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Thread: MA re-routes?

  1. #1
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    Default MA re-routes?

    Any info on the MA M-M 10-14 section re-routes? Thanks

  2. #2
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    I finally got out and did section 10 and 11. The reroutes were in and well blazed but 10 included a long roadwalk. I will add more updates as I get out.

  3. #3
    CDT - 2013, PCT - 2009, AT - 1300 miles done burger's Avatar
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    If it's important to you to do a continuous hike of the trail, for the sections further north, I'd recommend getting off the M-M Trail just north of Poverty Mountain (at Pratt Corner Road) and taking the Robert Frost Trail northbound all the way to Ruggles Pond. There's a short roadwalk from the north end of the RF trail to Ruggles Pond. I think that would skip all of the "closed" sections of the M-M.

    Between those two points, the RF Trail is far nicer and more scenic than the old M-M, but you might be able to find the old blazes on the M-M if you're good at finding abandoned trails.

    There's a nice online guide to the RF Trail with maps.

  4. #4
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    Here's the latest update I can find:
    I can't find any online maps or guides to this reroute. I've been spending time in Pelham, MA, so I'll be looking into what's blazed there.

    Here's an online guide to the Robert Frost Trail around Amherst, MA:

  5. #5
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    I did find some maps here of the proposed changes and http://netrailorg.racpro.com/maps/We...rail_maps.html @Burger thanks for the suggestion I will check that out.

  6. #6
    CDT - 2013, PCT - 2009, AT - 1300 miles done burger's Avatar
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    FYI, those maps are for the "New England Trail" which was made up by someone and is totally separate from the New England NST. But from the overview map, it looks like their route mostly follows the RF trail in the area I suggested.

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    I did know there was a difference but I assumed they followed the same route. I have since looked at some sections that I have completed and they were not exactly the same. Thanks again.

  8. #8


    There are constantly changes in landownership causing re-routes and re-openings all along the MM. Sometimes you can talk to land owners and get permission to pass through, sometimes you have to road walk, maybe hitch around closed areas. Unfortunately a complete trail with no crappy road walk re-routes and stupid landowner BS may never exist in MA.

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    I got out again today and picked up the trail at Amherst Rd. (Section 11) The trail is not blazed from N. Valley Rd to Shutesberry Rd. There were orange ribbons marking the route but I got about a mile in and either they stopped or I couldn't find the next one. I just bushwhacked the rest of the way. Once I got to Shutesberry Rd the trail is marked up to the start of section 12. I walked a short distance on section 12 and it was blazed. More updates to come.

  10. #10
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    Section 12 completed today. The reroute is totally in and blazed and appeared to be getting some use. There was even a nice new foot bridge over one of the water crossings. The road walks at the end of this section, except for a few hundred feet were on dirt roads. On the way back of my yo-yo I saw a cute porcupine . These are the current maps. http://newenglandtrail.org/get-on-the-trail/map Just click on the trail the area you want then click "read more" It will bring you to a printable map of a section and short description.

  11. #11
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    Finished hiking the reroutes today. Section 13 was totally blazed and a very pleasant walk. The at beginning of section 14 the blazes stopped. Shortly after crossing a wood bridge the trail will come to a cross trail. If you take a right it will take you to Sibley Swamp. Its more like a pond then a swamp and it is a very cool place. I highly recommend checking it out. The NET is the left trail. There are orange surveyors ribbons marking the route and its mostly on an established trail. There is a short new section but it was fairly easy to follow. When you reach New Boston Rd (which is a trail not a road) the blazes start again. This section ends in a road walk to Lake Wyola but once getting to Lakeview Rd the blazes stopped again. I think I found the beginning of section 15 but again no blazes.

  12. #12
    Registered User Tri-Pod Bob's Avatar
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    The trail over Craig Mtn, between So. Mountain Rd. & Gulf Rd. in Erving, has been closed by the land owner due to the abuse of his property. I hiked thru this area a few days ago & spoke to a neighbor (after a now unwanted road walk) about the closing. She informed me that some people have been camping, building camp fires & partying in general up there, defying the PO's conditions of use. It's her opinion that the problem lies with locals, not folks hiking thru. Regardless of where the blame sets, we are all now paying the price! She did mention that talks are underway between interested parties on getting this beauty of a mountain back into the fold! The NOBO trail (I was SOBO last week) comes out on So. Mountain Rd. about .01 mile from the original reentry. Now you take a .06 mile road walk (thankfully down hill if NOBO) to Gulf Rd. Turn left & then 1.7 miles to the trail head on the right.
    Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.
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  13. #13
    Registered User sketcher709's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phikes View Post
    Unfortunately a complete trail with no crappy road walk re-routes and stupid landowner BS may never exist in MA.
    How much of it is "stupid landowner BS" and how much of it is people not respecting the wishes of the landowners? No doubt there are some people who buy land and then don't want anyone on it but I wonder if more are cases of camping, littering, fires and drinking as someone mentioned above. In that case, you really can not blame them.

    In the case of "stupid landowners", I would say we can get more flies with honey and referring to people who often spend large amounts of land as "stupid" is not the best long term approach to getting them to come 'round. sorry, but this just rubbed me the wrong way. Hopefully none of these landowners are reading this board...

