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  1. #1

    Default Wind River Range: August 2018 Details

    I am starting a new thread on this as details have changed slightly and this is more set in stone. I am looking for a few people who are interested in joining me although looking to keep the group no more than 6 in total. This trip won't happen with less than 3 people due to recommendations of hiking with 3 or more people in Grizzly country.

    Following on from last year's southern loop in the Wind River Range that included Cirque of the Towers and Lizard Head Pass (pretty epic and stunning hiking) this year's trip will be a northern loop and will start and end at Elk Hart Park, and will include Green River, Photographers Point and a side trip to Titcomb Basin. Total miles, including Titcomb Basin is 78 miles (there is a possible cut-off to bypass 12 miles if necessary towards the end).

    This is the route we would be taking: https://caltopo.com/m/91E1

    Please be aware that the Wind River Range is some TOUGH hiking and if you aren't fit and capable you will struggle, although it is still doable if you really want to do it. I would prefer not to have to make use of my InReach and I will not be baby-sitting anyone. Average days are 10-12 miles and they aren't easy miles much of the time so packing as light as possible is highly recommended.

    The route will be hiked counter-clockwise to allow for the 12 mile cut-off being closer to the end when people are more likely to need it.

    Dates for the trip will be the week of August 20-26 (Monday-Sunday). This was more than enough time for the last trip, although that was fewer miles (it was done in 5 days). Weather is generally as good as it is going to get for the area during late August and early September.
    Arrival at Elk Hart Park would be August 19 so as to get a full days of hiking on August 20th. A night in Pinedale at the end of the trip is highly recommended.

    Elk Hart TH near Fremont Lake, north of Pinedale is easy to access with a car and has plenty of parking.

    Gear recommendations for this trip include a good base layer, puffy jacket, warm hat and gloves, and a sleeping bag or quilt rated to 20* as it can get into the 20s at night at any time in Wyoming mountains. Hiking poles are also immensely helpful. Hammocking is possible but you might not be with the group for sleeping due to location of trees and flat open places.

    Ursaks recommended due to being in Grizzly country but we actually found that we were able to hang our food every night on the last trip. I will still be bringing mine with an Opsak liner. Black bears can occasionally be a problem near some of the trail heads.

    Curious? Check out my blog posts from last year's September trip here: https://nomadicpawprints.wordpress.c...r-2017-part-1/

  2. #2


    Sounds like an amazing trip!

    Have you had encounters with grizzly? I'm wondering if they are more prevalent now then when I was last there. I did a half dozen trips through the Winds from 98 thru 2004 and never saw any Browns. (Or any sign of them for that matter). Have they migrated south over the years?

    Anyway - if someone is looking to experience the Winds Dune Elliot has a great trip laid out for you. The Green River is beautiful up there.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by ADK Walker View Post
    Sounds like an amazing trip!
    Have you had encounters with grizzly? I'm wondering if they are more prevalent now then when I was last there. I did a half dozen trips through the Winds from 98 thru 2004 and never saw any Browns. (Or any sign of them for that matter). Have they migrated south over the years?
    Anyway - if someone is looking to experience the Winds Dune Elliot has a great trip laid out for you. The Green River is beautiful up there.
    There are a few, mostly boars at this point. The sows are starting to follow though. I've never seen any sign of them, but I still try to hike in a group because I know there are a few around, plus the area is pretty darned remote.

    I'm pretty excited about all my plans for hiking this year before heading back to the UK. PCT in Oregon and Washington (in small chunks) end of June, July and some of August, the WRR end of August, and hopefully a small section of the AT on my drive to DC to fly out.

  4. #4


    That's a VERY nice set of trips you have coming up!

    Remote area for sure in the backcountry of WY.

    I'm itching to get back to the Winds but my next trip out west will hopefully be to the Sierras in 2019. This year it will be east coast trips.

  5. #5
    Registered User russb's Avatar
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    I spent 2 weeks in the Winds last summer with a buddy of mine. We didn't do tons of miles as fishing was a big focus. Did quite a bit of off-trail travel, climbing up and over different passes. Would love to go back, but like ADK Walker, spending time back east. btw adk walker, have we ever met? I spend most of my time in the adks.

  6. #6


    I'm planning titcomb that week. Might see you there.

  7. #7


    Hi Russb

    Not sure if we've met. I'm getting back in to backpacking after many years of focusing mainly on climbing. So the hiking/backpacking community is once again new to me.

