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  1. #21
    Registered User
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    Newark, DE


    on the FB 2020 Thru hiking page, some people were suggesting wysi wipes for TP and the bag says they are biodegradable. it also says you can rinse them out and use them multiple times. That alone made me think they should not be used for TP if they can be washed. I bought a 100 to see what they are like. 2gm vs 7gm for a wet wipe. The think fail a simple tp disintegration test. take few pieces of tp an a bowel of water. swirl vigorously with a chopstick, it should fall into many pieces after a short while. The wysi wipes did not fall apart at all. I just did a test with a paper towel. it also did not fall apart at all. I would conclude neither should go in a cat hole or privy. They both have the same result as a wet wipe. I am taking some of the wysi wipes, but will be carrying them out.

  2. #22
    Registered User
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    northern whites


    Bamboo is effectively cellulose, its no better or no worse than cellulose from wood. Its no better or worse for wet strength. Add in some naturally sourced latex (from tree sap) and it can have good wet strength properties ans still claim to be a "natural product" but still take very long time to biodegrade.

  3. #23


    One can say everything is biodegradable, even mountains eventually break down given enough time. Biodegradable is a term that does not have many standards and is loosely used by manufacturers claiming "green" solutions. Toilet paper is designed to be dispersible and breaks down quickly once water is introduced, making it an appropriate biodegradable product that can be buried in a cat hole or placed in a privy or composting toilet.

    Products like wet wipes on the other hand are typically constructed from manmade fibers that require many years to break down (if ever) despite manufacturers assurances. As a rule of thumb, anything other than TP should not be placed in privies, composting toilets, or cat holes and should be packed out and disposed of.

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