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  1. #1

    Default two thumbs down for Zpacks customer service

    So, I ordered three repair patches because I had a small tear in my Zpacks cuben-fiber tarp. Not knowing how the patches would measure up I decided to order a few sizes. While the products have measurements online, I never really trust a measurement till I have the product in hand.

    When I received the order only one patch came in the box (yes, I got a big 'ole box, like Amazon, for one little patch.) First, I looked at my order form and it listed 3 patches. Next I went to the website for contact info but nothing but an email address. Still, haven't heard back from them.

    I realize Zpacks is a small company, but they've been around for a couple of years and it's time for them to get better customer service or move out the way for a company that can handle the workload.

    Magic 'hellcat' Dinsmore
    * Warning: I bite AND I do not play well with others! -hellkat-

  2. #2
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    I've placed two orders with Zpaks and both have arrived with lightning bolt speed. Amazon and Backcountry also impressed me. My other order from a Spanish company did a detour to the wrong continent before finally making it's way to my doorstep many months later. Olé!

  3. #3
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    I'd say give them a chance to respond. I'm not sure this is "bad customer service" so much as not particularly convenient only being able to contact via email. OTOH, look at Google. They're a billion dollar operation and you can't call them either.

  4. #4


    I have never had an issue with emailing them. Occasionally it will take them 48 hours to respond but they've never NOT responded and addressed any problem or question I had. They will email you the phone number or call you if you ask, but the reason they don't list it is to avoid having constant phone calls interrupting the work flow and product construction.

  5. #5
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    Could they have sent you the equivalent of 3 patches? IE does the size of the patch you received equal the size of the the 3 added together?

  6. #6
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    Was thinking the same thing

  7. #7


    Good news. After posting my issue the response came quickly from Zpacks. I wanted to follow up the OP because I don't want people to get the impression that Zpacks didn't take care of the issue or never followed up on the problem, they did. So to clarify, they DID resolve the issue with out any problems. Thank you Red Beard.

    I also just want to clarify the OP issue. It was not with the quality of the products, I own Zpacks cuben fiber and I'm happy with it. Nobody was rude or unaccommodating, they have been very nice. My only issue is that the only way to contact them was by email and I was looking for something a bit snappier. I will say that I did make a snarky remark about the box they sent the patch in. I'm not a 'save the world' kind of guy so the box doesn't bother me, I just thought it was funny to receive a patch in a box.
    * Warning: I bite AND I do not play well with others! -hellkat-

  8. #8
    Registered User colorado_rob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic_game03 View Post
    Good news. After posting my issue the response came quickly from Zpacks. I wanted to follow up the OP because I don't want people to get the impression that Zpacks didn't take care of the issue or never followed up on the problem, they did. So to clarify, they DID resolve the issue with out any problems. Thank you Red Beard.

    I also just want to clarify the OP issue. It was not with the quality of the products, I own Zpacks cuben fiber and I'm happy with it. Nobody was rude or unaccommodating, they have been very nice. My only issue is that the only way to contact them was by email and I was looking for something a bit snappier. I will say that I did make a snarky remark about the box they sent the patch in. I'm not a 'save the world' kind of guy so the box doesn't bother me, I just thought it was funny to receive a patch in a box.
    So, why pray-tell did you say "two thumbs down" then? maybe one thumb? Maybe it's just me, but I would never go online immediately and give two thumbs down with a first-time semi-questionable dealing with a known and very respected company.

  9. #9


    I understand we don't like each other, CR. So what's your point, you don't like my post. Good! Now go troll somebody else.
    * Warning: I bite AND I do not play well with others! -hellkat-

  10. #10
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    I think Amazon Prime et. al. have spoiled us to the point where we're brats, but I get ya, magic. There isn't any reason a company (even if a cottage company)
    can't toe the line of modern customer service (delight everyone who contacts us).

    Quote Originally Posted by magic_game03 View Post
    So, I ordered three repair patches because I had a small tear in my Zpacks cuben-fiber tarp. Not knowing how the patches would measure up I decided to order a few sizes. While the products have measurements online, I never really trust a measurement till I have the product in hand.

    When I received the order only one patch came in the box (yes, I got a big 'ole box, like Amazon, for one little patch.) First, I looked at my order form and it listed 3 patches. Next I went to the website for contact info but nothing but an email address. Still, haven't heard back from them.

    I realize Zpacks is a small company, but they've been around for a couple of years and it's time for them to get better customer service or move out the way for a company that can handle the workload.

    Magic 'hellcat' Dinsmore

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic_game03 View Post

    I realize Zpacks is a small company, but they've been around for a couple of years and it's time for them to get better customer service or move out the way for a company that can handle the workload.

