I got off the AT last month, after 500 miles and decided to start meandering around the US, since my lease is up. I decided I'd first go to the FST to break my soft feet back in, since I'd been sitting around for a month. What a mistake. Everything that could be wrong with the FST, is wrong. It almost seems like novelty item that Florida made just to say "hey, we have a scenic trail". Bug spray didn't stop the horrendous mosquitoes, all the underbrush is burned and gone causing very little variety in the Flora, the water tastes awful, the town's are barren, the trail is just a flooded mud pit. So many parts are closed and overgrown, that you have to take massive detours through farms you can't even pitch a tent on if you're tired, so you have to keep hiking, or hitch a ride.

I used to live in Florida when I was a teenager, and I loved it, the sun, the beach, the relaxed atmosphere, but after twenty miles on the FST and driving around this state, I realized what a huge mistake I'd made. If I somehow become a millionaire, I'll come back here and buy a house in the Keys, so I can enjoy the great weather, minus the terrible everything else... but that probably won't happen. Was nice knowing you, Florida. Damascus trail days can't come soon enough.

Also, I'm genuinely sorry for being negative, but if you do this trail, be prepared, it's rough! If you complete it, you're a brave soul.