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  1. #61
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    Keep trying, they'll come around eventually
    Smile, Smile, Smile.... Mile after Mile

  2. #62


    Quote Originally Posted by davenc View Post
    Im glad I found this site. I am sure others have posted the same story Im about to post but this one is mine and would really like some feedback.

    Im 33 and recently left a very unhappy job. I started back to school this month. I have been searching for "something" for my whole life I guess. I come from a Broken family, etc..etc...etc.. and it seems no matter what I do I just can't find it. Even having started school I just feel like Im crawling out of my skin. School is important to me but I have spent so much time f-ing my life up I just feel like I want to spend some time away from the craziness of it all. Im single, no kids...really nothing to keep me away from the trail. For a long time I just felt like i didn't have permission to do anything that was out of the "norm". Then I watched "into the Wild". Yes I know that movie ended with death and I don't wish that on anyone but I fell in love with Alexanders passion for life and also with his rebellious spirit.

    I'm not sure where I'm going with this other then to say I HAVE to do something. I have to walk, I have to prove something to myself. I have to start somewhere!!. I have to get away from the madness. I have to just be with myself, and with other kindred spirits.
    I feel very unprepared because basically I am. Would doing maybe a section of the trail this summer be a smart thing? I live in NC so getting to the trail is just a few hours. I almost feel like not doing something is much more dangerous then doing it. Sounds crazy but it's how I feel.
    Can any of you relate to my babbling? If so let me know if I just need to up my prozac...lol...or if you think Im not really crazy at all. Thanks!!
    You will have to at least spend some time and money assembling the most important and necessary items of gear you will need. Once you do that try going out for a few days close to home and see how you like being out there. It won't take too long to realize wether you will crave more at the end of those few days or wether you won't.

  3. #63
    Registered User weary's Avatar
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    Just go. Not with dreams of a thru hike, but just to get out in the woods and mountains to see what happens. It doesn't matter where you start. If you have the gear start at Amicalola in the next few days. Coming up is the most interesting time for a spring time hike in the south.

    Otherwise start at Waynsboro, or Harpers Ferry, or Maine. It's all great. Just keep in mind that the trail is not for everyone. A decision that it's not for you is not a failure. But just a signal to try something else.

  4. #64
    Registered User mad4scrapping's Avatar
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    Listen to Weary. He's right about this.
    Lead me to the long green tunnel.

  5. #65


    Quote Originally Posted by mad4scrapping View Post
    Listen to Weary. He's right about this.
    With a post short enough to read in one sitting too

  6. #66
    Cerveza - AT 2010; PCT 2011 StormBird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davenc View Post
    Im glad I found this site. I am sure others have posted the same story Im about to post but this one is mine and would really like some feedback.

    Im 33 and recently left a very unhappy job. I started back to school this month. I have been searching for "something" for my whole life I guess. I come from a Broken family, etc..etc...etc.. and it seems no matter what I do I just can't find it. Even having started school I just feel like Im crawling out of my skin. School is important to me but I have spent so much time f-ing my life up I just feel like I want to spend some time away from the craziness of it all. Im single, no kids...really nothing to keep me away from the trail. For a long time I just felt like i didn't have permission to do anything that was out of the "norm". Then I watched "into the Wild". Yes I know that movie ended with death and I don't wish that on anyone but I fell in love with Alexanders passion for life and also with his rebellious spirit.

    I'm not sure where I'm going with this other then to say I HAVE to do something. I have to walk, I have to prove something to myself. I have to start somewhere!!. I have to get away from the madness. I have to just be with myself, and with other kindred spirits.
    I feel very unprepared because basically I am. Would doing maybe a section of the trail this summer be a smart thing? I live in NC so getting to the trail is just a few hours. I almost feel like not doing something is much more dangerous then doing it.
    I totally feel ya man! I felt/feel the same way before I started trail and after I finished it whenever I get back to the "main stream life". I say go for it! If not the AT, some other wild adventure that is going to shake up your life. As a really good trail friend of mine always says, "you only have so much time to sell." Go spend it doing something you love that makes you feel alive!
    Trail Name: Cerveza

  7. #67


    Quote Originally Posted by davenc View Post
    I feel very unprepared because basically I am. Would doing maybe a section of the trail this summer be a smart thing? I live in NC so getting to the trail is just a few hours. I almost feel like not doing something is much more dangerous then doing it.
    Quote Originally Posted by weary View Post

    Otherwise start at Waynsboro, or Harpers Ferry, or Maine. It's all great. Just keep in mind that the trail is not for everyone. A decision that it's not for you is not a failure. But just a signal to try something else.
    This is true. However suggesting the OP travel up to the great state of Maine all the way from North Carolina to try backpacking for the first time only to find out he doesn't enjoy what he is doing, and then have to turn around and travel back home to me is not the best advice. He clearly states he lives in North Carolina and that "I feel very unprepared because basically I am". He also states that getting to the trail in North Carolina would only take a "few hours". I think the overall best advice would be that he stays locally until he decides wether backpacking and thru-hiking is really indeed for him. Just my 2cents worth

  8. #68
    Registered User weary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DapperD View Post
    This is true. However suggesting the OP travel up to the great state of Maine all the way from North Carolina to try backpacking for the first time only to find out he doesn't enjoy what he is doing, and then have to turn around and travel back home to me is not the best advice. He clearly states he lives in North Carolina and that "I feel very unprepared because basically I am". He also states that getting to the trail in North Carolina would only take a "few hours". I think the overall best advice would be that he stays locally until he decides wether backpacking and thru-hiking is really indeed for him. Just my 2cents worth
    Probably I wasn't wise to put Maine on the list. Maine hiking is so spectacular compared with the rest of the trail, that he might get the wrong impression.

