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  1. #41
    Registered User Just Jack's Avatar
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    I would bet that the closing date for signing up for this trip was
    many months ago. I would also bet that trip particiants were
    expected to begin a conditioning program to get themselves
    ready for the practice and the trip proper. I would also bet
    they were given a practice hike schedule. This hike should be
    no surprise and they should be ready.

  2. #42
    So many trails... so little time. Many Walks's Avatar
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    Post: Okay, it's definitely backpacking, with full pack. Here is a quote from the site (bolding mine):

    "an individual must participate in at least 16 days of group preparation. They also must complete at least two, three-day, 60+mile practice hikes with backpack between April 3, 2009 and April 5, 2010"

    It appears to me that they have a 16 day period of preparation for their hikes. My biggest question is, if they slack pack the entire trail, why would they do long prep hikes with full thru hiking gear? You included "with backpack" and maybe assume it is a full pack? That may only be a day pack with what a slackpacker usually brings, jacket, water, snacks, tp, first aid, and camera (or similar). If that's the case, with a little prep like breaking in boots and doing some miles before hand to get into shape, 60 miles in 3 days is not bad at all over easy terrain. A walk in the park with no load.

    I know she asked for your help, but the story just doesn't add up. I think there is a little more to it. She's a big girl and should be able to make up her mind about her dream. If it really is a tough first hike with full pack and she makes it through, then she might be fine for the trip. If she can't make it for 3 days, she'll never make 4 months. IMO, I think they are slack packing on the practice hikes just to get their confidence up on the miles they cover. It's worth checking again to be sure. Wish her the best.
    That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest. Henry David Thoreau

  3. #43


    there are ways to do the trail, warren offers one. no one should discourage warren's way as it clearly works for some. and if it doesn't work for you, then try another because surely it can be done by anyone.

  4. #44
    Formerly thickredhair Gaiter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Parkay View Post
    but I've heard that his groups have a very high completion rate.. and that they tend to have a great time.
    I've heard the opposite, injury is a big problem and they are miserable... he starts out w/ a group that pre-pays for the whole trip, then they drop off w/o any refund... and the completion rate is low...
    but this is just what i heard second hand

  5. #45

  6. #46
    Formerly thickredhair Gaiter's Avatar
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    i finished reading the thread, didn't see the second and third page....
    kinda wondering about the source that i heard that from... or maybe its old info... did warren have a lower rate when he first started the slacking?

  7. #47


    don't know, only recall high completion rate - his words

  8. #48
    Registered User Pokey2006's Avatar
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    I need to clear up a few misconceptions here.

    This is not actually the first practice hike for the 2010 Circle Expedition -- Post's friend is joining in a little bit late in the game. Which is fine, but most of the people who will be on this hike have been on at least one of the other practice hikes. We started out last May with two back-to-back 20-mile slackpacking days. Then we worked our way up to a 3-day backpack, hiking about 20 miles per day, from Linden, VA to the Dahlgren Campground in MD.

    Yes, the hikes were tough. But Warren does take responsibility for every hiker on the trip. He "sweeps," hiking at the very rear, making sure everyone makes it into camp at the end of every night. We had one woman in the fall who quit after two days. Warren stayed with her, making sure she got to town and was safely settled into a hotel for the night while the rest of us hiked on. Expedition members have been learning to look out for each other, as well.

    The group is made up of people with various backpacking experience, from a couple of us with a lot of experience, to some who started out with absolutely none.

    Yes, the upcoming practice hike, unlike the actual 2010 expedition, is a backpack, not a slackpack. Everyone is expected to pack as lightly as possible. That means tarps instead of tents, minimal food, no "luxuries." On the last trip, everyone had adequate shelter, food and clothing, despite packing lightly.

    24 miles on the first day sounds awful. But the terrain is about as gentle as the AT gets -- not very rocky, very little elevation gain, etc. (we'll be in the MD-PA area). The second and third days are shorter in mileage, too.

    Even if I don't join Warren's group for the 2010 hike, I have to say that I have learned more about my own abilities on his practice hikes than I ever did on my own backpacking trips. I know how far, how fast and how light I can travel. Call it a forced march if you will; I call it a challenge. What fun is life if you don't challenge yourself and test your limits once in a while?

