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  1. #61
    Registered User Just Bill's Avatar
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    For what it's worth-
    I recalled Karel using a different site/webpage on the PCT (and several Strava comments).

    Running back through Peter's old site I see that he did use this service- though it went to a site he set up for the event (similar to this one but not a plug in).
    The Strava was backup it seems and not a serious source of critical tracking. (I thought he tried to do the whole thing)

    I also see a Stef chiming in on that effort as well who I strongly suspect is the very same Stef we are talking to now.

    A skeptical backwoods bastard I may be... but all seems to check out.
    So just sharing my homework with the class...

  2. #62
    Registered User Just Bill's Avatar
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    Original thread on that elevation profile tracker for those interested.

  3. #63
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    BTW, a lot of the tracking data seems to have been now been uploaded. There are still a few gaps, but not as many. It appears that his overnight stops shown above are confirmed. He got to Irwin by early PM. If he continues with his pattern of 50+ MPD, he should get to Iron Mtn Gap by this evening, putting him 37 miles ahead of Stringbean.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by JPerry View Post
    Question with regards to using an inreach. How would you go about setting it up so that there is a delay on your map? Is that possible on Garmins Mapshare or would you have to register it with a 3rd party to do that?
    I’m not sure if InReach has that function. Trackleaders said it offers this option although I’ve yet to see it implemented with any of its users. It may be something that Stef and Legendstracking would want to offer, if they don't already. I know other users besides self-supported FKTers may be interested in delaying the posting of their waypoints on public maps.

    As a DIY kind of guy, I did piece together a workaround, which involves pairing the email alert for check-in/movement feature offered by SPOT (and probably other tracking devices) with a (free) IFTTT applet: http://goo.gl/UQB1zL and then linking the output spreadsheet with mapalist.com. This linkage creates an intrinsic delay of several hours on the output mapalist map. With some spreadsheet formulas, you can further obscure the timestamp to show only elapsed time vs. date/time such as what we did with Joey's track last year. Yeah a bit of work, but not too bad. Here's the Joey example: https://mapalist.com/map/638124 And here is the mapalist feeder sheet (with formulas): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets...yeE/edit#gid=0

    Quote Originally Posted by stefschuermans View Post
    In order to make things more convenient for you guys, and for anybody following Karel’s FKT attempt, we will include a button on the tracking site where you can download the full gpx including all location points coming from Karel’s trackers. There will be no delay or manipulation on this gpx.
    Thank you, I noticed this download button and do appreciate the feature (especially when compared to fussing about trying to do the same with Jurek's InReach track). Question though: can you confirm that the timestamps are on this gpx download? I downloaded Karel's track this evening and did not see any timestamp data in the 29MB file. Speaking about file size, to reiterate Just Bill's and Peter's recommendation, I don't see the reason for such high signal frequency. I doubt even the pros over at Guinness World Records would even require it...?

  5. #65
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    There was much discussion in the last FKT thread about the relative merits of self-supported vs support speed hikes. To this point, Karel has been able to cover from 49.7 to 53.2 miles and still be able to meet his support team at a road crossing overnight. The only exception was when he went an extra 2 miles beyond the trail head to overnight at Icewater Springs Shelter, I'm assuming because staying overnight in the parking lot is not allowed in the National Park.

    Today, Karel looks to finish the day in an area where there aren't many road crossings, between US19E (30.8 miles) and US 321 (64.1 miles). The roads in that stretch are small local roads or USFS roads. I don't know how accessible they are, especially with all the rain they have been having, and none would allow him to be at a road crossing after doing the miles he has done to date (51.5 +/- miles). So today he will either have to stop short, push a little further, or arrange for a support crew to meet him on the trail, and hope the roads are passible.

  6. #66
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    Those roads are accessible.
    Remote for detachment, narrow for chosen company, winding for leisure, lonely for contemplation, the Trail beckons not merely north and south, but upward to the body, mind, and soul of man.

  7. #67
    Registered User One Half's Avatar
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    Can someone please post updates on the progress? Possibly compare his progress to the current FKT holder? I am having a problem with the map and would really love to know 1- how far he has gone and 2 - how far Joe had gone in the same time frame and 3 - if continuing at this pace, what is his projected completion time?

    A vigorous five-mile walk will do more good for an unhappy but otherwise healthy adult than all the medicine and psychology in the world. ~Paul Dudley White

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by PennyPincher View Post
    Can someone please post updates on the progress? Possibly compare his progress to the current FKT holder? I am having a problem with the map and would really love to know 1- how far he has gone and 2 - how far Joe had gone in the same time frame and 3 - if continuing at this pace, what is his projected completion time?
    His start point for tomorrow is speculated based on his last post. I think it is too early to project a finish date. To beat the record he would have to finish by late afternoon on Sep 1.

