Hello again,
This is my contribution to the 2008 thru hikers thread. I am training every day hike between 5 - 7 miles regularily. Five times on the AT. This is tough but doable. Just changed gear to GossamerGear Mariposa Ultra in the ne short size. Grant was wonderful to spend time with me on phone. Antigravity gear also wonderful to work with, Matt has help so much. If I happen to wander off trail the bandanas he sent me have the trail in 4 sections. All I will need to do is pull of my bandana and read it!! I am getting the last of some misc gear this week and am ready to hitthe trail for March to October 2008 hike. My pace is slower than most - I finish though!!
Indy Girl is my trail name as I timed and scored the Indy 500 for 18 years and I am a former Hoosier transplanted south. Looking forward to meeting you and I would like to have a group to start off with. Who will adopt me???? Indy Girl.