This is for general discussion, but I'd like to hear from maintainers and maintenance leaders. When I hike, I often (not always) do a pick-up as I go. When there is a big haul, and I am carrying a backpack already, I won't carry it all, but I like to give back at least a little bit by doing cleanup as I go. I drop it off at the nearest trail-head garbage can.

What other routine maintenance can be done by hikers as they go? What should they leave to the supervised crews? We often come across blow-downs. I've never carried a saw to cut them, or tried to shift the big ones. Would anyone try that alone? Some are in use as trail blocks against vehicles of course, but these are easy to recognize. Also, there are often critical blazes missing at trail junctions and road crossings. Should/could anyone who knows the route replace such blazes?