Dear fellow hikers,

We all want to have a pleasant time on the trail, but things can turn ugly, unfortunately.

I have been verbally and physically threatened, on Dec 7th 2022, by the owner of the "Gooder Grove AT and Adventure Hostel" in Franklin (NC).
Although I never complained online about any hostel, never, I feel the responsability to share this, publicly, for our safety.


** What happened before the aggression ?

We were 5 hikers staying there : 4 left earlier than they've initialy planned, because the hostel owner was verbally abusive and obsessive about some small details.
I chose to stay 1 more night : my bad.


** Did a real aggression occur ?

Yes, unfortunately.

On the next morning, at 7 a.m., the owner insisted to talk about "What happened yesterday".
I replied "Sir, you might want to think about that some other day,... etc...".
He then felt "accused", "judged", etc. I tried to explain, I raised my voice at some point (which I shouldn't have), and then I kept silent.
The owner then called me an "idiot", "*******", "prick", "duchebag".
As I was cooking (and sharing what I cooked!), he insisted to talk : I answered nothing, I avoided eye contact.

He entered the kitchen many times : I would then leave : he stalked me.

He made various inapropriate comments.

After 30min of this, he shut off the hot plate, pushed me, ordered me to "Leave [his] house".

He threatened several times to "F***ing hurt [me] and call the cops" (these are his exact words), with an aggresive voice, and a very dark stare.
He followed me to my room, insisting that he was gonna "Hurt [me]", having a "Kung Fu black belt".

He repeated 10 times that I "Lied to [him]", and must now "Clean the kitchen, and make a donation for using the kitchen" (although it was included in the stay).
PS: I paid for my entire stay.

I locked myself in my room, waited, and left the hostel from the back door, wearing socks under the rain.


** Please don't delete this post !

I don't blame this man for apparently having issues, or for apparently struggling in life : I'm only seriously concerned for hikers safety.
I didn't get hurt physically : maybe I was lucky... But who knows what could happen in this hostel in the future - God forbid ?


I wish you all to have a fantastic day.

Let us continue to be kind and opened towards each other : a few rotten apples should not spoil the good cider that flows in the springs, the waterfalls and the fountains of this beautiful world we live in !

Let us cherish every moment

Enjoy you hike, friends,
