I am interested in hearing from others who are in the over 50 age group who are committed to thru-hiking or doing a long section hike on the AT in 2016. What's your motivation for taking all the time, money, and effort required for such an undertaking? I'll start it off.

I chose to hike at this time because it is a good time for it. The kids are grown and doing well. My wife supports me in this and encourages me daily. I do feel like the window of opportunity begins to narrow as time goes by and there is no good excuse not to seize the moment. I just turned 58, I'm retired, and my health is good. I want to see and experience sights and challenges that I otherwise would miss living at sea level. I want to hear the stories of all sorts of extraordinary people that I would never had met. I want to push myself to achieve a lofty goal. That's my motivation. How about you?