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Thread: Name and shame

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Default Name and shame

    There are many people who have claimed they have thru hiked in 2008, but we all know that many of those making this claim are bogus. They have deliberately blue blazed or skipped sections (usually the hardest parts). On getting the form to claim thru hiker status they just could not help themselves and filled it in. Just about everyone starts out as a purists, then they take an easy option and do a blue blaze, and they start what becomes a slippery slope towards yellow blazing. They use all types of rationales to explain their actions, they even throw up HYOH as a rationale, when that term was never intended to be used in that fashion. Around the campfire at night they would change their story depending on the company, sometimes it was yep I am a thru hiker, other times nope I am not, and then who cares, even telling us purists to get a life. Yet when meeting day hikers on the trail, they would puff up their chests, give a broad smile and answer with a firm YES if asked if they were a thru hiker. It is time to point out those naughty people. They dminish my efforts, what next, they will be filling out forms to claim a purple heart and even start walking with a limp.

  2. #2
    Registered User hammock engineer's Avatar
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    Guilty of it in 07 and proud of it. Walked across the country the way I wanted to. No way I saw every blaze. Lost the trail a bunch of times going southbound. No way I was backtracking to the last blaze than going from there. Took a blue blaze if I wanted sometimes easier sometimes harder, In the last 2 weeks before Springer we decided to hike white blaze, blue blaze, yellow blaze, bush whack, zero in a hostel, zero in the woods, slackpack, and everything else we could think of.

    I figure I walked across the country taking over 6 months and 2200 miles, I can call myself whatever I want to. Did I register with the ATC and get a patch, no because I think that is a load of crap for similar reasons as you think non\purism is. Did I change it here, no because I am lazy.

    I think Bob Peoples said it best. Paraphrased, there hasn't been a purist since I took over. I'm always changing the trail. What you walk on one week could be somewhere else the next.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by whykickamoocow View Post
    There are many people who have claimed they have thru hiked in 2008, but we all know that many of those making this claim are bogus. They have deliberately blue blazed or skipped sections (usually the hardest parts). On getting the form to claim thru hiker status they just could not help themselves and filled it in. Just about everyone starts out as a purists, then they take an easy option and do a blue blaze, and they start what becomes a slippery slope towards yellow blazing. They use all types of rationales to explain their actions, they even throw up HYOH as a rationale, when that term was never intended to be used in that fashion. Around the campfire at night they would change their story depending on the company, sometimes it was yep I am a thru hiker, other times nope I am not, and then who cares, even telling us purists to get a life. Yet when meeting day hikers on the trail, they would puff up their chests, give a broad smile and answer with a firm YES if asked if they were a thru hiker. It is time to point out those naughty people. They dminish my efforts, what next, they will be filling out forms to claim a purple heart and even start walking with a limp.
    you're way too concerned about others and what others think of you

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Ender's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whykickamoocow View Post
    a whole bunch of pointless nonsense
    Good grief. If what others say about their own hike really has that much effect on your hike, perhaps you should re-examine your life's priorities.

    I mean really.
    Don't take anything I say seriously... I certainly don't.

  5. #5


    whykickanotherhiker, when on vacation sometimes you have to get off the touron bus to do your own thing and experience all the culture has to offer.

  6. #6


    It IS all about the trip...not the finish. My second trip I blue blazed to Gulf Hagas...made me sorry that I didn't the first time. Get a life!


  7. #7


    Umm, whykickamoocow, how come you get to decide what a thruhiker is?

    Are you a thruhiker from the time you step on the trail at Springer (or Katahdin), or do you have to wait until you've completed the whole trail to tell people you're a thruhiker? What if you don't make it all the way? Is it customary to re-contact everyone you've told you were a 'thruhiker' along the way and tell them you made a mistake and you're really only a section hiker after all?

    Will you go back and hike new sections when the trail is re-routed in order to maintain your purity? Surely you wouldn't count those old sections as legitimate once the blazes are removed or painted another color...

  8. #8


    Reminds me of when I saw some white-blaze purists I saw hiking the blue-blazes towards the campsite around stratton pond in VT. After a quick chat and passing them as we were heading up the trail that morning, my brother points out they must have missed the turn and asks why I didn't correct them. I said, it is a pretty walk, let them see something besides white, they'll figure it out soon enough.

  9. #9


    Crying a river should wash all those fakes away.

    Something to be said for worrying about your self.

  10. #10
    Registered User walkin' wally's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Adams View Post
    It IS all about the trip...not the finish.

    So true. Such is life.