    Karel StringBean
    Enter Start Day Day Location Day Miles Location Day Miles Ahead of Pace
    18-Jul 0 Springer Mtn/AT Southern Terminus Springer Mtn/AT Southern Terminus
    19-Jul 1 Unicoi Gap/GA Hwy 75 52.3 Low Gap Shelter 42.6 9.7
    20-Jul 2 Rock Gap Shelter/USFS Rd 67 53.1 Standing Indian Shelter 43.1 19.7
    21-Jul 3 Yellow Creek Gap/NC Rd 1242 52.5 Nantahala, NC/US Hwy 19/74 50.8 21.4
    22-Jul 4 Icewater Spring Shelter 52.5 Spence Field Shelter/Eagle Creek Trail 46.8 27.1
    23-Jul 5 Lemon Gap/TN Hwy 107 49.7 Cosby Knob Shelter 47.4 29.4
    24-Jul 6 Devil Fork Gap/NC Hwy 212/TN Hwy 352 50.7 Hot Springs, NC/NC Hwy 209 43.6 36.5
    25-Jul 7 Iron Mountain Gap/NC Hwy 226/TN Hwy 107 53.2 Bald Mtn Shelter 52.7 37.0
    26-Jul 8 ?Dennis Cove Rd/USFS Rd 50 55.5 Roan High Knob Shelter 51.5 41.0

  9. #69


    If he stopped at USFS 50 tonight (as above) he's I think 43 miles ahead after 8 days. But, that doesn't mean all that much. Stringbean was good in the first half, but killed it in the second half, which also has sections of harder, more technical trail (Rocksylvania, White Mtns, etc.) Harvey Lewis was around 15 miles ahead after 10 days, but then struggled and quickly fell behind. But, obviously if Karel continued to gain 3/4 of a day per week on Stringbean he'd finish 4-5 days ahead of the record. He's been super consistent so far. Fun to watch, especially now that the tracking seems to be working better!

  10. #70


    He better hope it stops raining in the north east soon.
    Follow slogoen on Instagram.

  11. #71
    Registered User LittleRock's Avatar
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    Looks like he's headed into Damascus today...
    It's all good in the woods.

  12. #72
    Registered User Just Bill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slo-go'en View Post
    He better hope it stops raining in the north east soon.
    Might be too late already...
    At this pace he's 10-11 days away from stretches of trail currently underwater in Penn.

    How bad is vermont? I didn't see how much of the storms are tracking into the northern states.
    I heard wet spring, but then dried up springs in some spots... so hard to say if that will dry up or not. It's really only 20 days out if all goes as planned for Karel.

    Not saying it would be impassible by any means... but it would be very rough on a fella trying to safely and consistently run 50's.
    Overall- the nice steady pace is nice- but as he clears Damascus and southern VA I'd hope to see several days at or near 60 despite his 'lead' at the moment.
    He's less than a week away from reaching that zone from central VA to roughly the midpoint where bigger days happen and if too wet he will likely lose that chance to bank miles before he hits Maine Junction.
    Last edited by Just Bill; 07-26-2018 at 09:26.

  13. #73


    Quote Originally Posted by Just Bill View Post
    Might be too late already...
    At this pace he's 10-11 days away from stretches of trail currently underwater in Penn.

    How bad is vermont? I didn't see how much of the storms are tracking into the northern states.
    I heard wet spring, but then dried up springs in some spots... so hard to say if that will dry up or not. It's really only 20 days out if all goes as planned for Karel.

    Not saying it would be impassible by any means... but it would be very rough on a fella trying to safely and consistently run 50's.
    Overall- the nice steady pace is nice- but as he clears Damascus and southern VA I'd hope to see several days at or near 60 despite his 'lead' at the moment.
    He's less than a week away from reaching that zone from central VA to roughly the midpoint where bigger days happen and if too wet he will likely lose that chance to bank miles before he hits Maine Junction.
    Yikes that’s a little nerve wracking to consider

  14. #74


    Quote Originally Posted by Just Bill View Post
    Might be too late already...
    At this pace he's 10-11 days away from stretches of trail currently underwater in Penn.

    How bad is vermont? I didn't see how much of the storms are tracking into the northern states.
    Most of the rain has been in PA and NY, but Vermont has been getting it's fair share. I suspect Vermud will not disappoint.

    Northern NH has missed much of the rain, but we've been getting bands of it the last few days as the Bermuda high slowly moves farther out to sea and pulls the rain east. Looks like the weekend won't be too bad, but later in the week we'll have another 3-4 days of rain.

    Currently, the ground is soaking up the rain like a sponge so the trails aren't impacted too much yet. The main issue is if it's actively raining, that slows you down a lot.
    Follow slogoen on Instagram.

