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Thread: ShelterLeopard

  1. #41


    dont you have lightswitches to polish panzer? your up late. what say tommorow you come over early.

  2. #42
    Registered User Panzer1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mweinstone View Post
    dont you have lightswitches to polish panzer? your up late. what say tommorow you come over early.
    I'm putting left over pipe insulation on any bare copper pipes that I can find.

    Last edited by Panzer1; 01-09-2011 at 02:00.

  3. #43


    thats it panzer. im haveing a doctor write a note that you are not to be allowed to handel any type of tools and you are banned from all hardware stores and home depo and lowes. im starting a charity for my good friend panzer to send him hiking. donations will be used to help panzer deal with early onset idle.EOI has been idetified in middel age men who own more than 12 saws of any type. cases of hammer based EOI have also been of concern lately . panzer suffers from a severe strain of the dissorder witch causes uncontroled box building and redundant lightswitch installation. please help a fellow hiker indeed. we all want to see the day when panzer can watch tv and let a paint chip peal at the same time.

  4. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by mweinstone View Post
    thats it panzer. im haveing a doctor write a note that you are not to be allowed to handel any type of tools and you are banned from all hardware stores and home depo and lowes. im starting a charity for my good friend panzer to send him hiking. donations will be used to help panzer deal with early onset idle.EOI has been idetified in middel age men who own more than 12 saws of any type. cases of hammer based EOI have also been of concern lately . panzer suffers from a severe strain of the dissorder witch causes uncontroled box building and redundant lightswitch installation. please help a fellow hiker indeed. we all want to see the day when panzer can watch tv and let a paint chip peal at the same time.
    I enjoyed this post!

  5. #45
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    Shelter Leopard,

    I still have your favorite Ben and Jerrys flavor waiting....Coffee Heath Bar Crunch !!!!
    Order your copy of the Appalachian Trail Passport at www.ATPassport.com

    Green Mountain House Hostel
    Manchester Center, VT


  6. #46
    Registered User ShelterLeopard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fog Horn View Post
    This thread makes me really happy and I don't even know SL.

    I'm glad you recovered. This is the stuff of legends, and you have what it takes! I hope you plan to trail journal this time around, because I'd love to follow it. You're an inspiration.
    Man, don't do this to me- I'm going to tear up!!! (Seriously, this made me feel warm and fuzzy. And I'm really not being sarcastic. Which means that my WB addiction has just been lying dormant and is about to pop back up again...)

    Quote Originally Posted by harryfred View Post
    Yeah Duds lets do this thing. Lets figure out where and when. Come on Shlep are you in.
    Of course! When I get back from Idaho, though, so in maybe a month??? I'll just post when I'm planning on a thing (for serious lack of a better term) and invite you all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Panzer1 View Post
    so are we talking about going this month, I hope. For those not going to the PA Ruck in Virginia on Jan 28, this could be an alternative.

    Panzer! I'm hoping to at least do some hiking in the cold weather- I'm starting to get into hiking withdrawal.

    Nox!!! Say hi to Linds for me and I want to see you both!!
    2010 AT NoBo Thru "attempt" (guess 1,700 miles didn't quite get me all the way through ;) )
    Various adventures in Siberia 2016
    Adventures past and present!
    (and maybe 2018 PCT NoBo)

  7. #47
    Registered User ShelterLeopard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff View Post
    Shelter Leopard,

    I still have your favorite Ben and Jerrys flavor waiting....Coffee Heath Bar Crunch !!!!

    2010 AT NoBo Thru "attempt" (guess 1,700 miles didn't quite get me all the way through ;) )
    Various adventures in Siberia 2016
    Adventures past and present!
    (and maybe 2018 PCT NoBo)

  8. #48


    Good to see a post from you! Sam says hello, and thanks again for the postcard!

  9. #49
    aka -OvertheEdge- :)
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    Serious I have two vac days left till Apr. and one I was going to use for the Winter Warmer. I also have sick days I could use I'd love the opportunity to hike again with Panzer and to hike with Matty. Shlep I have hike with several that have hiked with you and you sound like a cool cat. we could do a four day weekend. March or April If I can talk BadAndy into it he needs to get MD off his list and that is a great four day hike my other suggestion is Swatara Gap to Duncannon. good four days and you can't beat a Finnish at the Doyle best damn cheeseburger in PA and PA's finest beer on tap.
    Alcohol was involved!

