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  1. #21
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    I know I shouldn't stick my nose in here but..... If I'm hiking and I see a snake, any snake, I will wait until I can safely move on past it. I'm okay and the snake's okay. And if I can, I'll leave a note for those coming that way to beware. But... if there's a snake close to a shelter and I see it I will do my best to dispose of it. Ideally, I could carry it a few miles then go off trail a 100 yards and let it go free. Unfortunately, my fear of snakes won't allow me to do that. I'm an animal lover and I really hate the idea of harming any animal. But I'm also a realist and I strongly believe the life and health of my fellow human beings is worth more than that of a venomous snake. Yes, I'm in his home but if I accidentally step, or in this case sit on him he is going to try to harm me. Sorry, but that's just how I feel about that. As a side note, I wonder how many of the animal lovers on here would allow fire ants to live unchecked on their property. Are their lives worth less than the snake? Just saying.
    I may never get to thru hike but I'll never get through hiking.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by importman77 View Post
    I know I shouldn't stick my nose in here but..... If I'm hiking and I see a snake, any snake, I will wait until I can safely move on past it. I'm okay and the snake's okay. And if I can, I'll leave a note for those coming that way to beware. But... if there's a snake close to a shelter and I see it I will do my best to dispose of it. Ideally, I could carry it a few miles then go off trail a 100 yards and let it go free. Unfortunately, my fear of snakes won't allow me to do that. I'm an animal lover and I really hate the idea of harming any animal. But I'm also a realist and I strongly believe the life and health of my fellow human beings is worth more than that of a venomous snake. Yes, I'm in his home but if I accidentally step, or in this case sit on him he is going to try to harm me. Sorry, but that's just how I feel about that. As a side note, I wonder how many of the animal lovers on here would allow fire ants to live unchecked on their property. Are their lives worth less than the snake? Just saying.
    please find a different hobby smh

  3. #23


    So if the snakes had attacked someone and they died or almost died, then would it have been okay to kill it? Just asking since that is what happens to mountain lions and bears. Just want to make sure every animal is treated equally in our society. I'm sure none of use want to recreate the situation of, “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” ― George Orwell, Animal Farm

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miner View Post
    So if the snakes had attacked someone and they died or almost died, then would it have been okay to kill it? Just asking since that is what happens to mountain lions and bears. Just want to make sure every animal is treated equally in our society. I'm sure none of use want to recreate the situation of, “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” ― George Orwell, Animal Farm
    Since we're bringing up a bear analogy, is there anyone who thinks it would have been fine with killing a bear if they saw one at a shelter? (I don't mean a ranger taking care of a problem bear, I mean a camper is camping and a resident bear comes sniffing around, would it be ok for a camper to take it upon themselves and kill this bear just because it MIGHT attack them?

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by D2maine View Post
    please find a different hobby smh
    Sorry, I'm kinda fond of this one. Thankfully you don't get to control that for me.
    I may never get to thru hike but I'll never get through hiking.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by importman77 View Post
    Sorry, I'm kinda fond of this one. Thankfully you don't get to control that for me.
    Then leave your fears at home and the wildlife the **** alone - your fellow man can handle it themselves.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by importman77 View Post
    Sorry, I'm kinda fond of this one. Thankfully you don't get to control that for me.
    thing about that is there are definitely places where if someone were to catch you killing a copperhead it may very well impede your ability to hike quite dramatically.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by D2maine View Post
    Then leave your fears at home and the wildlife the **** alone - your fellow man can handle it themselves.
    My membership on white blaze means too much to me for me to continue this conversation with you but maybe we'll meet on the trail one day and we can talk more.

  9. #29
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    Snakes eat mice. Mice carry ticks. Less mice = less ticks. killing snakes is senseless and stupid.

  10. #30
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    there were many snakes living under shelters or even in the rafters this thru hike season.

    they didn't bother anybody and nobody seemed bothered by this, nobody was frightened. People were actually happy cause they were taking care of the mice. Many people slept in these shelters with no cares or worries, I didn't see it effect one persons decision to stay.

    some people warned others in the journals that there is a snake

    nobody considered killing the animals to calm there own fears

    maybe you'll get bit next time you try killing one, and maybe you'll learn from that if you can't learn why it's wrong from people on here.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by importman77 View Post
    My membership on white blaze means too much to me for me to continue this conversation with you but maybe we'll meet on the trail one day and we can talk more.
    then you probably should think twice before you violate the tos in 2 of your last 3 posts

    4. Discussions involving how to commit illegal acts, or involving the use, production and/or distribution of illegal drugs are forbidden.

    17. Threats are absolutely unacceptable. Anyone posting a message that contains a threat to another person or their property will immediately be moved into moderated status. The posting, and all other posts made by the offender in that thread will be deleted. Please be aware that moderators can not determine when a threat is made in jest. Neither can many users; so simply do not make them. If there is a second offense it will terminate the offender's participation on WhiteBlaze. All posts, pictures, or contributions of any sort will be deleted

  12. #32
    GSMNP 900 Miler
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    Quote Originally Posted by importman77 View Post
    As a side note, I wonder how many of the animal lovers on here would allow fire ants to live unchecked on their property. Are their lives worth less than the snake? Just saying.
    I don't think anyone in this thread has said there is anything wrong with killing a poisonous snakes on your personal property.

    The problem is committing the illegal act of killing an animal (poisonous or not) on Federally protected lands.

  13. #33
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    Snakes are scary. I get it. But they have their place in the grand scheme of things. And, in my opinion, they are beautiful animals perfectly adapted to their environment. If my information is correct, the number of Copperheads is declining in all Eastern US states. If you don't want to be in a shelter with snakes, write a warning in the shelter's notebook and move on. In some cultures, killing snakes is considered bad Karma. So just to be on the safe side, leave them alone.

  14. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by importman77 View Post
    I know I shouldn't stick my nose in here but..... If I'm hiking and I see a snake, any snake, I will wait until I can safely move on past it. I'm okay and the snake's okay. And if I can, I'll leave a note for those coming that way to beware. But... if there's a snake close to a shelter and I see it I will do my best to dispose of it. Ideally, I could carry it a few miles then go off trail a 100 yards and let it go free. Unfortunately, my fear of snakes won't allow me to do that. I'm an animal lover and I really hate the idea of harming any animal. But I'm also a realist and I strongly believe the life and health of my fellow human beings is worth more than that of a venomous snake. Yes, I'm in his home but if I accidentally step, or in this case sit on him he is going to try to harm me. Sorry, but that's just how I feel about that. As a side note, I wonder how many of the animal lovers on here would allow fire ants to live unchecked on their property. Are their lives worth less than the snake? Just saying.
    So you kill snakes that you see near shelters just in case? As a potential victim of a deadly snake attack I'd kindly request you let me handle that and not kill anything in the completely idiotic viewpoint of protecting me.

    And as for your silly completely unrelated aside...no nobody would let fire ants live inside their house, no. But most people don't stomp on anthills in the woods in case they might.

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