Hello all!

To get to the point I’m thinking about SOBOing next year in June(2016). I am in 12 step recovery(3 years clean) and concerned about that for such a long distance on the trail. I put a lot of time and effort into it back home.

I have gotten many suggestions on how to do this successfully, but I guess I just need a little reassurance from people like me. It really doesn’t bother me to be around light recreational use(I am in college and have a social life!), but I think being cut off from my support group will be hard. I would like to do this alone, but I know I will need support and will take it in any form!!!

If there is anyone out there SOBOing in recovery or anyone along the trail that would help me out it would be a lifesaver! I will continue to search meetings in trail towns and other ways I can stay on top of my recovery. Are there any towns with meeting that are an easy hitch to get to? I just want to know how I can stay clean and do this! Much love