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  1. #21


    Trail Miles: 5,265.4
    AT Map 1: ✔ | 13-21'
    Sheltowee Trace: ✔ | 20-23'
    Pinhoti Trail: ✔ | 23-24'
    Foothills Trail: ✔ | 24'
    BMT: 168.3
    CDT: 210.9

    GSMNP900: 134.7
    AT Map 2: 279.4

  2. #22
    Registered User
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    Denver Colorado


    Quote Originally Posted by VeganHiker View Post
    Veganism is people taking a look at the cruel reality of the unnecessary mistreatment of animals and saying- let’s find better options. What your statements attempt to do is stop yourself from acknowleding that you personally, and society have better options than the massive abuse and torture of animals.
    I’m sticking with my “needs attention” rational. Between Vegans, The Stop Oil crowd and the let an illegal sleep on your couch advocates, I’m convinced of a juge mental health crisis in America!

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gambit McCrae View Post
    And if that is the case then there is a possibility it died of avian flu. Google tells me this is still active in US bird populations hence the ups and down of poultry and egg prices. The avian flu can be transmitted to humans from the feces, feces dust, uncooked meat and via fluids and droplets from the mouth, nose and eyes. Although using feathers and down is an interesting idea, I would depose of it and sterilize the freezer.

  4. #24


    If it died of avian flu,both birds would be dead.Highly contagious,and not survivable.

  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by VeganHiker View Post
    Veganism is people taking a look at the cruel reality of the unnecessary mistreatment of animals and saying- lets find better options. What your statements attempt to do is stop yourself from acknowleding that you personally, and society have better options than the massive abuse and torture of animals.
    That is not MY reason for being mostly, plant based. And in this case, the goose did not die of massive abuse or torture, yet you rejoined with suggesting it's body not be made use of. Which implies some other objection to the use of animal bodies, which may be valid but are not the ones you state.

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Hosh View Post
    I’m sticking with my “needs attention” rational. Between Vegans, The Stop Oil crowd and the let an illegal sleep on your couch advocates, I’m convinced of a juge mental health crisis in America!
    Your conflation of vegans, stop oil and immigration issues is certainly an indication of mental decline in at least one US resident. Veganism is a lifestyle choice that most (but clearly not all) followers pursue quietly. "Stop Oil", by which I assume you mean the anti fossil fuel movement encompasses a wide range of folk, some foolishly dogmatic some just practically concerned with the impact of man on earth's climate. Not sure how either of those interact with immigration policy, which if the other two are barely tangental the purpose of White Blaze, is certainly not in any way topical to hiking.

    I've talked with many (non-vegan and vegan ) climate scientists who disagree on many things related to climate, but not on the fact that man is having an impact. It probably is pretty smart to "Stop Oil" even if a practical person would say it will take a long time. A thru hike takes a long time, but takes even longer if you don't start walking.

  7. #27
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    When you talk to climate scientist do you ask them about their dietary preferences or are you able to ascertain them based on your lifetime of experience? As a simpleton, I find Birkenstocks versus cowboy boots to be a leading indicator. It’s difficult to fully comprehend the depth of your knowledge from a simple internet post, have you published peer reviewed papers, a blog we could attempt to comprehend?

  8. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by Hosh View Post
    When you talk to climate scientist do you ask them about their dietary preferences or are you able to ascertain them based on your lifetime of experience? As a simpleton, I find Birkenstocks versus cowboy boots to be a leading indicator. It’s difficult to fully comprehend the depth of your knowledge from a simple internet post, have you published peer reviewed papers, a blog we could attempt to comprehend?
    They were eating steak at the time, so…

    I’m not a scientist, so no papers.

    Mods should probably kill this one off, too far south.

  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by CalebJ View Post
    Maybe this is confusing to you...

    I didn't enter this thread to lecture the OP (twice) that what they needed wasn't an answer to their question, but to change their belief system about how animals should be treated.

    I appreciate that you have an opinion on the matter. But you don't seem to understand that there's a time and place to have a conversation about something like this, and someone else's thread really isn't the place to do so.
    Look at the angry flesh eater trying to censor vegans in an atempt to claim victimhood. I will give my opinion if I feel the need to, glad that makes you mad. because I see you want ot censor vegans.

  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by VeganHiker View Post
    Look at the angry flesh eater trying to censor vegans in an atempt to claim victimhood. I will give my opinion if I feel the need to, glad that makes you mad. because I see you want ot censor vegans.
    Opinions are like anuses…everyone has one and they all stink. Your shrill expression of yours is anti-persuasive.

    You clearly look down on flesh eating people, because they eat meat. People are animals, cats are animals. Cats are flesh eaters. Do you look down on cats? Cats often seem to torture their prey.

    Even organic farmers kill insects to enhance vegetable production. Is that okay? If not, you’re going to starve millions of human animals to death. If it is okay, then is it okay to eat bugs?

    You and Hosh are just two sides of the same coin.

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