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  1. #61
    Registered User Hyway's Avatar
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    I am basically new here, but the first thing you learn is to ignore the negative comments. they fall like snow here

  2. #62


    university of illinois champaign law school? has anyone else seen the scandals involving uiuc-law admissions? Their reputation is on par with the last several governors of the great state of Illinois(read: 2 of them are incarcerated, the third has charges pendind). I'm sure glad I didn't go there! Wake Forest 2011, w00t!

  3. #63
    ME => GA 19AT3 rickb's Avatar
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    Good luck to all, especially the Imps!

    Check this out...


  4. #64
    Moo-terrific CowHead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Covetree View Post
    That's ok with me. Along as it's a job that I enjoy.
    The best advice someone gave me is this Start slow then go slower give you feet, mind and soul the time to adjust. Then anything and everything will work out. The number one reason for failure is attitude, second is injury, have the right first one will also prevent the second one. When you get to maryland send a note trail magic will happen.
    Would you be offended if I told you to

    "If at first you don't succeed......Skydiving is not for you" Zen Isms

    I once was lost, then I hike the trail

  5. #65


    Quote Originally Posted by Frosty View Post
    Not to be a pain, but this is not right. It would be (assuming one in five is correct) for three hikers selected totally randomly, but not for three hikers traveling together, or three people who know each other, or three hikers selected any way that isn't totally random.

    When any type of selection process is used, there are other factors at play besides the basic one in five that makes the analysis invalid.
    Yes, there is some effect from being in a group but there are both positive and negative benefits to that that are hard to assess and which to some degree will balance each other out, but essentially it is three independent events. Certainly the chance that all three finish is much smaller than the chance that just one hiker finishes and that is the point I was making.

  6. #66
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    Wait, so one of 'em gurgles about Survivor being her "all-time favorite show", yet blogs that she "dislikes the media influence on society"

  7. #67
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    This sounds vaguely familiar.

    Searching...ah yes. Here it is...


  8. #68
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    While I have my doubts as to whether or not they might all complete their hike and project, I note, Nuthatch, that you've confused two of the hikers in you comment about "one favoring Survivor yet disliking media". That is actually two separate hikers. I think if they're expecting Survivor though, they have a rude awakening ahead of them, that is a show geared directory towards a television market and although they 'rough it' on the island, it is all contrived drama.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nuthatch View Post
    This sounds vaguely familiar.

    Searching...ah yes. Here it is...

    I’m not soliciting any sort of financial support on this forum. If anything I’m looking for moral support or advice, just as anyone on here is. And in general, I would say that the funding of a traveling expedition is each individual’s responsibility and private matter, not an issue open for public dispute.

    In terms of being able to make the documentary (this woman evidently did not), our chances of completing it are as good as anyone else’s chances of hiking all the way through from Georgia to Maine. We are going to try, just as anyone who has ever completed the trail has done.

  10. #70


    I was encouraged to make a documentary and gave it some serious thought. However, I thought hiking be difficult enough, let alone with someone else AND participating in a documentary would be too much of an effort. I participated in a one week long documentary for the BBC and I couldn't imagine being involved in anything longer. But that's not say you guys can't do it of course.

    I just hope that your priority lies with the Trail and not the film. I'd encourage you to stand firm with the producer and that you take care of your needs before the wants of the documentary.

    Best of luck to you all. The thread title comes across as a little pretentious though (IMHO) and I hope that it doesn't form the basis of your treatment/synopsis.
    Tintin hikes the Appalachian Trail
    Trail Journal, Website, Twitter

  11. #71


    Quote Originally Posted by Covetree View Post
    I’m not soliciting any sort of financial support on this forum. If anything I’m looking for moral support or advice, just as anyone on here is. And in general, I would say that the funding of a traveling expedition is each individual’s responsibility and private matter, not an issue open for public dispute.

    In terms of being able to make the documentary (this woman evidently did not), our chances of completing it are as good as anyone else’s chances of hiking all the way through from Georgia to Maine. We are going to try, just as anyone who has ever completed the trail has done.
    Everything you say here is correct and no one suspected you of bad motives or improper behavior. Also I want to wish you good luck and hope that you are successful. I will be following your blog so please keep it updated!

    Now unsolicited, free advice worth exactly what you paid for it:

    Don't try to push yourselves too much at first to keep to your itinerary, which is very unrealistic.

    More importantly, keep an open mind with your expectations about what hiking the trail for five months will be like because it most definitely will not be what you expect it to be. That dissonance between expectation and reality ends many a thru-hike. If you just take the reality of your hike as it is step by step, tree to tree, mountain top to mountain top, and resupply to resupply and not try to measure it or compare it to your expectations, then you will be much more likely to both enjoy it and finish it.

