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  1. #1

    Default RE: WhiteBlaze.net ON LIFE SUPPORT? Much Needed Makeover? Who's the Healthcare Proxy?

    I posted the previous thread and then was banned from responding to negtive comments from the ancient moderators who contol this site. It's very typical behavior of people who are scared of change.

    Initial Observations:

    1. Basic Spelling: The basic topic group of "Foot Ware" is spelled "Footware": A spellcheck is desperately needed. But I'm sure the moderators already knew this.

    2. Responding to Comments: Users post commments then don't know which threads have been responded to. It's demotivating to have to remember which thread users were commenting on, which at times are multiple.

    3. Outdated Site: This site reminds me of Instant Messaging from the 80's. I'm not complaining about the content, but the UX design is archaic.

    4. Website UX Expereince: Thread categories need to be bettter organized to improve UX.

    I was a UX consultant for awhile (B2B, B2C), helped design sites (front end) and utilized research to improve UX using demographic data, meta-analysis, mixed-method research, benchmarking, etc. My comments on threads (and creation of threads) have been a breath of fresh air in this stagnant pool of murky water. I've also kept an eye on who responds and who doesn't. This site is obviously highly-controlled, and apparently for unknown reasons. I actually wonder if Whiteblaze.net a honey pot for law enforcement because some of the threads are highly innapropriate and out of context. And yes, I'm aware of sites that do this and there are technical reasons why the UX is kept bare bones.

    Regardless, All Good Deeds Go Unpunished as they say. This is another typical case of, "It's how our fathers did it. It's how Our grandfathers did it. And by golly, it's how we do it because it's the American Way."
    Unfortunately, it's the movers, shakers and disruptors who move the world forward.

    I'm not concerend about going along with the good ol boys. When technology is available to make our lives easier, let's do it. And if you don't know how, then move aside and let smart people do it for you.

    It's the newest users who will always be able to point out the most problematic aspects of a design because they're the ones who are noticing cognitive/logical discrepencies for the first time.

    I look forward to being banned form responding to this thread as well including being banned from the site.

    Since I received a number of mean commments last time from specific senior moderators, here's my less than polite rebutle to them:

    This site reminds me of the old strtched out whitey tighty underwear that grandfathers wear with holes in the waist band and yellow stains/skid marks in the crotch. They refuse to buy new ones

    because they "fit well" and they have no one to impress anymore.

    Wake up (and get it up
    ) Grandpas because it seems like your low testosterone levels are resulting in man boobs.
    -- Probably written after hiking 8 miles and drinking a beer or two.

  2. #2


    In the words of Lionel Ritchie, "You know it ain't so hard to say, would you please just go away."
    The older I get, the faster I hiked.

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Hendricks Cty, Indiana


    This site has been extremely helpful to me[more than others I have used]. Whiteblaze may not be for everyone. You obviously don't like it, just leave it be for those who do. Sounds like you have a personal beef with the moderators or ?? Let it go man.

  4. #4


    If you don’t like the site, create your own.

  5. #5
    Registered User Trekker John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Orlando, Florida


    I am an administrator on 8 different VerticalScope forums - and troublemakers like this hardly make it past dinnertime.
    Walk, Stumble, Fall Down - Walk, Stumble, Fall Down - Walk, Stumble, Fall Down - Repeat as many times as necessary until you get it right.

  6. #6
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Central CT


    Right, because everybody should get with the new age and what's current and technology and yada yada... Maybe you don't realize some people get away in nature to get away from that crap and obviously a lot of people like this better then whatever is happening in the new age of internet and whatever you want. I haven't heard many people on your side yet.
    nobo 2018 March 10th - October 19th
    I'm just one too many mornings and 1,000 miles behind

  7. #7
    Registered User
    Join Date


    I learned a long time ago not to wrestle with pigs, but I guess I must be bored or something...so I have to ask: Why are you here?
    fortis fortuna adjuvat

  8. #8
    Administrator attroll's Avatar
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    Denmark, Maine, United States
    Journal Entries


    I will answer a few of your concerns.

    You were not banned from posting in the previous thread that you started about the same subject. The thread was closed from posting because you jumped in with such a negative attitude and directly attacked the website.

    Then you come back four days later and start the same topic again directly attacking the website and the people on it. The web site does not support direct attack on its users and the website. The purpose of the website is to promote sharing and helping others interested in the Appalachian Trail. It is not here to let people cause trouble and try to get others upset at each other. If that is what you intend to do, then please do not post at all.

    To answer some of your recent questions:

    1. If you notice a spelling mistake in something in the structure of the web site, please reach out to the website through the Contact Us link and let us know. You don’t have to make a big scene about it in a website post in the forums.
    2. If you post on the web site and would like to know if someone responds to your topic, all you need to do is subscribe to that thread and you will get notified by an email once someone has replied.
    3. If you do not like the color layout of the web site and you think it looks like “Instant Messaging from the 80's”, you can change the style with the quick style changer and find a different one that you may like better.

    At the end of your post, you made the statement “I look forward to being banned from responding to this thread as well including being banned from the site”. That tells me you only came here to disrupt posting and to cause trouble. If that is your intent and you don’t like the website and the users posting on it, you do not have to return.

    This thread will be closed again because as I stated the web site does not tolerate anyone coming here to try and cause trouble and disrupt others.
    AT Troll (2010)
    Time does not wait for you, it keeps on rolling.

    Whiteblaze.net User Agreement.

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