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  1. #41
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    OH... and I carry a ridiculously heavy pack. I don't every do base weight, because who cares about the least amount of weight you carry? You are only ever concerned about the most amount of weight you might carry, so my pack fully loaded with water and food and ready to walk day 1 is at around 40 pounds. Again... Don't care. I have what I need and a few things I want. I'll carry a stationwagon if it makes me happy and I can huff it.
    " Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt. "

  2. #42
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    does any females have any suggestions on clothing...i'm about a 16 and REI and different sites don't go up that high. Im also afraid i wear yoga pants they will rub together in between my thighs and tear a whole because that happens with gap yoga pants when i job. any help welcome. thanks

  3. #43


    REI does have some size 16 slacks. Try Mountain Hardwear. I get my shirts from Wally World because they're loose, comfortable, effective (wick moisture and stay cool) and cheap. Don't skimp on the pants and shorts though.
    "Maybe life isn't about avoiding the bruises. Maybe it's about collecting the scars to prove we showed up for it."

  4. #44
    Registered User kizzybean's Avatar
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    I have hiked in Yoga type pants and never had a problem on week long hikes. For my SOBO hike I'm heading out on in 10 days I bought a Nike athletic skirt at Kohls, and ordered womens jockey type underwear from Amazon to wear under for protection of the thigh rub. I've been doing practice hikes in Maine the past month and very happy with that set up. For pants I got a pair at Bealls in Florida size 18 Columbia brand. T-shirts I found extra large merino wool at Cabella's for reasonable price. You don't have to go to the outfitters for hiking clothes, what's comfortable and works for you is just fine.

    Big ladies we won't let others opinions stop us. We can hike as well as others, just plan on extra caution for joint strain, and extra time if we're a little slower. Hike your own Hike.

  5. #45
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    Well I only got thru half the response before I have to butt in.
    You can hike at any weight . Yes there are overweight people out there.
    I seen tons of thin people with issues with their knees.
    I would suggest working on strengthening that knee for saying anything about weight loss.
    Seriously I am 5 ft 1inch and drum roll...weight 256lbs and I hike all over the smokey mountains and WILL be thru hiking the AT IN 2019.
    Get out there and do what you love...hike.

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  6. #46


    I'm 43 yo, 5'2, did weigh in at 189, (with thyroid and hormonal issues) I struggled to lose weight and no matter how much I worked out and how many calories I counted (1200 day) I could only drop 1/2 lb here or there. I finally spoke to a dietitian. She told me I wasn't eating enough. That I needed to eat at least 1800 calories, and that I should be eat 5 small meals a day (breakfast-snack-lunch-snack-dinner). She explained that when you skip meals and eat once or twice a day (I was eating dinner only) that your body stores what you eat as fat because your body doesn't know when it's going to get it's next meal, so it basically goes into starvation mode. I started eating breakfast than a hard boiled egg between each meal.....I started dropping weight like crazy. I am now down to 134, and I am happy at that weight. When I slip and forget my snacks, I do tend to put weight back on after a few days.
    Just my 2 cents, and personal experience.

  7. #47


    Can you advice how to loose weight 6-8 pounds in 1 month. We are going to have hiking with boyfriend in April and I'd like to prepare to it

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kasandra View Post
    Can you advice how to loose weight 6-8 pounds in 1 month. We are going to have hiking with boyfriend in April and I'd like to prepare to it
    Get a good scale. Get an app called Lose It. Record your weight every morning into the app. The app will tell you how many calories you are allowed to have per day. Record what you eat into the app and it will tell you what you have left. Don't buy groceries to fill the fridge... Best to have nothing to tempt you in the evening because I recommend you only eat between 11and5 pm. You will lose weight and learn what food works best because you will weigh yourself every mornibg

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    Let me go

  9. #49
    Registered User Erinswan's Avatar
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    I am over weight and was before the hike. During the hike I trimmed down to a healthy weight around week 8 and after I gained it all back. I love to eat I guess.

  10. #50


    Here's my story.I am a male,65 inches tall,was pushing 205 pounds.I weighed on my digital scales this morning at 149.5.I control my weight thru food and beverage choice,not exercise.Exercise is GREAT but you have to walk 1.5 miles to burn off the calories in one Coca-Cola.Switching over to Diet Soda of any kind or artificial sweetners of any kind is a big mistake.I have kept my weight under control for 10 years thru food/beverage choice.My wife
    is a little taller than I am and has lost over 40 pounds and actually weighs less than she did when we married in 1977.So yes,it works for women too.

    Don't take my word for it.Just go out to YouTube and find Dr Robert Lustig's presentation "Sugar,the Bitter Truth"
    and you will get the whole story from a very highly qualified medical professional.He will explain why artificial sweetners are a bad thing and educate you on what sugar is,what it does to the body,and how to avoid it.Did you know it feeds cancerous tumors and causes inflamation of the circulatory system and heart disease?

    Here is a case in point.When I hike its always short trips of one to four days.I pack plenty of "snack foods" and higher carb foods.I will actually gain weight on one of these excursions.Your weight is the result of the foods and beverages you consume more than the exercise you perform.That is why so many diet/exercise programs fail is because most of us have been told "you're not exercising enough".Avoiding foods that are processed and/or come wrapped in some sort of plasic or cardboard is the first step after swearing off Soda.

    The truth is that you can "eat yourself thin" if you do just a little research and commit to the program.Oh yeah,it really helps if you like green and cruciferous vegetables.

  11. #51
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    I'm an overweight hiker. I wont give numbers, you can see my profile pick for proof lol.

    Its ok to be who you are. Im big and I huff and puff when I hike. BUT I like hiking. Its good exercise.

    Sometimes you will run across people who ask if you need help (because I am red and naturally breath heavy). For those people I tell them that I am fine, and inform them of something I see wrong about their hike or pack etc. Then I tell them that I have several years and several hundred miles of hiking if they need advice. In general though I dont really have that many issues.


    “Not all those who wander are lost.” ~ J.R.R. Tolkien, "The Fellowship of the Ring"

  12. #52
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    You will lose weight as you hike.

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