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  1. #221
    Registered User Just Bill's Avatar
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    If I could channel my spirit animal Peter Bakwin (or basically paraphrase him really):
    "The FKT site records efforts that are submitted. As much as possible they do not judge the validity of the efforts; that job remains with the community as a whole".

    You can call it the dreaded asterisk. There are some routes like the JMT where a fire closure or other re-route is too serious to even count the effort. It may get noted, but discounted because it was too far off the mark.

    Karel's PCT hike "Taking several fire detours" is the asterisk. There was great debate and many who consider his hike invalid as a result.

    Peter records... we debate.
    Peter may chime in as a member of the community but he still tends to record regardless.

    Knott's adventures on the AT; Peter was directly involved in reviewing the hike. Despite several issues, Dan's hike was recorded and remains on the site.

    For the most part... you could argue that the AT is one of the only 'stable' trails out there. So we all willingly overlook the exact distance discrepancy from year to year.
    Some trails are so unstable in their current routing or land acquisition that it is really little more than noting an effort rather than calling it a true FKT that others could repeat.

    The only thing one can do is be transparent. Record what you did and hold your head high.
    Not being as familiar with the PCT... with fire issues the 're-route' becomes the official trail for that season... but when it gets to be too much then at best you note it as Peter did and let the chips fall where they may.
    At worst you abort or invalidate the attempt completely.

    Williamson took a pretty extreme line on the subject at one point... insisting on following his version of the PCT, ignoring closures, walking through fires and other choices.
    Respectably badass... but ultimately crossing that 'undue burden' line. An attempt 10 years later can't be expected to recut an abandoned section of trail or willfully violate a reroute of the trail just to perfectly match bink's hike. FKT's have to be repeatable with a realistic standard of guidelines to follow.
    In today's age- it also doesn't jive with respecting the trail managers and community as a whole very well either to demand such standards of those who follow.

    Is it 1%, .05%... who knows?
    Can you do make up miles?
    If a section of the shennies was forced onto the parkway for a few miles I don't think anyone would have a huge issue.
    If you rerouted a few mile road walk around a section in the whites though... you'd have to kill the hike.

    With the weather events taking place now... this will become a serious issue that may require more flexibility.
    But is that fair to penalize a hiker who had a 'safe' year?

    If Jen didn't run into a storm and get hypothermia in the whites could we play the what if game and assume her time would still stand? Or would we assume that all those who followed would rewrite their effort to match?

    Poop occurs.

    My personal opinion... tough ****. Be it flooded streams in maine or burning woods... there are so many factors out of your control that you simply have to accept them. In some cases you overcome it, in some the pile of poop is too deep to dig out of.
    Joey Camps tore his quad or Karel ran into a fire: both random and unforeseen events that are part of what makes a successful FKT inspirational. The woods isn't all that interested in fair really.
    All sympathy to that person on a personal level.
    But a record is impersonal by nature and you can no more earn one for being nice than you can sneak in behind a tough break.

    The irony is that we deeply respect any who honestly try.
    As Jen pointed out... it's all the dishonesty that we dislike.

    Perhaps the simplest way to see it...
    If it was your record and someone wanted to claim some exception; 'but this happened', a detour, or other qualifier to justify the trip; would you accept it as valid to bump you off the podium?
    More importantly; since nobody really owns the record itself... does removing this asterisk tarnish the record itself?
    Does it maintain or add to the standard or dilute it?

    Those are all questions that Peter and Buzz would like those involved to explore.
    Each FKT is as unique as the trail it takes place on. So local tradition and guidelines trump all. The overall rules are just that- overall.
    They can't foresee specific issues with each trail or FKT so that's why the participant is asked to clearly state those standards prior to an attempt.
    Past holders or participants have a larger say perhaps... but again if someone is just setting up undue burdens to hurdle then that must be struck down as well.

    The weather issues are new. Great debate exists on if they are permanent.
    There may come a time when up to 100 miles or more of fire re-routes may become needed for the PCT. Sadly for the AT even.

    So overall the standard remains to match or exceed the standard set by those who have come before you.
    If Bink found a clean enough season to set the record... and Heather was able to come along and do the same... no reason another cannot either.
    Until something changes... we can record and acknowledge Karel's effort with it's notable exceptions.
    If he proves to do well on the AT, the fact that Peter recorded his PCT trip only adds weight to any current claim he may present... It may even cause some to reevaluate their opinion of his previous efforts.

    As a wise woman once said- Hold the record lightly.
    Matt might add- but defend the record itself fiercely.

