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  1. #1
    Registered User One Half's Avatar
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    Default Keto/Low carb friendly trail ready foods

    Sure I know all about nuts and seeds. I eat very low carb (usually) and have been freeze drying my own backpacking meals and they are great. Today I found a new "wheat belly compliant" snack that would probably work for 2-3 days on the trail depending on weather. It's an uncured "beef stick" by Greenridge Farm. No nasty additives and fillers. Completely cooked. Strong smell though so I wouldn't suggest carrying it in a place with lots of bear activity and you should definitely hang your food bag well. I may actually repackage individual sticks for my next trip as they come 4 in a package.

    Found these at Costco.


    A vigorous five-mile walk will do more good for an unhappy but otherwise healthy adult than all the medicine and psychology in the world. ~Paul Dudley White

  2. #2


    Sure, those are good, we've eaten the beef and the chicken ones for a few years now. Good stuff but wet and potentially smelly, like you say. We bought a Food Saver machine that does the suction bags--it's a smart way to carry food like this, better than ziplock bags. Costco also sometimes sells a dry meat stick called Hempler's uncured landjaeger. Indivudally wraped 1.5 oz sticks which I highly recommend.

    We have a dehydrater and prior to backpacking trips we dry a lot of hamburger and steak. We combine these with dried whole egg powder, cheddar cheese powder, spices, and dried vegetables for nice one-pot dinners. Another nice low-carb food is sugar-free beef jerky. People's Choice is a good brand, but Tillamook makes some now too.

    The great thing about hiking low carb is the lack of "hiker hunger" caused by massive insulin spikes (sorry Little Debbie). I can say I've done hard 10-day trips, never felt weak, didn't eat a lot, and never got hungry. Another advantage is avoiding type 2 diabetes later in life--yes it happens to hikers, just like quite a few marathoners who eat high carb! Your bloodstream can only hole a teaspoon of sugar... how do you think your body is going to deal with hundreds of grams of the (toxic) stuff? Right, it can't deal with it well...it's just a massive problem for 90% of people if they eat that way.

  3. #3
    Registered User JNI64's Avatar
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    Make your own jerky, y'all are freeze drying and dehydrating meals and meat already why not make your own jerky? You can choose your meat be it beaf,elk,bison, dear and you can choose your cuts of meat for your jerky. I like a good lean no fat cuts for jerky you can also make your own marinades customizing and making different types .

    I'm getting ready to make some dear jerky. One trick if you don't have a slicer is before the meat is completely thawed you can slice thinner pieces of meat easier.

  4. #4


    In terms of keto friendly trail foods, this spreadsheet could be enormously helpful. I really like fatty Biltong (cured and dried south african beef) but good versions of it are hard to find. Dried Chorizo packs a caloric punch (about 140 cals per oz) and I like it.


  5. #5


    My favorite biltong was kudo. I don't think we can get it here though.

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