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  1. #1
    Registered User ldsailor's Avatar
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    Default Scout and Frodo Canceled PCT Hiker Hosting for the Year

    For those who might not know, Scout and Frodo have hosted PCT hikers at their home in San Diego (no charge) for years. They feed the hikers, give them a place to stay and drive them to Campo to start their hike north. With the cancellation, I and many others are left with the task of getting to Campo. There is a bus that runs from the San Diego area, but it is reported to be heavily used and that will be particularly so with S & F not in the mix.

    So, my question is, does anyone know of or do shuttles in the San Diego area? Information on this service is not as easily found as it is for the AT. There is another option to take a ride sharing car to Campo, but I'm looking to have options if at all possible.

    If someone reading this does shuttles or drives Uber and will take hikers, please private message me.

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  2. #2
    imscotty's Avatar
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    I took the bus to Campo. I no longer have the information on schedules and such but I flew from Boston and made it to Campo all in one day. Probably got to the San Diego airport around 11 AM, I think it was the 3 PM bus I took because I remember having enough time to get lunch near the El Cajon bus station. I would not be afraid of taking this bus, it worked out fine for me anyway and getting a seat on the 3 PM bus was not a problem.

    Got to Campo around 5 PM. It was just enough time to buy a cold beverage at the little grocery store, and set up for the night in the park behind the stone museum. It was a nice enough place to camp. I got up early and walked to the southern terminus to enjoy the sunrise and start my journey.

    Sorry you do not get to enjoy the experience that is staying with Scout and Frodo, but if I had to do it all over again I would do it the same way. The bus was fine.
    “For of all sad words of tongue or pen,
    the saddest are these, 'It might have been.”

    John Greenleaf Whittier

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by ldsailor View Post
    For those who might not know, Scout and Frodo have hosted PCT hikers at their home in San Diego (no charge) for years. They feed the hikers, give them a place to stay and drive them to Campo to start their hike north. With the cancellation, I and many others are left with the task of getting to Campo. There is a bus that runs from the San Diego area, but it is reported to be heavily used and that will be particularly so with S & F not in the mix.

    So, my question is, does anyone know of or do shuttles in the San Diego area? Information on this service is not as easily found as it is for the AT. There is another option to take a ride sharing car to Campo, but I'm looking to have options if at all possible.

    If someone reading this does shuttles or drives Uber and will take hikers, please private message me.

    Just take Uber or Lyft. The bus is often crowded.

  4. #4
    Registered User ldsailor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by imscotty View Post

    I took the bus to Campo. I no longer have the information on schedules and such but I flew from Boston and made it to Campo all in one day. Probably got to the San Diego airport around 11 AM, I think it was the 3 PM bus I took because I remember having enough time to get lunch near the El Cajon bus station. I would not be afraid of taking this bus, it worked out fine for me anyway and getting a seat on the 3 PM bus was not a problem.
    As Sasquatch mentioned, I'm concerned about a full bus. I have heard from other hikers that it is often full. Anyway, I did check them out months ago and do have the schedule.

    I did make a post on Facebook and got two trail angels offering rides, so myself and one other are going to go that way. It will be a lot cheaper, too. Anyone else who can head to Campo April 8 at noon, there is one seat left in the car.
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  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by ldsailor View Post
    As Sasquatch mentioned, I'm concerned about a full bus. I have heard from other hikers that it is often full. Anyway, I did check them out months ago and do have the schedule.

    I did make a post on Facebook and got two trail angels offering rides, so myself and one other are going to go that way. It will be a lot cheaper, too. Anyone else who can head to Campo April 8 at noon, there is one seat left in the car.
    It's funny. When taking the bus, especially the last bus for the day, it's usually packed until Tecate. After Tecate it's often just you and the driver.

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    imscotty's Avatar
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    When I took the 3 PM bus what I remembered was that there were a lot of school kids who seem to have to travel long distances on that bus to get to school and back.
    “For of all sad words of tongue or pen,
    the saddest are these, 'It might have been.”

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  7. #7
    Registered User colorado_rob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ldsailor View Post
    For those who might not know, Scout and Frodo have hosted PCT hikers at their home in San Diego (no charge) for years. They feed the hikers, give them a place to stay and drive them to Campo to start their hike north. With the cancellation, I and many others are left with the task of getting to Campo. There is a bus that runs from the San Diego area, but it is reported to be heavily used and that will be particularly so with S & F not in the mix.

    So, my question is, does anyone know of or do shuttles in the San Diego area? Information on this service is not as easily found as it is for the AT. There is another option to take a ride sharing car to Campo, but I'm looking to have options if at all possible.