  9. #69
    Registered User skooch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by weary View Post
    Just go. Not with dreams of a thru hike, but just to get out in the woods and mountains to see what happens. It doesn't matter where you start. If you have the gear start at Amicalola in the next few days. Coming up is the most interesting time for a spring time hike in the south.

    Otherwise start at Waynsboro, or Harpers Ferry, or Maine. It's all great. Just keep in mind that the trail is not for everyone. A decision that it's not for you is not a failure. But just a signal to try something else.
    thanks. that was so nice and encouraging for all of us taking our first AT hike
    Those that danced were thought mad by those who could not hear the music. George Carlin

  10. #70
    Registered User msikora4's Avatar
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    This is a great opportunity and you certainly have any number of supporters here.

    I quit my job a year ago after realizing that it was going nowhere (possibly killing me!) and soon after had an invite to hike 40 miles of the AT in Maine. I had not backpacked since 1979, am way out of shape, and had no clue what I was getting into. It was the most amazing thing I have ever done.

    I can not stop thinking about it, gathering equipment, and planning the next trip. They all think I am crazy! Oh well...I am getting in shape, working at what I want when I want and enjoying life much more.

    Take a shot on a portion of the trail. As other have said...you may just keep on going!

  11. #71


    I feel very unprepared because basically I am. Would doing maybe a section of the trail this summer be a smart thing? I live in NC so getting to the trail is just a few hours. I almost feel like not doing something is much more dangerous then doing it. Sounds crazy but it's how I feel. You've got nothing to tie you down. Get to Springer this spring. Start hiking north. Think of the first 30 miles as a section hike. Then when you get to Neels Gap, let them do a pack shakedown with you. You'll be ready to go the rest of the way.

  12. #72
    Registered User Boo's Avatar
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    I'm packed, have the time and desire/need to hike on the AT for the first time and to hike overnights solo for the first time. But I do keep thinking about being solo. Not so much the day hiking but the end of the physical hiking. I've read on WB enough to understand I'll be fine and safe but I think it may be stopping me from just getting in the car and driving to Amicalola Falls. I will do this and I have the time now but reading the encouragement on the various threads here is helpful.

  13. #73


    You have no holds to keep you back...give it a try. One way or another...it will change your life.


  14. #74
    Registered User Boo's Avatar
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    I know that doing this hike solo is the right thing for me. One big part of this hike I'm wanting to accomplish is also the part I'm most worried about. "Always do what you are afraid to do." Ralph Waldo Emerson This is want I keep telling myself.

  15. #75
    aka -OvertheEdge- :)
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    Quote Originally Posted by the goat View Post
    when you boil it down, it's just going for a walk. nothing crazy about that.
    Yep, That's how it starts. You take a little walk, next thing you know you are sitting in the dirt eating instant mashed potatoes talking to chipmonks
    Alcohol was involved!

  16. #76
    aka -OvertheEdge- :)
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    Could not say better. take some day hikes. Get a pack, bag, tent and a few other odds and ends search the forums and go cheap. Just go, doesn't even have to be the AT lots of good trails out there. Just go and enjoy. You won't find anything out there but awe and wonder, but you will be amazed what you will loose.
    Alcohol was involved!

  17. #77
    double d's Avatar
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    I haven't thru-hiked, but I do hike when I can (just had a great two week hike on the Long Trail in Vermont) and all I think that hiking 2170 miles will give you alot of time to think through your life, what it means to you, what you want to see, do and dedicate yourself to others/career/community/lifes passions, etc. No one gets out alive and hiking makes you feel alive (even it when it can get tough)!
    "I told my Ma's and Pa's I was coming to them mountains and they acted as if they was gutshot. Ma, I sez's, them mountains is the marrow of the world and by God, I was right". Del Gue

  18. #78


    Springer has been this spring. Start hiking north. Plus one as the first 30 miles. Then when you Neels gap to blackmail them with your package. You're ready to rest the way.

  19. #79
    Registered User Wise Old Owl's Avatar
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    Dogs are excellent judges of character, this fact goes a long way toward explaining why some people don't like being around them.


  20. #80


    I'm not sure what the above video has to do with this thread, but it was entertaining!

    BTW, it seems unlikely the OP ever did get on the trail, Guess thru-hiking wasn't something he had to do after all...
    Follow slogoen on Instagram.

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