Quote Originally Posted by Japp View Post
Is it just fine and well to use a 0 10 20 degree bag the whole hike and use it merely as a blanket of sorts. or will it make that much of a difference having two different bags?
I have a -5 degree bag that I use year round. It weighs about 2 lbs and packs up larger than I'd like, but I don't have the money yet to buy a lighter summer (I sleep very cold so spring and fall are definitely for the winter bag) bag. I usually open the bag entirely and use it as a quilt with no trouble at all. I have a fully sewn foot box, but that doesn't mean I have to stick my feet in it. In the heat of the summer, I might wear socks (so my feet have some thermal insulation) and then pull the bag-er-quilt across my torso without sticking my feet in to it. Of note: I use a sleeping bag liner, always, even when not using my bag as a bag.