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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Default Women: how many pounds of food per day

    I'm noticing the men talk about how much food they carry daily. Just wondering how much food (in pounds) a woman typically carries per day?
    I carried 1.5 pounds of food and gained weight for a section hike Anyone have any input in this?

  2. #2


    well. I weigh 135, and am 62. I hike up to 2 weeks and carry around 1000 cal/day. I take oatmeal and decaf tea with sugar for breakfast, a bar for am snack and afternoon snack. I eat my portion of a mountain house meal. I like to hike with as little weight as possible. I have not really lost weight, but lost inches. I dream about pizza and real food. If you are younger, you might carry more weight and food. hope this helps. I have hiked for 12 years, and hate breakfast.

  3. #3


    I did the BRAG Ride (Bicycle Ride Across Ga) several years ago & "exercised" for several hours a day while riding. I fully expected to lose weight because I was "exercising," right? No. I gained several lbs that week. Someone later explained to me that yes, I was exercising, but while I was doing that, I was "exchanging" fat for muscle in my body, and that muscle weighs more.

    So - I guess it depends on your hiking style, number of miles per day, diet, etc., but if you ate a high caloric diet (maybe added some fat to your food like butter or olive oil, or peanut butter), and hiked high miles and got your body in shape, I think you could gain weight.

    I don't weigh out daily rations. I take the food I like (& is easy to fix on a stove & with a cozy). I figure I need those calories if I'm hiking, & it will all work out. I do try to take healthy stuff, & I do add some extra fat because I find that I'm hungry if I don't add fat somehow.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by NoChance View Post
    I'm noticing the men talk about how much food they carry daily. Just wondering how much food (in pounds) a woman typically carries per day?
    I carried 1.5 pounds of food and gained weight for a section hike Anyone have any input in this?
    I feel best when I eat a snack of about 100-150 calories each hour between meals. I consistently carry about 2 to 2.2 pounds of food per day, with a goal of around 3,000 calories per day. I will still lose about 1 pound a week on the trail.

  5. #5


    I've never weighed it. Like Trailweaver I take what I like to eat; a Snickers and breakfast bar for breakfast, a couple snacks of nuts, crackers or cheese, hot lunch, more snacks, dinner of generally jerky and cheese and cookies. I don't really like to cook at night.

  6. #6


    I usually only carried about a pound of food a day, though probably more at the end of a thruhike. Cold cereal, dried milk and coffee, dried fruit, granola/cereal bars, Eng. muffins and p.butter or cheese or meat/sausage, cookies, chocolate or gorp, pasta/rice and tuna/salmon/spam. My husband and I split the load so he carries lunch and snacks and I carry breakfast and dinner, but it still comes down to about a pound a day per person. He always lost weight and I usually stayed the same.

  7. #7
    Registered User Sandy of PA's Avatar
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    I carry about one pound per day. Spam, bacon, nuts, cheese, hard-boiled eggs, dried fruit, butter, Freeze dried dinners and vegetables. Average about 125 calories per ounce.

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