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  1. #41


    If the new hostel owner is charging fees he is also bound by state laws. I'm sure that the TN state consumer affairs people would be interested as well as the ATC.

  2. #42
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    Too many people waste money and time at hostels. Just keep hiking��

  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by greenmtnboy View Post
    If the new hostel owner is charging fees he is also bound by state laws. I'm sure that the TN state consumer affairs people would be interested as well as the ATC.
    The ATC wasn't interested at all...

  4. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by k2basecamp View Post
    Too many people waste money and time at hostels. Just keep hiking��
    True, but it sure is nice to get a shower once every week or so.
    The road to glory cannot be followed with much baggage.
    Richard Ewell, CSA General

  5. #45
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    I don't think the ATC really cares on the license status of a trail provider as long as they are outside the AT corridor. I expect if they checked legalities of various hostels along the trail they would find out that many are operating under the radar with respect to licensing and insurance. I expect there are many well meaning folks who don't realize that their act of kindness or side business exposes them to a whole lot of liability.
    Last edited by peakbagger; 04-23-2019 at 16:41.

  6. #46
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    I expect there are many well meaning folks who don't realize that there act of kindness or side business exposes them to a whole lot of liability.


    and that would include people who charge for shuttles....

  7. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by Gambit McCrae View Post
    The ATC wasn't interested at all...
    Then I would contact TN department charged with looking into it: https://www.tn.gov/commerce/consumer...complaint.html

    Could also call the state AG: https://www.tn.gov/attorneygeneral/contact-us.html

    Probably like a lot of states unregulated businesses could get money on donation basis, but once you charge for hosteling, shuttles, etc. that is regulated. For example the TT and some other hostels has a donation box.

  8. #48


    Duplicate delete

  9. #49

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    Quote Originally Posted by peakbagger View Post
    I don't think the ATC really cares on the license status of a trail provider as long as they are outside the AT corridor. I expect if they checked legalities of various hostels along the trail they would find out that many are operating under the radar with respect to licensing and insurance. I expect there are many well meaning folks who don't realize that their act of kindness or side business exposes them to a whole lot of liability.
    the flip side of that, is that many hikers only want to spend $20 to stay in a bunk somewhere, wash clothes, and have use of a stove. The competition is often a $60 motel room that sleeps 2. Works out in interest of all until something goes wrong.

    For that matter i know people that lease 2 nd houses they own without commercial insurance...they hope ins co doesnt find out if they file a claim.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by chknfngrs View Post
    Or I mean this place https://thestationat19e.com/
    ok. I stayed at the Station.

    We got a hot breakfast.

    Pancakes. Hash browns. Eggs. Lots more.

    There was a guy who was there badmouthing the Station and telling lies. It is by no means “the absolute worst hostel on the trail” and the shuttles into town for dinner and resupply were top notch (free shuttle if you wanted food for dinner they weren’t selling at the bar). Local businesses had positive things to say.
    Last edited by Ethesis; 04-25-2019 at 07:18.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by WTX2WY View Post
    I have been to neither of the hostels at Roan Mountain but do recall a thread from a few months ago started by the Station 19e owner/marketing person.

    That particular thread was about buying a beer for a hiker. They had started several threads recently promoting their business and I called them out (jokingly) for spamming. I realize they were just making a solid effort at promoting their new business across various outlets online. They sent me a pm with a little more detail about what they were trying to bring to the trail community.

    I am nosy so I looked up their website and social media presence and they had a small but growing reputation that seemed to be very positive.

    I can't give any first hand experience with their services on the trail, but calling them a scammer may be a little harsh. It also sounds like something a competing business might do in this day and age where attacking competitors online is a standard business practice. (I am not saying that is what the OP is doing, but it sounds similar to the fake reviews you see online claiming a hotel has bedbugs or a restaurant serves on dirty dishes, this hostel owner is a used car salesman from New Mexico who moved here to scam hikers, lol)

    Perhaps the shuttle driver miscommunicated or perhaps they were shadily trying to poach business. If it is in fact a shuttle driver lying to hikers to steal business hopefully the owner is made aware of it and addresses it. That is not cool for any business, much less a hostel in a close knit community like the AT.

    Here is a link to all of the posts from the Station 19e here at White Blaze: https://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/sea...rchid=14082891

    And here is a link to their website and Facebook:



    And here is an article from a local paper linked on White Blaze by our very own scraper bot:

    As I said, I haven't been to Station 19e so I can't personally vouch for them, but they do appear to have a growing positive reputation among those have.

    Hopefully both businesses can be successful and a positive experience for the trail community.

    we also did some slack packing out of 19E.

    Proper maintenance on his shuttle too (and you know that is rare).

    But the only place I stayed that had someone hanging out in the hostel part badmouthing them and trying to recruit business for the other hostel in a way that was sketchy as heck.

  12. #52
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    So. Bottom line. My experience was that there was something sketchy going on—but not at 19E.

    I was pleased with the prices, the food, especially the breakfast, the shuttles and the service.

    It was a pretty full hostel.

    Only sketchy thing at all at was the guy claiming to be a through hiker who had seen ever hostel and could tell us this one was the worst one ever.

    No no one at the trail head. You had to call when we were there.

    Anyway. I’m in Marion now. Tomorrow I see the llamas.


    And yes. That sketchy guy upstairs trying to steal business got my attention.

    If you think he and this post are related you have my impression.

  13. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by peakbagger View Post
    I don't think the ATC really cares on the license status of a trail provider as long as they are outside the AT corridor. I expect if they checked legalities of various hostels along the trail they would find out that many are operating under the radar with respect to licensing and insurance. I expect there are many well meaning folks who don't realize that their act of kindness or side business exposes them to a whole lot of liability.
    Yep. The one that always makes me cringe is the hostel(s) with a vehicle that hikers can drive into town.