    If one is so lucky as to have it all come together and attach their name to it for a brief bit... it only has true value if the nearly impossible standard is maintained.
    Last edited by Just Bill; 07-11-2018 at 11:19.

  2. #222

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    I think its implicit that in a fkt as long as AT, PCT, etc, with as many chance variables, some things will go your way, and some against you. What is assumed....and is likely true, is that it all averages out.

    My wife would get mad at me when my kids teams lost a close game at high level competition. due to questionable call or something, and I didnt get upset. Last time was ncaa softball super regional last yr. I explained to her, "you cant focus on only one thing. There were often many similar instances in close contests. Some go for you, some against you. " If it comes down to just 1 thing making the difference, we didnt clearly deserve to win" . So be mad at us for what we failed to do, instead of at the other team for 1 call that went their way.

    I see same philosophy needing to be applied to fkt. Yeah, eventually stars align for someone and they will put up an impossible time. Thats the breaks.
    Last edited by MuddyWaters; 07-11-2018 at 16:54.

  3. #223
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    Quote Originally Posted by Just Bill View Post
    Kudos to Harvey for continuing and best of luck on finishing his hike.

    … Snip … snip … snip …

    The only clearly defined one is a 2200 mile long line a few footprints wide.
    It only exists because thousands and thousands of people every year volunteer to preserve it.
    So really all you can do is try not to cross it.
    This whole thread is one of the best I’ve ever read on WhiteBlaze.

    You whole lot are a fascinating bunch — thanks!

  4. #224


    Interesting to see the challenge of Mahoosuc via the tracker.

    The triangle in the lower left corner is from 3:31 pm. The one in the upper right is 5:28 pm. The distance reported by the tracker during those 2 hours? 0.9 miles.

  5. #225
    Registered User Just Bill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TravisRex View Post
    Interesting to see the challenge of Mahoosuc via the tracker.

    The triangle in the lower left corner is from 3:31 pm. The one in the upper right is 5:28 pm. The distance reported by the tracker during those 2 hours? 0.9 miles.
    The 'hardest mile' or the funnest mile depending on how you view the world.

    If you go over the top you can do it in 30-45 min... but better safe than sorry at this point.

  6. #226


    There was a lot of discussion on our old FKT website about the nuances of PCT re-routes and what that means for an FKT, with some strong feelings on all sides. As I understand it, for several years now it has been impossible to legally hike the "official" PCT due to (mostly) fire reroutes always being in effect somewhere or other. You might say that Scott Williamson (?) still has the FKT since he might be the last person to hike the "official" route quickly. Or, you could say that an FKT is valid as long as the person follows all "official" reroutes, which is what Karel did, and what Stringbean did before him, as I understand. I think this is (way) less of an issue on the AT?

    I look forward to following Karel's attempt, starting next week! Good luck to him.

    Twitter @fastestknown

  7. #227
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    WOW! This is some very interesting conversation. I love all the "heavy weights" weighing in with very valuable insight. It is much appreciated and I'm loving all of it. Unfortunately almost none of this has anything to do with Harvey or his attempt and should be in a separate thread. Occasionally mentioning his name does not justify how far this has deviated. Are we taking advantage because pmags is preoccupied with another adventure? Lol,

  8. #228
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    I was lucky enough to come across Harvey last Monday on my first day out doing a section of the Long Trail. It was Totally random I had kinda lost track of where he was leading up to my trip, being busy with packing and work, and was pleasantly surprised when I saw the van with his name on the side setup on a forest service road I was crossing. I said hello to his dad and asked if Harvey had come through yet. He said he hadn't. His dad all but insisted on topping off my water because it was so hot, which I gladly accepted. Harvey came trotting in. He had just put in 21 miles in 90 degree humid heat. He said he had actually laid in a creek earlier that day to cool down. I said a real quick hello finished my snack and said I'll see you soon as you're passing me and headed out. He caught me in about a mile or so and I moved over to let him through. He slowed his pace and we chatted for the next couple of miles. All I can say is what a class act and such a nice guy. I really wasn't looking to slow him down but he asked me all kinds of questions about my life and I tried to gently warn him about NH and how it's tough but so beautiful. Then as he was pulling away saying his goodbye I shouted "if you can avoid it do not go down the backside of mt moosilauke at night!" My one meager piece of trail advice I could offer to someone who clearly didn't need it. Lol

  9. #229
    Registered User Just Bill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdx1177 View Post
    WOW! This is some very interesting conversation. I love all the "heavy weights" weighing in with very valuable insight. It is much appreciated and I'm loving all of it. Unfortunately almost none of this has anything to do with Harvey or his attempt and should be in a separate thread. Occasionally mentioning his name does not justify how far this has deviated. Are we taking advantage because pmags is preoccupied with another adventure? Lol,
    Ha! To paraphrase myself from last year:
    Fer the 100 or so of us interested in these trips... these threads turn into our mutual water cooler to catch up with each other. 'Watching' a FKT leaves lots of time to fill up with having a good ol fashioned gum flappin session. Nothing against Harvey, just happens to be the thread we are on this season having a little group chat. Speedy folks are efficient so we can get er all done in one place.

