What things do you do to prepare for a backpacking trip?

Here's my list---

** Pull out laces/insoles and wash off boots---dry---and coat with boot grease.
** Wash all backpacking clothing from last trip---even gloves etc.
** Remove tent from indoor laundry line and put into tent sack---inspect tent poles and shock cord.

** Get all necessary maps and do online research of area if needed.
** Clean MSR white gas stove by removing throttle cable and clean---clean jet and fill up fuel bottles.
** Spend a couple nights before the trip sleeping on your inflatable pad to make sure it works.

** Dehydrate all food if needed. (Go grocery shopping of course).
** Hefty-bag up all your food and manage number of cooked meals.
** Make Snackables food bag---granola bars, nut, nut butters, bread, chips, etc etc.

** Gather stuff you want to read (and later burn during course of trip).
** Charge up cellphone batteries and all camera batteries.
** Clean cook pot thoroughly with brillo pad to remove soot etc.

** Soak water bottles/bladders in hot water with mild bleach and clean.
** Inspect water filter.
** Type up a detailed trip itinerary if possible and copy for you and whoever is at home.

** Make a list of all important phone numbers---Ranger District, friends etc. Get everyone's most current cell phone numbers.
** Inspect Bics and make sure all have enough fuel.

Just some thoughts.