I disagree with the notion that if you hike for multiple days, you will necessarily smell like a pig farm on a rainy day.

Attached is a pic of my hiking sink (a cut-down 1-gallon plastic jug), a 2 oz bottle of hand sanitizer that I fill with Dr. Bronner's soap, and a cut-down Japanese nylon scrub cloth, which, if used with enough pressure, will take chrome off a Buick. I guesstimate the entire kit weighs maybe 3oz (with a full bottle of soap). And if you haven't used Dr. Bronner's before, a couple of drops goes a looooooong way.

At the end of each day, I use these three to take something of a bath and to scrub out whatever clothes need to be scrubbed. While it's far from perfect, it helps greatly to keep down the reek and stench. Not pictured is a travel-sized stick of Dial 48 hr. deodorant, which is the heavy item in my arsenal (maybe 2 oz?).

To round things out, also not shown is a travel-size tooth brush, small tube of paste, and the tiny freebie spools of floss that dentists invariably give out for with every visit.

I've read some who say that hiker funk is just part of God's little plan and one gets used to it as time goes by, but I don't want to get used to it and take measures to stay as clean as I can. So if you're happy smelling like a baby diaper left in a dumpster for week during the summer, enjoy yourself, but if not, you may want to try one or more of my kit items.