    If someone reading this does shuttles or drives Uber and will take hikers, please private message me.

    I got a ride to the Campo t/h last week with Ashley Cushing, a super-cool and friendly PCT trail angel who resides on the PCT 2020 and PCT trail Angel facebook pages. Sorry, I don't have any other contact info on her, she relies on FB messaging. Early pickup, we started hiking at 8am, worked great.

  8. #8
    Registered User ldsailor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by colorado_rob View Post
    I got a ride to the Campo t/h last week with Ashley Cushing, a super-cool and friendly PCT trail angel who resides on the PCT 2020 and PCT trail Angel facebook pages. Sorry, I don't have any other contact info on her, she relies on FB messaging. Early pickup, we started hiking at 8am, worked great.
    Thanks. I was actually in contact with Ashley and she was going to take me and one other hiker to Campo. Then, yesterday, California's governor put the state in lock down and Ashley has stopped doing shuttles for the foreseeable future. Now I'm beginning to reassess whether I should hike or not. My permit date is still three weeks away, so it's wait and see.

    So, Rob, you're on the trail now. Aside from the weather how are things? Been in any trail towns yet? If so, what is the mood of the people? Do they wish we wouldn't show up or are they okay with hikers being there?
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  9. #9
    Registered User colorado_rob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ldsailor View Post
    Thanks. I was actually in contact with Ashley and she was going to take me and one other hiker to Campo. Then, yesterday, California's governor put the state in lock down and Ashley has stopped doing shuttles for the foreseeable future. Now I'm beginning to reassess whether I should hike or not. My permit date is still three weeks away, so it's wait and see.

    So, Rob, you're on the trail now. Aside from the weather how are things? Been in any trail towns yet? If so, what is the mood of the people? Do they wish we wouldn't show up or are they okay with hikers being there?
    Well, I did leave the trail a few days ago actually. My wife wanted me home PLUS, now in retrospect, it is the right thing to do in my opinion.

    The mood on the trail from 3/11 to 3/18 (the day I flew home) was actually quite upbeat, though most folks were indeed worrying about town resupply and so forth. I would imagine the mood has become quite gloomy by now though, in just a few days. Two of my hiking companions left the trail yesterday.

    And the weather s-u-c-k-e-d !!! Never seen such bad weather in those parts before, seemed worse (meaning wetter) than most anything I did on the AT. I'm sure eventually it will dry out. I was fine with my gear, but just barely.

    I hate to say it and it's up to you of course, but it's not looking good for hiking the PCT this year, I'm afraid.

    If things get better in May or whenever, I do plan on hiking through the Sierra, maybe even up to the OR border. Why not, since I have the permit. again, only if the CV thing resolves nicely.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by colorado_rob View Post
    Well, I did leave the trail a few days ago actually. My wife wanted me home PLUS, now in retrospect, it is the right thing to do in my opinion.

    The mood on the trail from 3/11 to 3/18 (the day I flew home) was actually quite upbeat, though most folks were indeed worrying about town resupply and so forth. I would imagine the mood has become quite gloomy by now though, in just a few days. Two of my hiking companions left the trail yesterday.

    And the weather s-u-c-k-e-d !!! Never seen such bad weather in those parts before, seemed worse (meaning wetter) than most anything I did on the AT. I'm sure eventually it will dry out. I was fine with my gear, but just barely.

    I hate to say it and it's up to you of course, but it's not looking good for hiking the PCT this year, I'm afraid.

    If things get better in May or whenever, I do plan on hiking through the Sierra, maybe even up to the OR border. Why not, since I have the permit. again, only if the CV thing resolves nicely.
    I had planned to start at Campo on 3-12. It was the weather forecast which put the nail in the coffin on that idea.

  11. #11
    Registered User colorado_rob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch! View Post
    I had planned to start at Campo on 3-12. It was the weather forecast which put the nail in the coffin on that idea.
    Yup, 3/12 was one of the coldest/wettest days of hiking imaginable (by me, at least) in Southern California!

  12. #12
    Registered User ldsailor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by colorado_rob View Post
    Well, I did leave the trail a few days ago actually. My wife wanted me home PLUS, now in retrospect, it is the right thing to do in my opinion.

    I hate to say it and it's up to you of course, but it's not looking good for hiking the PCT this year, I'm afraid.
    Yeah, I think hiking right now is pretty much out of the picture. I'm keeping my flight and permit day, but it is unlikely I will go. My new plan is to head to Maine at the end of June and finish the last 265 miles of the AT. Then to head to mile 1016 (NOBO) on the PCT in August and go south. Of course, none of this will happen if this coronavirus thing doesn't somehow resolve itself.
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