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  1. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by TwoSpirits View Post

    I struggled for a few years with wicked bad hot flashes, and was on a similar quest quest for the right sleep system & tactics to deal with the soaking and freezing at night. It's a unicorn; doesn't exist.

    When I finally gave in and admitted to my doctor that this particular symptom of menopause was really causing me grief (i.e., it was negatively impacting my quality of life simply because I wasn't hiking & camping in cold weather, the very thing I love the most -- well, except for my new granddaughter), he suggested Hormone Replacement Therapy. And like a lot of women, I balked at that because of all we'd heard and been warned about in the past. He explained how that had been de-bunked, and I did my own homework, and agreed to try it.

    BOOM! Absolutely life-changing. It helps with a lot of pesky problems, but in regards to night sweats, I never have had to worry about them since.

    There is no reason to suffer with this crap.
    Thank you so much for the validation! I feel like I’m going crazy.

    I tried to describe these symptoms to someone...

    Imagine you go out for a 5 mile run. It’s 90* outside. After your run, sweat is running down your face and back, your clothes are wet, you are dizzy, your heart is beating out of your chest, you are short of breath and can’t be still because you’re so uncomfortable. NOW, imagine if that same feeling happens multiple times throughout the day when you least expect it... when you are eating dinner with friends, sitting in a meeting, changing the dressings on a patient’s wounds, talking to your boss...

    You haven’t slept in months because you wake up in a drenching sweat followed by teeth-chattering cold. You stop all your beloved outdoor activities, the same activities that made life worth living, because you can’t tolerate the heat. You become depressed and feel guilty that you aren’t a better woman. Because this is part of life, right? Suck it up, this is part of being a woman! Not only that, you’re embarrassed by all these symptoms and don’t want anyone to know this is happening to you!

    TwoSpirits, I’m not putting up with this crap either. Hopefully, relief is on the horizon for me because this life isn’t worth living.

  2. #22
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    Good, I'm glad. It took maybe a week for me to notice changes, but some women get relief faster, some take a little longer. Sometimes the dosage might have to be dialed in, but I'm pretty confident that you are going to feel better soon -- and then you will have some Happy Hiking!
    fortis fortuna adjuvat

  3. #23


    For me, I started drinking herbal teas (no, not that one. Nettle, raspberry leaf, red clover, lemon balm, alfalfa, mullein, oatstraw, violet. Those are the ones I drink the most of.). One day I realized I wasn't having menopause symptoms very much anymore, and also that I could sell my shares in kleenex because my allergy symptoms had also disappeared. YMMV.

    I'm not a doctor or an herbalist. If anyone decides to start drinking herbal teas, please do your own research. Lemon balm, for example, can be problematic if you have thyroid issues, etc., etc.


  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by TwoSpirits View Post

    I struggled for a few years with wicked bad hot flashes, and was on a similar quest quest for the right sleep system & tactics to deal with the soaking and freezing at night. It's a unicorn; doesn't exist.

    When I finally gave in and admitted to my doctor that this particular symptom of menopause was really causing me grief (i.e., it was negatively impacting my quality of life simply because I wasn't hiking & camping in cold weather, the very thing I love the most -- well, except for my new granddaughter), he suggested Hormone Replacement Therapy. And like a lot of women, I balked at that because of all we'd heard and been warned about in the past. He explained how that had been de-bunked, and I did my own homework, and agreed to try it.

    BOOM! Absolutely life-changing. It helps with a lot of pesky problems, but in regards to night sweats, I never have had to worry about them since.

    There is no reason to suffer with this crap.
    Agreed. I had a long discussion with my GYN who is also a friend. She explained to me exactly why the study so often quoted was flawed and told me I could continue on HRT as long as I found it beneficial. It has been so wonderful to know you aren't going to face unbearable heat and sweating when you least expect - or want- it. The benefits to me far outweigh the risks.

    I have been on HRT since 2006. I have had a Cardiac Calcium Scan of 0 in 2009 and 2019. This year they told me it is almost unheard of for a woman of my age (62) to have a 0 score. I'll keep taking my HRT until I have a valid reason not to. But everyone has to make the choice that is best for them

    Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

  5. #25
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    I'm new here and thought I would throw a little love to this thread being menopausal and planning my first AT hike - bottom line, hot flasshes or no, the best thing that ever happened to me regarding my outdoors recreational life (motorcycling, scuba, hiking, backpacking) was the end of worrying about periods. My periods stopped the same time my stepdaughter started getting hers (poor kid lol). I had originally planned to thru hike in 2018 but had to postpone because of job stuff and just the other day, I came across a little bag in my garage that I had actually packed for that trip and it was a little tampon bag. It gave me great joy to throw that stuff away lol.



  6. #26


    I am a little late to this subject but here goes what worked for me . At age 49 total hysterectomy , I had immediate bad menopause . I tried different stuff and finally ended up wearing a patch that contains 1.56 mg of estradiol . Over the years I have cut the patch down to the smallest piece that gives me relief from the hot flashes and the heart jumping around. I told my Dr. I wasn't worried about cancer , heart attacks or strokes cause if I didn't have my patch I was going to jump off a cliff instead of hiking it ! lol If I stop the patch all the hot flashes , heart jumping, not being able to think comes back . So I will die wearing it hopefully still hiking . Oh I am now in my later 60s and I believe my patch has kept me active and healthy .
    Everyone talk to your Drs and educate yourself because everyone is different, I know women that never had one problem with menopause ... go figure right. Hike on because life is all ways good when your hiking !!!!!

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