that you had a special bond with Peter and your post is a fitting tribute to the life you shared together.
    I also lost a young (7 year old) dog very suddenly due to an undiagnosed medical condition. It really turns your world inside out when something like this happens. The unexpectedness of it just seems to make it so much harder. Dog lovers understand. Feel free to PM me if you like.
    The photo link didn't work so you might want to check it again. I think the one that you posted of Peter on the boardwalk, looking back over his shoulder, is wonderfully touching and appropriate. Keep that photo in your mind and heart. He is going forward, but looking back in love at you.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Train Wreck View Post
    The photo link didn't work so you might want to check it again. I think the one that you posted of Peter on the boardwalk, looking back over his shoulder, is wonderfully touching and appropriate. Keep that photo in your mind and heart. He is going forward, but looking back in love at you.
    Thank you so much. I took that picture several years ago, and did not see it that way until just now when you pointed it out... that is really beautiful thank you.

    Here is a link to the pictures
    . I think I had an extra / in the last one.


    (and an extra copy in case the first does not work).
    Want a 'Hike Your Own Hike' sticker?... => send me a message <=

    Favorite quote;
    Quote Originally Posted by sailsET View Post
    My guess is that you are terribly lost, and have no idea how to the use the internet.

  4. #4



    Sorry for your loss of your friend. Two years ago I lost Tigger who was Twelve. He had hyper-thyroidism which we gave him medication to control for two years. The vet prescribed a refill that was half his needed dose and he died in my arms two weeks later. It was an honest accident with the vet and the person working the front desk. It sounds like he had a great life and companion.


  5. #5


    I'm sorry for your loss. It sounds as if you enjoyed every minute you had together, and I'm sure he found your presence at the end comforting. Peace.


  6. #6


    Craig... Sorry for the loss of ur pup, Peter... Beautiful dog... MJ

  7. #7


    I am so sorry to hear that you lost your dog. Dogs are incredible blessings that bring us incredible joy. I lost my 14 year old black lab Angel 5 years ago. What a companion. While recovering from chemotherapy treatments, Angel would lick my bald head (from chemo) as she walked by the couch where I was lying. One time she got on top of me and started licking my bald head all over, causing me to laugh. I wasn’t laughing too much those days because of the grueling treatments. I eventually recovered and then 5 years later Angel was diagnosed with bone cancer in her shoulder. I about died. First me, then the dog. We had to put her down after 6 weeks. What an awful day.

    These things are never easy. It’s a very difficult experience to go through. But I kept being thankful for the incredible joy this 4 footed friend of mine gave. I will always remember that dog.

    Shortly after she died, I tried to contact the breeder where I got her 14 years before. Didn’t know if the number was still good or if they were still breeding labs anymore. To my surprise and delight, the number was good and they were still in business. Matter in fact, they were presently mating two dogs for a possible Spring litter. The breeders kept impeccable records and to my utmost surprise, we found out that the dog that was going to be having pups- was Angel’s niece! We felt like God dropped a gift right out of heaven. While we still grieved the loss of Angel, we felt like God gave us something to look forward to. We had first pick of the litter and couldn’t wait to get our little girl home. Just holding her, we knew we’d be holding a little part of Angel. We named her Gracie Angel, because we felt God was so gracious to us during a very difficult time.

    I am so sorry you lost your dog. And I will be praying for you in the days to come.

    Attached is a picture of Grace Angel when she was a pup, falling asleep with one of Angel’s toys.

    Good luck to you.
    Cozy & Gracie A.

    "I will lift up my eyes to the mountains;
    From where shall my help come?
    My help comes from the LORD,
    Who made heaven and earth."
    -Psalm 121:1-2

  8. #8


    Beautiful post, Sailing Faith, and a fine tribute to Peter. We understand all too well.

  9. #9
    Registered User Moose2001's Avatar
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    Sailing.....great post. Sorry for your loss. Those of us who have had dogs in their lives and lost them totally understand. Hope you find some peace with the wonderful thoughts and memories you have.
    GA - NJ 2001; GA - ME 2003; GA - ME 2005; GA - ME 2007; PCT 2006

    A wise man changes his mind, a fool never will.

  10. #10


    Sorry to hear of you loss; remember the good times!

  11. #11
    Registered User sailsET's Avatar
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    Peter will always be up ahead of you, scouting out the trail, then looking back to check on you, as you hike through this life. He is resting comfortably in your heart, where he will always remain. All of us dog lovers have felt this incredible pain of loss, but would not trade the joy of a life shared, to spare the eventual agony that our dogs can only be with us for part of our journey. Cherish indeed.
    Come sail away, come sail away, come and sail away with me.

  12. #12
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    You gave Peter a great life - You are both very lucky to have found each other.

  13. #13
    Registered User Capt Nat's Avatar
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    I am so sorry for you loss. It will take a long time for you to heal. My heart goes out to you...

  14. #14
    Registered User FatMan's Avatar
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    I am very sorry for your loss. Both you and Peter are so fortunate to have shared such a great relationship.

  15. #15
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    It's so hard to lose a faithful friend. My condolences.

  16. #16


    Oh my goodness... this is so touching & heartbreaking all at the same time. So cool to read about your close relationship, but then, heartbreaking to learn of your loss. My heart goes out to you as a fellow dog lover. I know the day will come for us when we will have to say goodbye to our best friends as well. Thanks for sharing your Peter with us. You are in my thoughts...........

  17. #17


    sorry for your loss, im sure peter loved you as much if not more
    cherish the memories

  18. #18


    Oh Craig. How heartbreaking. Peter was lucky to have such a wonderful and loving person and I'm glad you were able to say good bye and tell him you love him. May your fond memories of your faithful friend carry you through this grief.

  19. #19
    Registered User dink's Avatar
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    such a loss is heartbreaking but he will be waiting for you at the other end of the rainbow bridge...a bond like that is never really broken, just put on hold!

  20. #20
    Registered User Papa D's Avatar
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    Wow - looks like he was a sweet dog - you certainly gave him a great life. Best to you.

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