    Magic 'hellcat' Dinsmore
    IMHO e mail is a better way to go, although, on the surface it appears to be less customer "friendly"

    with an email:

    both sides have an actual record that is time stamped and can be immediately stored and tracked for response time and outcome.

    both sides al so have a record of what was exactly said and what expectations were promised

    from what I have read the owner joe valsco is a former software guy and I would assume his processes are based on efficency rather than emotional gratification ( just an opinion )

    I have emailed z packs about an order placed several years ago and the response was very quick and very polite.

    although the phone is very touch feely, I like the use of email as long as there is feed back just my humble opinion

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by magic_game03 View Post
    I understand we don't like each other, CR. So what's your point, you don't like my post. Good! Now go troll somebody else.
    I think it is irrelevant if you dislike someone. What I too do not understand is the following:

    **Email zpacks with a problem.

    **Immediately turn around and start a post labeled as above.

    That is indirectly affecting their business when they have takin care of the problem in a timely manner. Many viewers could be skimming headlines, read your title and think "well I don't have to read it, someone took the time to write a thread label "two thumbs down zpacks" I don't wanna buy that zpacks product anymore" When you yourself are now satisfied, zpacks was happy to help you and make it right, yet now a third party has missed out on a great product, and zpacks has missed out on a sale of a USA made product.

    I give your actions a two thumbs down. And as long as I put "Respectively", then I am not trolling right?...
    Trail Miles: 5,265.4
    AT Map 1: ✔ | 13-21'
    Sheltowee Trace: ✔ | 20-23'
    Pinhoti Trail: ✔ | 23-24'
    Foothills Trail: ✔ | 24'
    BMT: 168.3
    CDT: 210.9

    GSMNP900: 134.7
    AT Map 2: 279.4

  13. #13


    Shouldn't(?) be that big a deal to contact ZP via email stating you only received one patch and paid for three. I know the patches you speak about. I've ordered them myself with 100+ small accessories(mitten hook stick on CF patches, various toggles, micro line tensioners, etc). It would be easy to miss something in these types of orders but ZP has always gotten mine 100% correct.

    As said ZP gets back in a email reply within 48 hrs.

    My orders of little items like this typically come in a USPO Priority Rate bubble wrap lined envelope not a box. It would be kind of strange to mail one, or three patches, in a larger than necessary box.

    As said by you Magic Game ZP DID resolve your issue through attention to Customer Service.

  14. #14
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    When you yourself are now satisfied, zpacks was happy to help you and make it right, yet now a third party has missed out on a great product,

    and thats why this thread should be deleted............

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gambit McCrae View Post
    I think it is irrelevant if you dislike someone. What I too do not understand is the following:

    **Email zpacks with a problem.

    **Immediately turn around and start a post labeled as above.

    That is indirectly affecting their business when they have takin care of the problem in a timely manner. Many viewers could be skimming headlines, read your title and think "well I don't have to read it, someone took the time to write a thread label "two thumbs down zpacks" I don't wanna buy that zpacks product anymore" When you yourself are now satisfied, zpacks was happy to help you and make it right, yet now a third party has missed out on a great product, and zpacks has missed out on a sale of a USA made product.

    I give your actions a two thumbs down. And as long as I put "Respectively", then I am not trolling right?...
    it appears that the OP somehow feels that his his initial negative post, somehow, pressured z packs to drop everything and respond.

    I would suggest that we all grab a hold of something, because the center of the universe has somehow shifted to chapel hill south carolina...... ;-)

  16. #16
    Registered User colorado_rob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic_game03 View Post
    I understand we don't like each other, CR. So what's your point, you don't like my post. Good! Now go troll somebody else.
    My point is your OP was pure knee-jerk, pure "magic". Get that? And I'll troll wherever and whenever I want, thanks!

  17. #17
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    So the bottom line of this whole kerfuffle is that Zpacks got the order exactly right and shipped promptly but the customer failed to notice that the patch material comes on a roll and that Zpacks measured out 3 units... apparently the rather large size of the patch was not observed until Zpacks pointed it out? And the customer wasn't happy that he was unable to pick up a phone and immediately chew on somebody's ear?

    And for that Zpacks gets a big "TWO THUMBS DOWN" on WB. Schweeeet.

    So from now on we'll read on Zpacks product info the bloody obvious fact that the material comes on a roll and is cut to length according to the number of units ordered.

    Somehow I think Zpacks will survive this, lol.
    Last edited by cmoulder; 04-11-2017 at 17:19.

  18. #18
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    Posted this in another thread but thought I should re-post here also.

    Quote Originally Posted:

    This happened just this last weekend....That is the stay protruding through the straps that are supposed to retain it. This is a 1year old Zpacks Arc Haul. I have contacted Zpacks(yesterday), awaiting a reply. Click image for larger version.


    UPDATE -- Zpacks responded within 24h. They apologized, and said they would repair the pack, just mail it to them!

  19. #19


    We cant forget the guy that ordered a cuben fiber product from Zpacks and took a knife to the box. Then upset at zpacks when he cut his cuben fiber lol

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic_game03 View Post
    ... get better customer service or move out the way for a company that can handle the workload....
    Magic 'hellcat' Dinsmore
    You don't like a company, don't do business with them. If that happens frequently enough, you get you wish and they go away.

    My guess is that the reason Zpacks continues to thrive is that the unhappy customer is a rarity. My experiences with Zpacks have always been very satisfying. Then again; Karma.

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