  11. #11
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    Can someone order him a copy of Mags' book? Methinks it would do him good.
    My name is Tabasco and I approve this message.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Tabasco View Post
    Can someone order him a copy of Mags' book? Methinks it would do him good.
    Good call. Whykickameintheasscauseistupid, you should get a copy of Mags book HMHDI.

    You could hike all 2175 whiteblazed miles with it shoved conveniently wherever you want it

    Someone walks over 2000 miles, I don't care where there feet landed every step. Don't diminish someone elses accomplishment and get off your high horse.

  13. #13
    NOBO toBennington, VT plus 187 mi in MH & ME
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    mind your own business. Hike your own hike!

    People like you used to bitch if you didn't ford the Kenebeck,
    AT hiker : It's the journey, not the destination

  14. #14
    Registered User Lyle's Avatar
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    This is where a trail like the CDT is light years ahead of the AT. None of this insane obsession with how a person hikes. I certainly hope it the CDT never changes that aspect.

    What possible difference does it make?

  15. #15
    Registered User Grampie's Avatar
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    Default Name and Shame

    Only those who did the walk, know the talk.

  16. #16
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    whykickamoocow, Dude you are getting ready to get blasted. Hope you are prepared for it.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by whykickamoocow View Post
    There are many people who have claimed they have thru hiked in 2008, but we all know that many of those making this claim are bogus. They have deliberately blue blazed or skipped sections (usually the hardest parts). On getting the form to claim thru hiker status they just could not help themselves and filled it in. Just about everyone starts out as a purists, then they take an easy option and do a blue blaze, and they start what becomes a slippery slope towards yellow blazing. They use all types of rationales to explain their actions, they even throw up HYOH as a rationale, when that term was never intended to be used in that fashion. Around the campfire at night they would change their story depending on the company, sometimes it was yep I am a thru hiker, other times nope I am not, and then who cares, even telling us purists to get a life. Yet when meeting day hikers on the trail, they would puff up their chests, give a broad smile and answer with a firm YES if asked if they were a thru hiker. It is time to point out those naughty people. They dminish my efforts, what next, they will be filling out forms to claim a purple heart and even start walking with a limp.
    I am not a thru-hiker, however I feel I can say that the hiker's that apply for and receive formal thru-hiker "status" when in reality they didn't meet the qualifications of hiking the entire trail, mostly if they missed large sections of it, wether it be because of necessity or to alleviate physical hardship, are not really meeting the criteria that the ATC has set forth for 2000 miler recognition. These individuals feel however that they have earned it due to their effort, and I believe those that have done it their way, and made an effort to hike the AT, wether they occasionally had to blue blaze, etc...have successfully hiked the trail, other's who have left out huge gaps, state's, etc,...well that is a different story, and if they apply to receive recognition, and since it is based on an honor system, well then they are only fooling themselves. This is nothing new, however, as it can be applied to many facets of life where certain people lie to achieve different goals.

  18. #18

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    Quote Originally Posted by whykickamoocow View Post
    There are many people who have claimed they have thru hiked in 2008, but we all know that many of those making this claim are bogus. They have deliberately blue blazed or skipped sections (usually the hardest parts). On getting the form to claim thru hiker status they just could not help themselves and filled it in. Just about everyone starts out as a purists, then they take an easy option and do a blue blaze, and they start what becomes a slippery slope towards yellow blazing. They use all types of rationales to explain their actions, they even throw up HYOH as a rationale, when that term was never intended to be used in that fashion. Around the campfire at night they would change their story depending on the company, sometimes it was yep I am a thru hiker, other times nope I am not, and then who cares, even telling us purists to get a life. Yet when meeting day hikers on the trail, they would puff up their chests, give a broad smile and answer with a firm YES if asked if they were a thru hiker. It is time to point out those naughty people. They dminish my efforts, what next, they will be filling out forms to claim a purple heart and even start walking with a limp.
    I completely agree. They should be tarred and feathered and I think that a fine and/or prison time isn't out of the question. A year in a state prison ought to fix their wagon. We should probably waterboard them too because they might have info on other cheaters.

    Perhaps Guantanamo Bay should be reopened for blue blazers

  19. #19

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    Thru hikers should have to wear shock collars with GPS beacons. That way, we can keep track of them and deliver 50,000 volts in the case of a deviation.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by zoidfu View Post
    Thru hikers should have to wear shock collars with GPS beacons. That way, we can keep track of them and deliver 50,000 volts in the case of a deviation.
    Don't use SPOT locaters every thru hiker will be dead before they get off springer

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