    As fer Mags; he could care less. Unlike the rest of us jackholes he's out hiking.

  10. #230
    Registered User Just Bill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pbakwin View Post
    There was a lot of discussion on our old FKT website about the nuances of PCT re-routes and what that means for an FKT, with some strong feelings on all sides. As I understand it, for several years now it has been impossible to legally hike the "official" PCT due to (mostly) fire reroutes always being in effect somewhere or other. You might say that Scott Williamson (?) still has the FKT since he might be the last person to hike the "official" route quickly. Or, you could say that an FKT is valid as long as the person follows all "official" reroutes, which is what Karel did, and what Stringbean did before him, as I understand. I think this is (way) less of an issue on the AT?

    I look forward to following Karel's attempt, starting next week! Good luck to him.

    Twitter @fastestknown
    Before this year... I'd have said no problem on the AT. Short of minor/local maintenance routing the AT is pretty locked in (99%+). Probably one of the few in the country I can think of.
    But it seems non-politically termed weather events have reached the AT as well so at some point this type of controversy is inevitable I'd think.

    Off hand... sounds as if Heather had the last 'clean' hike. But more for PCT folks to discuss I think.
    The AT does have less 'extreme' sections and many hikers consider road miles a severe penalty... we just ain't used to pounding pavement. Most would take 15 miles of typical trail over 10 miles of pavement.
    That said, I still agree with you overall... those who know the nuances of each trail are best suited to comment on what effect a detour really has.

    The bigger the trail, the bigger the risk. Not everyone has the opportunity to do what Williamson did and accept defeat more years than not when things didn't work out.
    For the average hiker... you're out on a 6 month 2000+ mile trip. It makes little sense to 'cancel' or invalidate a casual hike as the point is truly the journey. That's really the only reason that hikers accept the 'official' route idea as the overall journey is the priority and your once in a lifetime hike isn't going to be canceled over some seasonal variation. But there are hikers who do head home and many who would consider missing the sierra, the whites, or other critical sections with regret if they continue. There are many hikers who consider the hike incomplete until those sections are returned to and made up.

    On a personal level; it sucks. But these big trail FKT's are basically a long series of all-in wagers where anything can go wrong. I look at a wildfire closure or serious reroute the same way I see injury, trenchfoot, crew issues or any other hazard involved. Nobody felt bad for Karl when it rained too much and his feet got wet... and the accomplishment was that much sweeter after the third attempt. Everyone has a lot invested on a long hike...just because an individual worked really hard and otherwise did well with what they could control doesn't justify a pass for something they could not control.

    Official route is the route of the trail outlined for that year at the start of the season. That's why the AT doesn't niggle over the mile or two variations from year to year.

    Williamson insisting that people follow a now defunct trail route is not acceptable. The trail can get rerouted for something as simple as moving from private land with easement to public land. In some cases the easement was withdrawn because of hikers violating or misusing such easements. More often though they are simply done in order to guarantee the stability of the trail via permanent land acquisition.

    Joey Camp's first trip on the AT was crushed by a hurricane. It didn't cause an official trail closure or official reroute but the result was the same- FKT over. Williamson and plenty of others have been slowed by blowdowns from massive storms and other events too, dozens of people you never hear of abort trips for these reasons.

    The intraseason re-routes due to fire are not 'official trail'... they are simply the safe alternative offered so that hikers who have committed to walking for months at a time do not have to abort the journey or risk their lives to continue. And I fully buy the idea of 'what's a hundred miles on a 2600 mile personal journey' argument for the average hiker... but not for a FKT.

    As of now- Karel (and perhaps Stringbean) represent an example of one.
    If it were to prove over time that completing the PCT without serious closures occurring is the new reality; then the FKT can change.
    But as it sits it mainly looks like another FKT that suffered a bad break. And multiple efforts preceding his exception to their accomplishment.