    To support that, I just read about a study that showed the most enjoyable aspects of most vacations are planning and looking forward to it, that the actual enjoyment during the vacation and feeling of contentment afterwards did not, in most instances, live up to the anticipation. Cultivate a Buddhist here & now outlook. And have fun!

  12. #72


    Quote Originally Posted by Smoky in TN View Post
    Is this a thru hike or a traveling circus?
    The answer is yes. Hopefully.
    Drab as a Fool, as aloof as a Bard!


  13. #73


    If you make it as far as Vermont I can pick you up near Manchester and offer you a shower and dry bed if not in August as I am doing a thru hike of the Long Trail around then. Good luck. Hope you make it this far!


  14. #74
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    Latest Blog entry from http://appalachiantrail2010.blogspot....html#comments:

    We trudged on from Neels Gap (in the rain) and when we arrived at our destination for the night, the shelter was full and we had no tents. I thought we would have to spend the night sleeping in the mud under the shelter, with all the mice. NoWe trudged on from Neels Gap (in the rain) and when we arrived at our destination for the night, the shelter was full and we had no tents. I thought we would have to spend the night sleeping in the mud under the shelter, with all the mice. No way! There was a young man who had arrived at the same time as us and was assembling his 2- person tent. I invited myself to sleep in his tent with him for the night, and he obliged. Based on his reaction, I think it's rare for a woman in these parts to be so bold. I was thankful to have a dry and semi-warm place to rest my head for the night. Temperatures that night and the following two nights went below freezing- it was so cold!

    The longer I am out here, the more apparent it becomes that the thru-hiking community is predominantly composed of men, many of whom neglect to show me respect and aknowledge that I exist. Some have implied that I shouldn't be out here, and that long distance hiking is a man's leisure activity. After three nights of tolerating these fraternity house attitudes, and enduring the skeptical glances, I decided to show the men why I am out here. On Wednesday morning everyone packed up and moved out to hike the ten miles to Dick's Creek Gap (where we had our box of food hidden). I waited until all the men had started hiking, and then I took off like lightning down the trail. Within five miles, I passed every single one of those men, and I left them eating my trail of dust. I was hoping to show them that I am just as physically and mentally capable as they are. I finished the ten miles in record time, so I sat around waiting and watching as all the men I had passed hours ago arrived. When the man who had been sending dirty looks in my direction arrived, he finally asked me "what's your name?" It worked! I put them all in their place and gained their respect as a fellow thru-hiker.

    Bolding mine.

    Umm...I really hope she's joking here...she brings no shelter of her own, bullies her way into a total stranger's tent, complains that the men don't respect her, then "put them all in their place" then next day?

  15. #75
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    RE. the last post... can't really do much else but shake my head and sigh and wonder why some people hike. Yeah, she really put those guys in their place... what with her being unprepared and hiking a whole ten miles in a day. I am not trying to belittle the various mileage hikers do, whether big or small, but please... this girl needs to grow up.

  16. #76


    Well, I was right, seems like she likes to party!

  17. #77


    It's entirely possible that one of the things she might eventually gain from being on the trail is caring a little less about what other people think of her.

    That would be something that might actually gain the respect of those around her.

    'Cause I can say this from first hand experience: If being the last to leave a shelter and passing everyone who left before me was the sort of thing to garner respect, I'd be the most respected person on the trail. And we all know that's not true.
    Drab as a Fool, as aloof as a Bard!


  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jester2000 View Post
    'Cause I can say this from first hand experience: If being the last to leave a shelter and passing everyone who left before me was the sort of thing to garner respect, I'd be the most respected person on the trail. And we all know that's not true.
    She didn't train at all for the trail. She does not possess even the most basic shelter for herself. In her mind, all she has to do to get shelter for herself (not her 2 companions, just herself, mind you) is flirt and /or bully her way into any man's tent she encounters.

    This will end well I'm sure.

  19. #79


    Quote Originally Posted by Nuthatch View Post
    She didn't train at all for the trail. . .
    Nothing wrong with that. I never do any training. It's overrated.
    Drab as a Fool, as aloof as a Bard!


  20. #80
    Registered User gunner76's Avatar
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    Does she ,Emily Ginger, invite herself into some strange guys room at the hotel when the hotel she stops at is full ? She sounds like a spoiled brat who needs to grow up.
    Hammock Hanger by choice

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    Bears love people, they say we taste just like chicken.

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