  14. #54


    The more I read about hostels and services the less I want to include them in my thru hike, if I ever am lucky enough to thru

  15. #55

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    Quote Originally Posted by chknfngrs View Post
    The more I read about hostels and services the less I want to include them in my thru hike, if I ever am lucky enough to thru
    Wont be missing anything.

    Some are really nice, some are really cheap and sketchy some are just really convenient. Sometimes i stay hostels, sometimes motel or hotel rooms. I dont mind a little socialization, but some, hostels are actually quiet, have to leave to find people, everyones out in town, not at the hostel.

  16. #56
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    I’m surprised I’m still annoyed.

    I had never heard of a legendary breakfast. We got a great breakfast for ten (not twelve) dollars and great shuttles into town and elsewhere. Had dinner in town twice as well as some bar food.

    The only scam I saw was the “through hiker” trying to get people to switch hostels by lurking upstairs and telling lies.

    Anyway. I’m going to watch the rain and the alpacas. Long Neck is a great place. Best smelling bathroom I’ve encountered (I started to walk back out because I was sure I’d hit the wrong room).

    Atkins is great (and of all things the Marion City shuttle will drive over and take you into Marion for fifty cents from Atkins if you need anything from Walmart or Ingles).

  17. #57

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ethesis View Post
    I’m surprised I’m still annoyed.

    I had never heard of a legendary breakfast. We got a great breakfast for ten (not twelve) dollars and great shuttles into town and elsewhere. Had dinner in town twice as well as some bar food.

    The only scam I saw was the “through hiker” trying to get people to switch hostels by lurking upstairs and telling lies.

    Anyway. I’m going to watch the rain and the alpacas. Long Neck is a great place. Best smelling bathroom I’ve encountered (I started to walk back out because I was sure I’d hit the wrong room).

    Atkins is great (and of all things the Marion City shuttle will drive over and take you into Marion for fifty cents from Atkins if you need anything from Walmart or Ingles).
    Wondering if the maligned " brew blaze", is the trail "cherokee path" thats even shown on google maps. Starts feet from AT ( possibly at it?) , comes out in front of the station.

    I don't remember much about that area except the rocky excuse for trail down, seemingly endless long switchbacks

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuddyWaters View Post
    Wondering if the maligned " brew blaze", is the trail "cherokee path" thats even shown on google maps. Starts feet from AT ( possibly at it?) , comes out in front of the station.

    I don't remember much about that area except the rocky excuse for trail down, seemingly endless long switchbacks
    I think you're right. Last year's AWOL guide showed that downhill as 0.3 miles...more like 2.5 miles of switchback. I thought it was beautiful hiking against the sheer walls but the error in mileage (after hike from Roan High, over balds) was not welcome.

    My hiking buddy was at the Station, I went to MH. He loved his stay and truly appreciated the owner. I loved my stay but never met the owner of the B&B. Shannon and her husband were great.

    Now...there was a lot of curiosity about what kind of tricks were being played at the trailhead. Animosity between the 2 proprietors. I found it slightly off-putting that they couldn't establish ground rules and co-exist.

    All in all, it was a great day and a half with good people. Hiked out of there very happy. One place shuttles like crazy, puts you in a bed above the bar.....

    One place puts you in a nice clean barn (more than adequate) and seats you in the main house for a gourmet breakfast. Different hikers like different things. I loved Mtn Harbour, my buddy loved the Station.

  19. #59


    This person obviously doesn't know me and never has been to the Doe River or The Station at 19e. No I've never been a used car salesman and no I don't prey on hikers. When I started this I did my market research and asked hikers what they didn't like about hostels and looked at a bunch of them. #1 transportation, hikers loved to be picked up at the trailhead and like to go to town without paying a fortune. #2 nickle and dime #3 overpriced resupply #4 would like a beer. So I decided to give free shuttles to and from the trailhead and free shuttles to town whether or not you are staying with me or not. We increased restaurant sales in Roan Mountain by 25% in 2016 simply by doing this. I paid for it all out of pocket and gave away over 6000 cokes. We decided to charge a flat rate to include everything, soaps, laundry, shuttle, lines, shower, foot bath even a mint on your pillow and a washcloth. Instead of sitting out in front of Dollar General for hours I lowered resupply prices to that of dollar general. Hikers appreciate it and I appreciate not having to go to dollar general all day. Then there is the hybrid craft beer pub, restaurant, resupply, music hall/movie theater & 28 bed hostel. I have nothing but good things to say about Mountain Harbor and their long standing on the AT have never told anyone they are closed and never turned them away from their awesome breakfast. Someone asked me if I had breakfast and I said that I do. How am I supposed to know he wanted MH breakfast? I just decided to step up the game and do it differently. How is it that I don't have a bad review on guthook or anywhere else but this one comment? I think it's time that providers on the AT start treating the hostel business as a customer service business and giving hikers the highest level service possible. If that makes me a used car salesman then so be it. I welcome any and all of you to stop in and feel the positive energy here at the station.
    David Magee

  20. #60


    I welcome any of you to contact me directly. The Station at 19e has become bigger than me or my wife. Hikers have built it and made it what it is today. I welcome the opportunity to work with MH, but they have no desire to do so. It's a shame. There is no reason I couldn't take hikers down to their food truck for a second meal and they can bring hikers up for beer instead of driving past me and giving the business to a beer store in NC instead of our own county here in TN. They provide a quality product and we should be working together. I would like to know who I had upstairs trying to poach hikers from the Station. If you read this David I would like to work together. Seems others have spread lies that have caused us to not work together.
    David Magee

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