Hi everyone. I didn't see a New Member forum so I apologize is this is in the wrong spot. I've been a long time camper and EDCer. The boy scout troop my stepson is a member of may be doing a 5day/50 mile hike on the AT in the spring and I'm very interested in joining them, its something I've always wanted to do anyway.... A couple of years ago while camping in Gettysburg PA I drove down to Caledonia State Park and hiked up a very small section for the afternoon. I loved it. So now this opportunity has come up so I'm starting to get excited. However, I don't know where to start. Etiquette, terminology, classes, gear I need advice on. Of course I'm gonna root around the forums for this info, especially on the gear. I've always been a fan of (and own) some of the well made military style gear such Kifaru, SpecOps, etc...and while some of that stuff my work fine for short hiking trips, some of it isn't suited for serious hiking at all so I have some research to do. I will be going with a scout troop so I doubt the leaders are gonna be trying to kill the boys on this hike so I imagine it will be a relatively mild section of the trail, and in mild weather as well, so I'm thinking its a good trip to to get started with it anyhow.

Anyway just wanted to introduce myself and hope to learn alot and contribute as well...