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Poll: Have you ever been turned away at an AMC campsite because it was full.

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  1. #21
    Registered User evyck da fleet's Avatar
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    Atlanta, GA


    Yes and no. I made the mistake of getting to the Madison hut here around 1 and didn't want to move on because of a storm coming but was told to. I hadn't passed any NOBOs the prior days so I stayed figuring I could go to the nearby campsite if necessary. When no one else showed for work for stay that night they let me stay. I didn't bitch at all, did what they asked and when I left one of the guys said I could stay at Carter hut since he'd be there the next night. The storm came both days, there were cancellations at Carter and they let me stay in a bunkroom.

    From talking with the croo, its a job that is easy to cause burn out and most don't stay for more than a few years. Between hikers showing up with the expectation that no matter how many of them they are they all can stay, families that spent a bunch of money for a night and expect five star accommodations, having to account for everyone hiking between huts in bad weather and the low pay, its easy to see how they may be in a pissy mood if you or the group the day before you came in with an air of entitlement.

  2. #22
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    AMC huts croo are not intended to be career jobs, it has a been summer job for ivy league college kids for years, although of late, there are far fewer ivy league folks. The croo leaders are usually college grads who have suddenly discovered that their chosen major although fun and interesting for four years has little or no potential for permanent employment. They frequently work the huts until they close in the fall and some end up as winter caretakers at the 3 huts that are open or go to work for the ski industry for the winter and then starve in the months' between ski season and the huts reopening. They usually try to keep the lifestyle going for a few years and then go on with their life when they realize that they are living in poverty. Some stay around and try to work the rare winter jobs with AMC until they realize that unless they have the right resume and contacts that they are never going to advance in the organization and they will have to move to Boston to advance. Some do try to stick it out and at some point get married with another like minded individual. This works until the kids come and then they have to find real career.

    AMC also has the problem that the hut seasons are stretching until late fall long after the college kids have gone back to school. Once that exodus happens, the crews shrink but the work doesn't

  3. #23
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    Huts only, well Zealand Falls hut had enough thru's for work for stays, so I asked if they could suggest a camping place for me and Splash. They told us of a location about 1/4 mile away (right outside the no-camp radius), and invited us back for breakfast.

  4. #24
    Registered User DavidNH's Avatar
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    the designated camp sites with caretakers are subsidized from the astronomically high priced huts!

  5. #25
    Registered User
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    Bedford, MA


    Never been turned away at the shelters or campsites. Only stayed at the huts a couple of times ever. Once at Madison, not by choice, and once at Zealand, by choice.

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