I have been experimenting with the following idea to turbo-charge a tea-light stove. I was out of wick material to follow Zelph’s approach. So, I cut a strip of flashing with a width that is about 1/8” – 3/16” wider than the tea-light is tall. I fan-folded the strip varying the length of each fold so the overall shape is approximately round. I have about eight folds. Then I stand the zig-zag, fan-folded strip on edge in the tea-light. Metal window screen should work the same way as flashing, but I have not tried it.

The metal strip conducts heat causing the alcohol to vaporize faster. Using 15 ml. of alcohol, 2 cups of water, and a 5 ½ “ TI pot, I am getting boil and burnout simultaneously after about 7 minutes. If I use too many folds, I don’t get a good burn when first lighting the stove. My tea-lights will hold about 18 ml. of alcohol, and filling it up results in a boil occurring before burnout.

I have yet to determine the optimum strip width and number of folds. If you try his, please share your results.