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  1. #21
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    True, but with the chemicals you can pour them in and walk immediately without pumping/squeezing. You aren't drinking immediately, but you are back on the trail much more quickly. Tradeoffs.

  2. #22
    Registered User colorado_rob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CalebJ View Post
    True, but with the chemicals you can pour them in and walk immediately without pumping/squeezing. You aren't drinking immediately, but you are back on the trail much more quickly. Tradeoffs.
    I carry my AM drops in one of my large hip belt pockets, and I reached a point in Aqua-Mira "skill level" where I can mix a capful (or two if I want to treat 2-quarts) of the 2-part solution while walking, assuming I'm on relatively easy terrain. Then when I get to the water source, I just fill up the bottle or two, pour in the pre-mixed AM, and head right out, saving that annoying 5-minutes.

    Some will this this is silly, and I cannot refute, but I just want to hike, not sit there waiting for that 5-minute drop-mixing thing.

    Once I'm walking I allow 20 minute before drinking for regular water temps, 40 minutes if extra cold. Al so far, so good, and when we repeat the AT this year, I'm keeping the same M.O. I only use a filter (the Sawyer, of course) in places where the water is of lesser clarity. AT water is generally pretty darn clear.

  3. #23
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    I haven't seen much talk of this on this site, but, Aquality Mira drops can be mixed and kept in a small dropper bottle for sevreal days without loosing effectiveness so you don't have to mix it at each stop. Makes using Aqua Mira much simpler.

  4. #24


    I started with an MSR pump filter when I started backpacking. I soon switched to Aqua Mirra to save weight, but I didn't like waiting around a water source for 15 minutes to "camel up." I switched to the full size Sawyer Squeeze filter and would not go back. I really like the instant access to water that I can immediately drink. I have made a couple modifications with some plastic tubing and some screw caps that are specific to fit the sawyer and have turned it into a gravity filter while not adding much weight. I really enjoy just filling my dirty water bag, screwing the cap on it and letting gravity do all the filtering for me. I tended to be impatient with the sawyer bags and squeezed holes in them when using it the conventional method. I like the versatility of my system and the ease of use.
    Whether you think you can, or think you can't--you're right--Henry Ford; The Journey Is The Destination

  5. #25
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    From what I understand once they are mixed they activate and have a limited time to use. The mix gasses off and becomes ineffective but not sure how long but I doubt 3 days. I was getting Aquamira before it was on the market from a friend who worked for McNett. Later I was a sales rep for the line but maybe things have changed since then.

  6. #26


    To give a counter point to someone's point above, the problem with filters is it takes time and effort to use. With aqua Mira drops, you just add the premixed chemical to your bottle that was directly filled from the source with no extra effort. The initial 5 minute wait is non-existent since I use that time to fill my bottles. I can treat more than one container at a time since I carry extra caps from previous bottle sets. The number of times I've needed to prefilter my water with a bandana on the PCT or AT was twice do it's a non issue in my case.

    Yes, you can drink your water faster by filtering. But the drops work fine with 15-20 minutes of waiting most of the time unless you are dealing with snow melt sources. i usually take a break for that time anyway. Or just hike on for that time before stopping to get a drink. Maybe it's because I never measure my water use so that I run out more than 30 minutes away from the next water source, I don't normally show up thirsty where I need to drink immediately. And the filter people never mention how long they take filtering which reduces the time between the 2 methods.

    While some are squeezing or pumping away, I'm relaxing with snacking. I'm all about less effort rather than time savings. Yes, I'm lazy about anything other than hiking.

  7. #27


    Place 5 drops of each Aqua Mira bottle inside a Gatorade cap, then fill Gatorade bottles. By the time bottles have been filled the 5 minute wait is usually up. Add contents of the cap to the Gatorade water bottle and you have water in 30 minutes. It doesn’t get much easier than that.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by hyperslug View Post
    . . . once they are mixed they activate and have a limited time to use. The mix gasses off and becomes ineffective but not sure how long but I doubt 3 days. . .
    FWIW, one can apparently purchase chlorine dioxide test strips to measure how much is in your solution at any time. After reading that Mike Clelland regularly mixed a weekend's worth or Aqua Mira to use on his shorter hikes, a guy on BackpackingLight, a few years ago, bought some test strips and premixed AM, comparing premixed with newly mixed AM over 30+ days.