    Joey 'bested' Matt Kirk's time his first trip on the AT. He earned much admiration and recognition for the trip, but not the record itself.
    Joey also got bested by Stringbean during what would otherwise have been an amazing FKT performance. However not getting the record did nothing to diminish his hike and his effort last year.
    Holding himself to that high standard, keeping it together and putting up a mind boggling time is more than enough trophy for his shelf.
    What Karel is messing up is that NOT earning the FKT takes nothing away from his accomplishment, but claiming it with exception does take something away from the FKT itself.

    PS- as always... Kudos to you for both noting the accomplishment and the exceptions.
    Recording the effort regardless allows us to revisit the hike. Karel may be the exception... or the first of many. Time will tell and the history will be there to read.
    Last edited by Just Bill; 07-13-2018 at 09:37.

  11. #231


    Quote Originally Posted by jdx1177 View Post
    I was lucky enough to come across Harvey last Monday on my first day out doing a section of the Long Trail. It was Totally random I had kinda lost track of where he was leading up to my trip, being busy with packing and work, and was pleasantly surprised when I saw the van with his name on the side setup on a forest service road I was crossing. I said hello to his dad and asked if Harvey had come through yet. He said he hadn't. His dad all but insisted on topping off my water because it was so hot, which I gladly accepted. Harvey came trotting in. He had just put in 21 miles in 90 degree humid heat. He said he had actually laid in a creek earlier that day to cool down. I said a real quick hello finished my snack and said I'll see you soon as you're passing me and headed out. He caught me in about a mile or so and I moved over to let him through. He slowed his pace and we chatted for the next couple of miles. All I can say is what a class act and such a nice guy. I really wasn't looking to slow him down but he asked me all kinds of questions about my life and I tried to gently warn him about NH and how it's tough but so beautiful. Then as he was pulling away saying his goodbye I shouted "if you can avoid it do not go down the backside of mt moosilauke at night!" My one meager piece of trail advice I could offer to someone who clearly didn't need it. Lol
    This is fantastic to hear, and I hope indicative of the interactions that people have had with Harvey over these past (checks calendar) 44 days.

    We're hoping that Harvey makes it to ME 27 tonight which would put him over the 2,000 mile mark (2002.7) at the start of day 45. With, oh let's say another 20 miles during the first 12 hours and 15 minutes of day 45 (or through 5:48 pm), Harvey will end up falling short of the record by about 170 miles. We're still hopeful for sneaking in under 50 days (I've sticking with my 49 day, 8 hour prediction).

    On the topic of reroutes, a few years ago a landowner removed access from a 1.6 mile section of the Superior Hiking Trail - a 300 mile trail from Duluth MN up to the Canadian border following Lake Superior (though you can't see the lake on most of the trail). In this case, the land owner was frustrated by poor behavior of hikers - here's an article . This revised section is now part of the "official" route and FKT.com recognizes only the times after this reroute. (I'm trying to talk a friend of mine into going after the FKT which seems a little soft at 8 days, but that's another topic entirely).

    And in this case there was an incredibly easy reroute - there's a paved bike trail running nearly parallel to the trail, and the detour changed the distance by only a few miles. But it's easy to think about what could have happened if this had been in more remote section. Or if there was a group of landowners who said "we're done."

    One of the things that caught us off-guard a bit with Harvey's attempt was a section of "new trail" down in VA that wasn't on our trail map from 2017 - the local group had built a new section of trail slightly west of the existing trail down in VA that apparently "opened" in April - I think it was down near Sugar Run Gap. It caught us off-guard when he suddenly wasn't tracking on the trail map that we were using, but after some freaking out we were finally able to figure out what was going on.

  12. #232
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    Under 50 days is an accomplishment only a handful of folks on the planet can claim.
    Regardless of the FKT Harvey's a winner. Hikers in particular deeply respect the choice to finish his trip.

    Perhaps not everyone here is familiar with the details of the SHT reroute but we are all familiar with similar cautionary tales. Most trails are much more fragile than people realize. It's only the last decade or so that the easements and allotments for the AT have been mainly eliminated. Many trails sit on land with access assured by little more than a handshake or a kind owner. From a family choosing to sell the land to hiker's getting themselves kicked off it's an issue. It's actually pretty shocking if you really look how few of our 'national scenic trails' are truly trails. Most are routes, handshakes, and hope that drawing the line on the map will eventually result in preserving one on the ground.

    On the AT... the land owner frustrated by the hikers is Baxter State Park.
    And no easy solution exists nor can you find another Katahdin on this earth to replace it.

    Ultimately what happened on the SHT or other trails is the underlying fear driving the trail community and shaping the opinions of those who comment on the FKT impacts.
    That story has been told hundreds of times on the AT itself really but very few times have the stakes been so high.

