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  1. #1

    Default First time preparing my own food: rehydrate cooked beans or cook at camp?

    Sorry about my upcoming silly questions, I've never done this before and searched online but thought I would get your opinions. There are also other smaller questions I have so I thought I would get a better idea by asking real people and not just Google.

    Whats the best way to get nice whole unbroken kidney beans in a soup? My attempt at dehydrating cooked beans split most of them so their insides spilled out. Its it possible to dehydrate cooked beans so they retain their shape or is it better to cook dried beans at camp? I've never tried to do either so I don't know if it either are possible. I have heard of a "quick" way of prepping dried beans by using boiling water to soak them for 1 hour instead of cold water over-night, but I do not know if this works. My cooking equipment would be either a pepsi-can-alcohol stove or a butane-propane stove. I would prefer to use the pepsi-can stove but can bring the butane-propane stove if I have too. I don't mind using a bit more fuel than normal to do this, as I typically am out for only 2 nights.

    I am actually trying to make a cioppino soup by dehydrating beans, shrimp, and meat separately and combining and cooking at camp. Would the beans stay whole if I made the soup at home first then dehydrated the whole thing? I actually prefer the first method since it gives me something to do at camp and I found the boil in the package method great but a bit "un-fun" for a short two day trip...if that makes sense.

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Woodbridge, Virginia


    For a two-day trip, I'd just carry a can of beans. Better yet, rinse them and put into a quality ziplock.

    IIRC, Harmony House sells beans that are dehydrated and unbroken.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket Jones View Post
    IIRC, Harmony House sells beans that are dehydrated and unbroken.
    Oh...thats a good site. Any idea how their beans are made and can we replicate that at home with a dehydrator? Thanks, kinda a newb here.

  4. #4


    You can also put dry beans in a thermos with some boiling water at lunch time and they will be cooked by dinner time.

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