  14. #14
    Registered User Tri-Pod Bob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chilln View Post
    Finished hiking the reroutes today. Section 13 was totally blazed and a very pleasant walk. The at beginning of section 14 the blazes stopped. Shortly after crossing a wood bridge the trail will come to a cross trail. If you take a right it will take you to Sibley Swamp. Its more like a pond then a swamp and it is a very cool place. I highly recommend checking it out. The NET is the left trail. There are orange surveyors ribbons marking the route and its mostly on an established trail. There is a short new section but it was fairly easy to follow. When you reach New Boston Rd (which is a trail not a road) the blazes start again. This section ends in a road walk to Lake Wyola but once getting to Lakeview Rd the blazes stopped again. I think I found the beginning of section 15 but again no blazes.
    To get to the start of Sec 15, follow Lakeview Rd. to the ranger shack at Lake Wyola State Beach. Go up the drive & you will see a wood 'Picnic Area' sign on the right. Make your way through this area (stay to the right) & you will come to an open area without picnic tables. Look to the left of the edge of woods & you'll see a double blaze for the trail. You can also get to it about 1/4 mile before the ranger shack if you cut through the Carroll Recreation field gate & go to the back left corner of the field. There's a very short access road that hooks up with the NET. It can get a bit confusing in there, due to trail systems built by the Fiske Pond Conservation folks & Pine Brook Christian camp. This is a nice area of short trails, too. If you go to the right (East), Pond Loop Trail circles the pond & hooks up on the west side with the NET toward Old Egypt Rd. It's about an hour or less of easy walking. Off of the loop trail, Hemlock Bluff Trail ends at......wait for it.......a hemlock bluff that overlooks the pond. There are a cpl of small log benches there for a lunch, rest, or snack. There's also a small footpath that can be followed from there along the pond that will hook up with Fiske Point Trail if you don't want to backtrack to the loop trail. FPT ends at the pond & is a beauty spot to stop for lunch or a swim. There's no camping or fires allowed in the Conservation area, but if you are a hammock hanger like me.........I've spent a few stealth nights on the Hemlock Bluff & 1 night at the pond edge of Fiske Point Trail. Be aware that NET blazes can be very sparse in the beginning of Section 15 into Wendell State Forest, but they do get somewhat better after that as you move toward Ruggles Pond. At Ruggles, go past the ranger shack to the back of the paved lot to get on trail again. From here, it's a very short hike (a couple hundred yards or so) to the shelter. The hike from there to Farley is mostly flat & on a lot of forest road. Nice easy walking. Stop & take a break to enjoy the Mormon Hollow Brook area before going up to Farley Rd. Then cross at the intersection of Mormon Brook Rd & Farley Rd. The trail doesn't go down to the floodplain/RR grade areas anymore. Follow Farley Rd..... a walk of about 2 miles or so (downhill if NOBO) to the Farley Bridge crossing over the Millers River. After crossing Rte 2/2A & getting into the woods, it's a steep, but beauty stream side climb up Rattlesnake Mtn. Nice cascading falls in this stretch. Hope this helps, folks!
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  15. #15
    Registered User Tri-Pod Bob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sketcher709 View Post
    How much of it is "stupid landowner BS" and how much of it is people not respecting the wishes of the landowners? No doubt there are some people who buy land and then don't want anyone on it but I wonder if more are cases of camping, littering, fires and drinking as someone mentioned above. In that case, you really can not blame them.

    In the case of "stupid landowners", I would say we can get more flies with honey and referring to people who often spend large amounts of land as "stupid" is not the best long term approach to getting them to come 'round. sorry, but this just rubbed me the wrong way. Hopefully none of these landowners are reading this board...
    +1 on this! There's also cases of rerouting onto roads due to safety/liability factors, such as the road walk from Farley Ledges to Farley Bridge. The RR doesn't want or need the liability of hikers walking the tracks, which is illegal anywhere in Mass.
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  16. #16
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    Tri-Pod Bob

    I wish I saw this prior to hiking this section. I never found the trail at lake wyola. I ended up bushwhacking until I hit a snowmobile trail prior to Wendel state park. Miraculously it intersected with the NET. I have to say I was incredibly disappointed with the road walk at the end of this section. The area is so remote that there must be a way to stay off the road.

  17. #17
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    Chillin........I just found the trailhead myself last week. Even though I did a hike fm Mt. Monadnock to Lake Wyola a cpl of weeks ago, the last 2 miles were done on the old M-M route that comes out at the Co-op Market in Leverett because of the lack of adequate reroute blazing. My ex (still my best friend & GF) lives at the lake, so I'm up that way often. Maybe I should bring a 2x4 inch stencil & paint next time I take a stroll with her, now that I know the route!! Will see if that is allowed.
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  18. #18
    Registered User Tri-Pod Bob's Avatar
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    I was in Shutesbury today & realized that I misnamed the recreation area where you can access the trail. It's the Carroll A. Holmes Recreation Area, not Carroll Rec. Area. Sorry for the mistake.
    Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.
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