    Quick question back to the Winds for anyone who knows. Is the ice cream place in Filson still there. It was called Big Licks if I recall. That place would motivate you on those last few miles back to the trailhead.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Bowwow View Post
    I'm planning titcomb that week. Might see you there.
    Why don't you do this route with me then...if you're already planning on doing it! :-D

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by DuneElliot View Post
    Why don't you do this route with me then...if you're already planning on doing it! :-D
    Just getting into backpacking and don't want to hold anyone up. Planning on cloud peak at the end of July to see how I do.

  10. #10
    Registered User Venchka's Avatar
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    Y’all have fun! I’ll be in Colorado in early August.
    All the best to you!

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Bowwow View Post
    Just getting into backpacking and don't want to hold anyone up. Planning on cloud peak at the end of July to see how I do.
    I don't hike fast...our trip last year was very sedate and leisurely. You wouldn't hold anyone up. We knew our route, each person hiked at their own pace and we met at our camp site whenever we got there, a place we all had decided on before we started. We often met up for lunch too. It was a pretty nice way of doing things as I'm not about crunching miles...I'm out there to enjoy the scenery and my companions, and hike at my pace (which isn't particularly fast).

  12. #12


    Oh, and Cloud Peak is amazing. I've never done the peak itself, but I did the Solitude Loop Trail around the wilderness in 2016.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by DuneElliot View Post
    I don't hike fast...our trip last year was very sedate and leisurely. You wouldn't hold anyone up. We knew our route, each person hiked at their own pace and we met at our camp site whenever we got there, a place we all had decided on before we started. We often met up for lunch too. It was a pretty nice way of doing things as I'm not about crunching miles...I'm out there to enjoy the scenery and my companions, and hike at my pace (which isn't particularly fast).
    I am interested, but I got all new gear and need to try it before I go on a long trip.

  14. #14
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    I enjoyed your thread from last summer, the Winds were not even on my radar a year ago and are at the top of my wish list now. So raw, and beautiful.

    I can't commit to anything but following along here for now, however, I should be in WY for work this summer and taking some backpacking trips here and there up and down the CDT region. If timing and logistics were to work out for your week in the Winds I will definitely post here and see where the group is at.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Bowwow View Post
    I am interested, but I got all new gear and need to try it before I go on a long trip.
    Absolutely, and the Bighorns are a great place to do that if you are doing Cloud Peak. I know those mountains like the back of my hand and can suggest some great places.
    Quote Originally Posted by WTX2WY View Post
    I enjoyed your thread from last summer, the Winds were not even on my radar a year ago and are at the top of my wish list now. So raw, and beautiful.
    I can't commit to anything but following along here for now, however, I should be in WY for work this summer and taking some backpacking trips here and there up and down the CDT region. If timing and logistics were to work out for your week in the Winds I will definitely post here and see where the group is at.
    Sounds good. Hope you get the chance...the Winds are truly stunning. It was the best trip I've taken so far...for both company as well as scenery and hiking.

    I'm glad you enjoyed my account from last year.

  16. #16
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    Grizzlies have explored more of the Northeastern Winds outside of Dubois and they've gotten accustomed to the Green River on the West side. I would think one should expect Grizzlies the length and width of the range these days.

    This sounds like a wonderful trip. May the trail rise up to meet you.

  17. #17


    Re: Dogs

    I didn't mention in my first post (as I did when I set up last year's trip), but if you've read any of my blogs or other posts you'll know I always bring my dogs...so anyone who joins must be okay with that. They are super well-behaved on the trail and friendly to the point of being ridiculous...those who went last year can attest to this. I wouldn't take them into the wild if they weren't.

    You are welcome to bring your dog if you would like but please make sure they are well-behaved and respectful on the trail (either on or off leash) and in camp. I can elaborate more on this if anyone wants to bring their dog.

    I don't know if there are similar places on the northern loop but the boulder field below Jackass Pass was doable for my half-goat border collies although they struggled in a couple of places, especially with packs. They are agile dogs but I could see how other dogs would struggle...especially if they are too big to lift, or aren't graceful. Just a heads up.

  18. #18
    Registered User Venchka's Avatar
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    Their names escape me, sorry, but the dogs are First Class! I don’t say that about all dogs.
    Y’all have fun!

  19. #19


    Cody and Kye

  20. #20
    Registered User Venchka's Avatar
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    I knew Cody. Kye slipped my brain.
    Stellar animals. The 3 of you are lucky to have each other!

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