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  1. #1

    Default Trashgiving 2011 reminder - it's this weekend (12/2-4)

    It's in Rumney, NH. http://www.facebook.com/events/#!/ev...9489069446490/ I hope this thread is good.

    As I suspected, you need to log on to view it.

    Send me a PM if you'd like to know more and don't have a Facebook account (or you can find someone who does and access the info. through them). Space is limited for overnighters.
    Last edited by Tinker; 11-29-2011 at 07:52.
    As I live, declares the Lord God, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn back from his way and live. Ezekiel 33:11

  2. #2


    It happened. I was there. I didn't get everyone's name, and I forget whatever I don't write down. It was at Big John's house in Rumney, same as last year. Sasquatch was there as well as Graceful Roll, Tank, The Dude, Jester (of course), Fox and her three small dogs, Jack Tarlin (aka Baltimore Jack), a newlywed couple (sorry, I can't remember their names), and Bookworm and Bag O'tricks and their dog, and a few others.
    The high point (for me, at least ) was a trip to The Greenhouse restaurant and bar in Warren, NH, where the entertainment for the night was a group called "The Crunchy Mountain Boys". Wonderful music, bluegrass and C&W, and I think I heard some Grateful Dead when I was outside for some fresh air. Others can post here if they have questions. My take is that I might just be getting a little old for these get togethers, and I'm hardly a "core" member. That said, the folks were all wonderful and there were some humerous moments, people staying up all night (I had to get a few hours here and there, in my hammock).
    From what I can see, Big John (owner, btw, of Moonbowgear Equipment, handmade custom hiking packs and shelters - gratuitous advertising here by me) is expanding and improving his living quarters, having made the upstairs accessible this year for visiting hikers. I asked him if he entertained the possibility of housing hikers during the hiking season, and he said that he hadn't thought of it. He's a ways from the trail, even by road, so he said that it would have to be on a prearranged basis, something the AT community isn't well known for doing.
    That's it for now.

    Btw: Here's Big John's website for his gear: http://www.moonbowgear.com/ He commented on the price of his items saying that it's all handmade in the USA. I didn't press him for details on other "cottage industry" gear makers, but there may be some things the public doesn't know about the origin of their equipment.
    If it's important to you, contact the company and ASK before you buy.
    Last edited by Tinker; 12-05-2011 at 12:54.
    As I live, declares the Lord God, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn back from his way and live. Ezekiel 33:11

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