    The conclusion? AM does NOT loose the effectiveness of its mix over just a few hours or days. It takes a lot longer than that to off-gas or otherwise diminish the concentration of chlorine dioxide in the mixed AM.

    Thus, if one buys into the above suggestion, anecdote, and study (which I do), by using the premixing technique one can make using AM even easier and less trouble on the trail.
    I'm not lost. I'm exploring.

  9. #29
    Registered User colorado_rob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nsherry61 View Post
    FWIW, one can apparently purchase chlorine dioxide test strips to measure how much is in your solution at any time. After reading that Mike Clelland regularly mixed a weekend's worth or Aqua Mira to use on his shorter hikes, a guy on BackpackingLight, a few years ago, bought some test strips and premixed AM, comparing premixed with newly mixed AM over 30+ days.

    The conclusion? AM does NOT loose the effectiveness of its mix over just a few hours or days. It takes a lot longer than that to off-gas or otherwise diminish the concentration of chlorine dioxide in the mixed AM.

    Thus, if one buys into the above suggestion, anecdote, and study (which I do), by using the premixing technique one can make using AM even easier and less trouble on the trail.
    Fantastic, thanks for sharing Nsherry. There are some good question in that thread, mostly but not completely answered though. I'm slightly nervous about the inconsistency of some of the measurements, but this is inevitable in these little experiments.

    It seems like in previous threads on this little subject, the consensus was to not pre-mix by more than a few hours, but this seems to debunk that. I just might go this way (pre-mixing) on our upcoming AT hike this spring.

    I find zero need for any sort of silly filter backup on the southern AT. As many have said over and over, there is likely zero need for ANY treatment, but my conservative nature has me treating with Aqua Mira, and making this simple process even easier is fantastic.

  10. #30
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    One concern I've always had is fertilizer & pesticide runoff when hiking in areas near farmland or golf courses. I mean, I'd avoid getting water from a source so obviously close and flowing from a farm field, but I wonder about how much is leaching into the ground and how far away should my water source be before I can feel sure I'm not getting [a lot of] chemicals into my water? Neither Aqua Mira, filtering, or Steri-Pen are going to clean those out.
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  11. #31
    Registered User colorado_rob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TwoSpirits View Post
    One concern I've always had is fertilizer & pesticide runoff when hiking in areas near farmland or golf courses. I mean, I'd avoid getting water from a source so obviously close and flowing from a farm field, but I wonder about how much is leaching into the ground and how far away should my water source be before I can feel sure I'm not getting [a lot of] chemicals into my water? Neither Aqua Mira, filtering, or Steri-Pen are going to clean those out.
    Yep, nothing you can do about this, but is drinking very small traces of this "contaminated" water an actual health concern? It sounds bad, but I'm not sure it is.

  12. #32
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    True enough.
    fortis fortuna adjuvat

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by TwoSpirits View Post
    One concern I've always had is fertilizer & pesticide runoff when hiking in areas near farmland or golf courses. I mean, I'd avoid getting water from a source so obviously close and flowing from a farm field, but I wonder about how much is leaching into the ground and how far away should my water source be before I can feel sure I'm not getting [a lot of] chemicals into my water? Neither Aqua Mira, filtering, or Steri-Pen are going to clean those out.
    Since you mention it, the Katadyn Hiker Pro filter has an activated charcoal filled core. The company website states that it is "effective against chemicals" however I have not seen them make any claim more specific than that.
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  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarcasm the elf View Post
    Since you mention it, the Katadyn Hiker Pro filter has an activated charcoal filled core. The company website states that it is "effective against chemicals" however I have not seen them make any claim more specific than that.

    I carry a brita soft squeeze water bottle sometimes, it has a carbon filter 3.8 oz lasts 40 gal
    "reduces chlorine ( taste odor ) "


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