    Post, I would advise your friend to break in those boots and start doing some practice hikes/walks. She might want to work on lightening her load, too. Please send me a PM if you'd like to put me in direct touch with her. I'd be happy to offer her my advice.

    And guys, don't knock it 'til you try it...

  9. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by Pokey2006 View Post
    What fun is life if you don't challenge yourself and test your limits once in a while?
    i understand and agree with what you said, except a lot of the challenge is taken away when someone else is doing the leading. the rest is just walking.

    Quote Originally Posted by pokey206
    And guys, don't knock it 'til you try it...
    whatever works, works, but this would never work for me.

  10. #50
    Registered User Pokey2006's Avatar
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    I don't see how a hike like this is any less challenging just because someone else put it together. Huh? How does having a "leader" lessen the challenge? It's still just walking whether you're on your own or following someone else's schedule.

  11. #51


    Quote Originally Posted by Pokey2006 View Post
    I don't see how a hike like this is any less challenging just because someone else put it together. Huh? How does having a "leader" lessen the challenge? It's still just walking whether you're on your own or following someone else's schedule.
    you're quite right. for me, it would be challenging to follow someone else's plan. a large part of being out there, is being away from someone else's designs for me. it simply wouldn't work for me. yet, i do appreciate that it works for others, which is cool. see ->

  12. #52
    Registered User Pokey2006's Avatar
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    It's definitely not for everyone. Hence, the reason why Warren does these practice hikes. If it's not for you, you learn that -- very quickly.

    The practice hikes have actually had the opposite effect on me, personally. I started out disliking the idea of hiking with a group, and have come to really appreciate the idea. I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to this upcoming hike.

    Oh, and Post had mentioned something about not wanting his friend to end up in tears over this hike...well, that's one thing I can't promise: I can't promise that there won't be any tears. There have been plenty so far. Tears of exhaustion and pain, tears of fear for some hiking at night for the first time, tears of frustration for those who became separated from the group. But there were also tears of pride and accomplishment, and tears of friendship. It's a very emotional thing, and not always in a bad way.

  13. #53


    I hike with bro. We get all giggly planning and prepping. The sniveling starts when we pass the first 200 feet of elevation gain. We don't need any help with any of that.

  14. #54


    You guys crack me up. You fell for this hook line and sinker. It is a troll looking to start crap about warren. Jack aint here so it didn't work, but ya'll keep on.


  15. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by rcli4 View Post
    You guys crack me up. You fell for this hook line and sinker. It is a troll looking to start crap about warren. Jack aint here so it didn't work, but ya'll keep on.

    bah, sounded legit to me and some are giving it a real review, different takes than past haste

  16. #56
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    Post, so long as your friend doesn't fall into the mindset that this is the ONLY way or the BEST way to prep for a Thru, she'll find her way.
    If as Pokey says, she's joining in a training plan already in progress, she just needs to do a little catch-up on her on time to get up to speed.
    Shared trauma does cause people to bond quicker for the most part.
    Good Luck to her.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pokey2006 View Post
    I need to clear up a few misconceptions here.
    Thanks for all the great info, Pokey. I feel much better about encouraging her on this now that I have a lot more info. I am confident now that she's in good, competent hands with Warren. And yes, I'm calling her today to ask if she wants to go on a hike!

  18. #58
    Registered User weary's Avatar
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    I've met Warren Doyle on several occasions, and met a couple of his groups at reunions at the Cabin in Andover, ME. The group members all seemed happy and proud of their accomplishments under Waren's leadership.

  19. #59


    I have met a few thru-hikers celebrating their thru's. They seem very happy and proud of their accomplishment under their own leadership. so what?

  20. #60
    Registered User weary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tin Man View Post
    I have met a few thru-hikers celebrating their thru's. They seem very happy and proud of their accomplishment under their own leadership. so what?
    We were asked questions about a particular kind of thru hike. I replied with what little personal knowledge I had, for what, if any, value it might have.

    Warren's "Circles," are not something I would be especially interested in doing. But having seen and talked with past participants I recognize that his kind of walks are valuable and enjoyable to some.

    My current goal in life is to find and protect attractive places for people to walk, and to encourage people to use these and existing walking opportunities.

    Last edited by weary; 03-14-2009 at 13:17. Reason: misplaced comma

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