  10. #50


    Hey Shlep, WB to WB! Glad to hear you are better. I sure was sorry to hear of your problems.

    Tae care from that "other" Milford,

    http://www.radio-outdoors.com Ham Radio and the outdoors. Perfect together!

  11. #51
    Registered User Fog Horn's Avatar
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    Awww didn't mean to make you tear up, sorry

    When my family asks me why I want to do the trail, I tell them something like: There are many things you can do in life that bring you to the brink of what you think you are capable of, and in that moment, you have to decide if you are going to give up, or if you are going to dig deep and have what it takes. The AT gives you over two thousand miles of those moments.

    You got injured, and then sick with two different horrible things. Most people that I know would have given up, just decided hiking wasn't for them (actually most people that I know wouldn't have even set foot on the trail in the first place, lol), but you didn't. You chose to have what it takes. Same with the other poster who wanted to thru this year but got cancer. Its inspirational. I'm sure you'll face many more challenges on your next attempt, but I for one, will be rooting for you

  12. #52
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    Default It is not discussed much but...

    Quote Originally Posted by Fog Horn View Post
    There are many things you can do in life that bring you to the brink of what you think you are capable of, and in that moment, you have to decide if you are going to give up, or if you are going to dig deep and have what it takes. The AT gives you over two thousand miles of those moments.

    You got injured, and then sick with two different horrible things. Its inspirational. I'm sure you'll face many more challenges on your next attempt, but I for one, will be rooting for you
    there IS an element of luck to completing a thru-hike. I know some people don't believe in luck but there ARE capable hikers (such as Shelter leopard) and some that I hiked with who were FORCED off the trail by circumstances beyond their control. As for me, there were one or two falls I took that just as easily could have resulted in serious (hike ending) injury. I can only attribute that to luck.

    To Shelter Leopard or anyone for that matter who get out and try it again, after doing so many miles in the first attempt, is indeed inspirational as you state. I'm not sure that I would be that determined.

  13. #53


    when my son was 2 i started a thru hike attempt . as i got out of the cab at the sign for the entrance to amacalola was a hiker pitched and resting. i walked over and asked him what was up. he had a broken leg. he said he got 40 miles out and broke it and went to the doctor and thaught since in 6 weeks he would be fine, he need not quit and go home. he lived far far away and was poor. in the 4 weeks he had stayed around the park he had gotten day work and with only two weeks left till the cast came off, he was in high spirits and rearin to go. i never thaught that was the level of dedication to the sport. it is,and its great. shlep, we love you cause your not a quitter. and lots of other great reasons.

  14. #54
    Registered User Toolshed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShelterLeopard View Post
    Of course!

    And John, the Lyme was caught early enough- it was really the MRSA that got me. I have never experienced so much pain in my life. (I have to tell part of this, I can't resist). I had the infection on my ankle, and it was so incredibly painful that if a bedsheet brushed against my ankle I saw stars. Then, at the Harpers Ferry Medical Center, the doctor took a SCALPEL and CUT INTO my infection. With no anesthetic. I can not believe I didn't faint. And then said "now this is the painful part". Definitely thought she was joking. And the rest is too graphic. Y'all probably just ate dinner. Provided a very fun, stomach turing story though!!!
    Hope you are doing better Shlep. I think I was gonnna hike with you guys in DWG last year (well over a year ago now) but I ended up hospitalized for 2 weeks in Nov-Dec 2009 with Bactremia/Endocarditis - Destroyed the heart tissue surrounding my Aortic Valve. I since had a new valve put in in september and am ready to rock and roll. Hoping to crash the hiking party soon. Maybe trade some IV or Pic-Line war stories.
    .....Someday, like many others who joined WB in the early years, I may dry up and dissapear....

  15. #55
    Registered User ShelterLeopard's Avatar
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    Wow Toolshed! Sounds like NOT fun. So are you up for some hiking now?
    2010 AT NoBo Thru "attempt" (guess 1,700 miles didn't quite get me all the way through ;) )
    Various adventures in Siberia 2016
    Adventures past and present!
    (and maybe 2018 PCT NoBo)

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