  15. #75


    The weather has been extremely dry in the Northeast this spring and summer until this week. Harvey Lewis had practically bone dry conditions through Vermont, NH, and Maine, but appeared to me to be very cautious on the rough ground. He clearly is more confident on smooth trails in the middle of the country and in the West. I was hoping for some high stream crossings, mud, slippery roots and rocks, etc. to make things interesting. What is it with ultrarunners and Mother Nature? Jurek wouldn't even of had the record if not for a splendid stretch of weather in NH and Maine. We'll see how this turns out with Karel, but he has the credentials and a small, but effective support team. With decent weather, he should be able to gain some miles on Stringbean in the Whites since the Bean was pretty beat up at that point and had several low mileage days even for that terrain. Either way this turns out, Ryan will still have the unsupported record which is a time that is remarkable beyond words.

  16. #76
    Registered User Just Bill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slo-go'en View Post
    Most of the rain has been in PA and NY, but Vermont has been getting it's fair share. I suspect Vermud will not disappoint.

    Northern NH has missed much of the rain, but we've been getting bands of it the last few days as the Bermuda high slowly moves farther out to sea and pulls the rain east. Looks like the weekend won't be too bad, but later in the week we'll have another 3-4 days of rain.

    Currently, the ground is soaking up the rain like a sponge so the trails aren't impacted too much yet. The main issue is if it's actively raining, that slows you down a lot.
    That's good to hear... Things are pretty stable in my area this year, but I keep hearing from those on the east coast about this season being pretty wild... mainly Harpers up to VT though it seems at the moment.

    I love hiking in the rain down south... except for those clay slicks hidden under some leaves.

    That once a week rain up north won't kill it if it's dried out but if it gets saturated up there... Joey's first NOBO trip comes to mind but that was earlier in the season too before the Northwoods had a chance to fully dry out. Plus Joey brought a hurricane in his pocket which was a dumb choice on his part.

    Course a bit of heat to dry out the middle of the trail after this would make for a BRUTAL sauna.

    I'd say I feel bad for this year's NOBO hikers... but having said that for a few seasons in a row now this is the new normal and a 'good' year will be something we old washed up desk jockey cyber hikers wistfully discuss here at WB while others hike on blissfully unaware of the good old days.

  17. #77


    A new supported record by Karel would set up perfectly for Stringbean to get a strong support team next year and strive to go sub-40 and take back one of the 2 records of his that Sabbe will have broken.

  18. #78
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    Rain or shine, unless Karel's a true mutant, the miles will eventually take their toll. Even the Stringbean, in lieu of other details, kept a log of his aches and pains (column J): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets...it?usp=sharing

    1/4 down, so far so good...

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odd Man Out View Post
    His start point for tomorrow is speculated based on his last post. I think it is too early to project a finish date. To beat the record he would have to finish by late afternoon on Sep 1.

    Karel StringBean
    Enter Start Day Day Location Day Miles Location Day Miles Ahead of Pace
    18-Jul 0 Springer Mtn/AT Southern Terminus Springer Mtn/AT Southern Terminus
    19-Jul 1 Unicoi Gap/GA Hwy 75 52.3 Low Gap Shelter 42.6 9.7
    20-Jul 2 Rock Gap Shelter/USFS Rd 67 53.1 Standing Indian Shelter 43.1 19.7
    21-Jul 3 Yellow Creek Gap/NC Rd 1242 52.5 Nantahala, NC/US Hwy 19/74 50.8 21.4
    22-Jul 4 Icewater Spring Shelter 52.5 Spence Field Shelter/Eagle Creek Trail 46.8 27.1
    23-Jul 5 Lemon Gap/TN Hwy 107 49.7 Cosby Knob Shelter 47.4 29.4
    24-Jul 6 Devil Fork Gap/NC Hwy 212/TN Hwy 352 50.7 Hot Springs, NC/NC Hwy 209 43.6 36.5
    25-Jul 7 Iron Mountain Gap/NC Hwy 226/TN Hwy 107 53.2 Bald Mtn Shelter 52.7 37.0
    26-Jul 8 ?Dennis Cove Rd/USFS Rd 50 55.5 Roan High Knob Shelter 51.5 41.0
    DANG!! My daughter and I were in Ground Hog shelter by 1:00 on the 23rd. That is 13 miles short of Lemon Gap where he spent that night. The shelter is .2 miles off the trail. Would have loved to see him fly by!!!

  20. #80
    Registered User Just Bill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Math Teacher View Post
    A new supported record by Karel would set up perfectly for Stringbean to get a strong support team next year and strive to go sub-40 and take back one of the 2 records of his that Sabbe will have broken.
    Or Karel can carry his own pack and try to do it the right way

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