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  1. #21
    Registered User
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    Panama City Beach, FL


    hey Leprechaun,

    I enjoyed following your Trail Journal, along with several of the other thru-hikes you were with (e.g. Moxie and some others). I was section hiking Atkins to Glasgow this spring, came back to Florida from Glasgow 2 weeks ago, got off the trail at Foot Bridge across James River. I'm not the least bit surprised you are already feeling the trail tugging you back. A couple weeks home in the old routine, and I also can't wait to get back again to the AT. I know exactly how you felt when you decided to go back to Alabama for a break from the trail. You had been on the trail for quite a while, and I think you just needed a mental break. I also live on the Gulf Coast (Panama City Beach, FL), so we are not that far apart....

    here's what I think.... many AT thru hikers take zeros of different lengths along their journey, some for one day, some for several days or more... if they live fairly close to the AT or have family or friends nearby, it's not a huge logistic challenge for them to get off the trail and recharge their mental batteries. I know I don't have that option, and I guess you don't either. If we want to zero, we do it in the woods, or we got to a hostel or motel in towns, which can get expensive. ...living so far from the AT, especially from central VA where we got off the trail. It's a 765 mile drive for me to get back up there or a 25 hour Greyhound bus ride to Roanoke, VA to get back.

    you sound like you are now considering resuming your hike.... if you are ready, go for it.... think about the lessons learned from what you have done so far.... think about why you got burned out the first time. Were you getting into a race, hiking too many miles a day? were you just bored with the VA terrain? should you take a day off every week or so? you are almost halfway on the AT thru hike, Harpers Ferry is not that much further. You still have time to finish this year if you are psyched. If not, no big deal, you can section hike the AT... that's what I do now, and my next hike is the Long Trail in Vermont in September... the weather and scenery are awesome in Vermont in the fall.

    good luck on whatever you decide to do!

  2. #22
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    On the trail


    It is also possible that you don't actually like to hike. You hit VA, the romance of a long hike wears thins and society tugs you back in. With this being your first multiday hike it is entirely possible. Good luck either way.

  3. #23


    Focus on your friends. Make up games to play with your hiking buds. We did a few night hikes and that was really cool. We had dinner and then walked throughout the night. Fond memories of that. Focus on water (lol). Don't forget the earwax contests at lunchtime. See who has the most! yuck. I would make myself look forward to a good book that night.
    Earplug 94
    We will never conquer a mountain. The mountain allows us to visit and with enough time asks us to kindly go back down. And then sits in peace with or without our presence. me.

  4. #24
    Registered User
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    State College, PA


    Stay outta town! I was SOBO, but for some reason after Harper's Ferry, I got a little depressed. Every time I hit town, I just didn't want to leave. It was weird, I didn't really want to quit, but I also didn't really want to keep hiking either. I didn't know what to do, so I just stayed outta town, and kept moving. My cell died and I totally lost touch with the real world. SuperStorm Sandy rolled through (much to my surprise) and I was forced to take a few days off. After that, I got back on the trail and ended up finally seeing some other hikers when I hit Damascus. Then, the trail began to change and there were nice views once again...I finished, and now that I'm back in the real world, I wish I were back to the simplicity of the trail!

  5. #25

    Default It's all about attitude

    On a forest fire we were working our butts off trying to stop it. A local crew hiked in to help, and while we were focused on corralling the fire, they were mostly focused on how hard the work was. I enjoyed this exchange:

    "Don't you guys ever get tired?" (local crew-person, hinting for a break)
    "Yup" says my buddy.
    "Well, what do you do when you get tired?"
    "We keep working."

  6. #26


    Take it from a 66 year old Fart, better get out there and enjoy the trails and mountains while your health and Body allow!!!!!!! Believe me, you can put it off, then suddenly its too late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    Cherokee Bill ..... previously known as "billyboy"

  7. #27
    Registered User Symba's Avatar
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    Milford, Pennsylvania


    I hated the "Virginia blues" saying. I LOVED Virginia. Loved it! Did I mention I loved it? Well I did love it. I have love for hiking, easy hiking, and I loved Virginia for it. Who cares if you don't get into another state right away, seriously, it is still the Appalachian Trail (AT) no matter where it is. I love the AT and the AT community. Don't think of Virginia as being a place for sorrow. Take the time hiking Virginia as a sight sear. You are usually looking four steps ahead on the trail and not looking around. Take this chance of easy hiking to actually look around and enjoy EVERYTHING. Love life.

  8. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by evan_rolltide View Post
    Any tips on what to do when you don't feel like hiking for a week? How to stay motivated?
    Think "atleast Im not at work"
    to stay motivated? keep walking

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