Just noticed that the 2016 sub-forum is open. All of you 2016 lurkers, it is finally your turn!

Trail Name

Estimated Start Date
Approach Trail - yes or no
any additional info that you want the world to know

Also consider registering with ATC. Next year promises to be very busy, especially in GA, because of the Bryson movie (A Walk in the Woods). And m
ake sure you get lots of good tips from the Bryson movie later this year !

If anything changes, please update via a reply to this thread or send me a PM.

After you have completed your hike, don't forget to report back in with completion dates and how far you hiked!

Good Luck and Have Fun (with the planning this year and the trail next year).

See you on the trail,
mt squid

(Later in the season a spreadsheet will be available for viewing in the articles section.)

how to hike
some observations