Quote Originally Posted by peakbagger View Post
With respect to heavy boots and ankle issues, its sound completely counterintuitive that low cut boots would be better than high cut heavy boots but in my and several others experience its the truth. Tall heavy boots transfer the loads away from the muscular in the foot and load up the ankle when on uneven terrain. Using low cut shoes the bottom of the foot matches the angle of the terrain and most important this musculature gets developed. With my low cut trail runners, I may roll an foot on occasion but its just momentary "on cr*p" and I keep hiking. When I used to roll a foot with heavy boots I would be limping for a week.
Ankles are made to move in all directions and while a bad roll can be painful and dangerous, in general that is the way our legs are supposed to work. If the ankle can't roll as it is supposed to when it needs to that movement can transfer up the leg and force the knee to bend in a way it shouldn't, or put extra stress on other ligaments and muscles that shouldn't be bearing that kind of unusual movement.