" Since I've been on this trail, things don't always seem to go round ! "
- The Earth
" Trees of the Appalachian Mountain range will soon develop white rectangles on teh lower part of their trunks, following the laws of natural evolution : and teh more hikers walk nearby, the more likely it will happen."
- Darwin, On the Origin of Species.
" Are you Sobo or Nobo ?"
- Christopher Colombus.
" Where are you from ?"
- The Statue of Liberty.
" How many miles today ?"
- ?
" Where did you stay last night ?"
- Mh FBI agent : my man !
" How many pounds does your pack weight ?"
- United Airlines.
" Are you in possession of any alcohol... tobacco... or any raw milk cheese ? ... haha! just kidding."
- The U.S. Customs, when I leave the country.
" You have the right to remain on an empty stomach.
Any pasteurized cheese that you eat can - and will - be held again you in a court of cows."
- The French Customs, as I've landed.

As I just crossed Springer's : a big ThAnK YoU, from the bottom of my heart, to all volunteers of the AT.
To everybody who spent 1 hour maintaining the trail : Thank You !
To everybody who picked up only 1 trash on the trail, to everybody who cleaned a shelter or moved a rock or helped securing a section : Thank you !
I would've never done it without you service, your hard work and your love.

Now I just have a quick question...
Señora : ¿ a qué hora séra el tren para Miami ? )))