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  1. #1

    Thumbs up When You Find My Body : The dissapearance of "Inchworm" Gerry Largay on the AT

    In what was most likely WhiteBlaze's longest running thread, the disappearance of Gerry Largay, aka Inchworm, while she was hiking the AT in 2013, kept all of us glued to our computers in hopes of a happy ending, or at least some new news. We didn't know if she got lost, injured, if it was foul play, or any of the other speculations about what might have happened to her.

    Unfortunately that didn't turn out to be the case and Inchworm and even after Maine Search and Rescue's largest search in history, she was not found. It wasn't until a surveyor found her remains a couple of years later, that we discovered the truth.

    Her journal included a note starting, "When you find my body" written to whomever might eventually find her.

    A book, out today, "When You Find My Body" by Dee Dauphine is a detailed account of what happened and the search for Inchworm, and the author's hope is that we hikers learn more woodscraft before entering the woods.

    As someone involved in the story, Dee sent me an early review copy. I am happy that he wrote a sensitive portrayal and reported on the facts, with background, in an interesting yet not sensational way. I learned a lot that, as close as I was to the situation, did not know. I recommend it.

    You can find the book wherever books are sold. Here's the Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/When-You-Find...s%2C183&sr=1-1

  2. #2
    GSMNP 900 Miler
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    Birmingham, AL
    Journal Entries


    Quote Originally Posted by ElephantEater View Post
    In what was most likely WhiteBlaze's longest running thread
    Top 10, or perhaps longest in recent history... but last time I made a similar claim, someone posted a link to THE longest WhiteBlaze thread (and it was huge).

  3. #3


    When Inchworm wrote "when you find my body" she was not injured yet she stayed. That statement lacks hope. It lacks survivability. It lacks thoughtfulness of the need for self rescue.

  4. #4
    Registered User 4eyedbuzzard's Avatar
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    DFW, TX / Northern NH


    Quote Originally Posted by HooKooDooKu View Post
    Top 10, or perhaps longest in recent history... but last time I made a similar claim, someone posted a link to THE longest WhiteBlaze thread (and it was huge).
    There's No Such A Thing As a Warraghiyagey—hiteblaze's longest thread. It was a figment of our imaginations. All 15,213 posts of it. "A paradox against the trees, a whispy native call, passing too quickly with the breeze."

    [Before your time here ElephantEater]
    Last edited by 4eyedbuzzard; 06-02-2019 at 08:17.

  5. #5

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by Dogwood View Post
    When Inchworm wrote "when you find my body" she was not injured yet she stayed. That statement lacks hope. It lacks survivability. It lacks thoughtfulness of the need for self rescue.
    Oh to be so enlightened.
    The older I get, the faster I hiked.

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