    On it's face its an easy thing to dismiss as an overreaction... a bit like screaming hysterically at yer kid chasing a ball because you're terrified they may wander into the street.
    Everyone feels a little silly afterwards and confused by the emotion displayed.

    Hope nobody feels picked on or picked apart.
    Those doing it are huge fans of FKT's and respect those who participate pretty deeply.
    Could even go so far as to say they love em.
    They just love the trail a bit more and want to remind everyone how dangerously close to the street we are playing.

  13. #233
    ME => GA 19AT3 rickb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TravisRex View Post
    We're still hopeful for sneaking in under 50 days (I've sticking with my 49 day, 8 hour prediction).
    FWIW, You can count me among those who is even more impressed by those who push themselves to such limits long after the possibility of getting the FKT has slipped away.

    Way to go!

    Its great to go for the laurels, but obviously there is a whole lot more to these runs than just winning biggly.

    Perhaps someday the AT will be blessed to see a whole bunch of runners going for their own personal records — even if the super-human numbers are way, way out of reach. Without the fanfare, but just as special for those who take on such a challenge.

  14. #234


    Quote Originally Posted by rickb View Post
    FWIW, You can count me among those who is even more impressed by those who push themselves to such limits long after the possibility of getting the FKT has slipped away.

    Way to go!

    Its great to go for the laurels, but obviously there is a whole lot more to these runs than just winning biggly.

    Perhaps someday the AT will be blessed to see a whole bunch of runners going for their own personal records — even if the super-human numbers are way, way out of reach. Without the fanfare, but just as special for those who take on such a challenge.
    Here's how I put it in a post on the Facebook group last night:

    The crew map that we use starts at a zoomed out view where the entire trail fills the screen. Each day I've opened it and watched the black triangles move further and further northeast - not as fast as we hoped but still pretty damn fast. I don't know what it was about today but I paused for a second before zooming in today and just looked at the map. Georgia to Maine. Just a handful of days remaining (give or take a few fingers).

    Days like today make my job easy. Here's the only stopping point that makes sense. Here are the options for the next three days. Good luck. I know for me it's going to feel strange to not spend my free time pouring over books and maps and calculating miles per hour on a daily basis and I can only imagine the emotions that Harvey must be feeling as each footstep brings him one step closer to the end of this adventure. There's no FKT prize at the end but I have to imagine sunsets like tonight, running with his dad, and the thousands of other little moments have made this all seem worthwhile.

  15. #235
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    Well said. Harvey will carry his memories way past the trail. And if you’re anything like me, you’ll remember poring over the maps and data books for a long time, too followi along when others are in the thick of it and be glad it’s not you. But deep down, also miss it a little. 👍
    Quote Originally Posted by TravisRex View Post
    Here's how I put it in a post on the Facebook group last night:

    The crew map that we use starts at a zoomed out view where the entire trail fills the screen. Each day I've opened it and watched the black triangles move further and further northeast - not as fast as we hoped but still pretty damn fast. I don't know what it was about today but I paused for a second before zooming in today and just looked at the map. Georgia to Maine. Just a handful of days remaining (give or take a few fingers).

    Days like today make my job easy. Here's the only stopping point that makes sense. Here are the options for the next three days. Good luck. I know for me it's going to feel strange to not spend my free time pouring over books and maps and calculating miles per hour on a daily basis and I can only imagine the emotions that Harvey must be feeling as each footstep brings him one step closer to the end of this adventure. There's no FKT prize at the end but I have to imagine sunsets like tonight, running with his dad, and the thousands of other little moments have made this all seem worthwhile.

  16. #236
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    If I have it figured right, Harvey's deadline was Saturday around 6:15 PM. It looks like he came up about 169 miles short.

    Harvey StringBean
    Day Location Day Miles Location Day Miles Ahead of Pace
    30-May 0 Springer Mtn/AT Southern Terminus Springer Mtn/AT Southern Terminus
    31-May 1 Unicoi Gap/GA Hwy 75 52.3 Low Gap Shelter 42.6 9.7
    1-Jun 2 Rock Gap Shelter/USFS Rd 67 53.1 Standing Indian Shelter 43.1 19.7
    2-Jun 3 Stecoah Gap/NC Hwy 143 44.9 Nantahala, NC/US Hwy 19/74 50.8 13.8
    3-Jun 4 Clingmans Dome Tower 49.3 Spence Field Shelter/Eagle Creek Trail 46.8 16.3
    4-Jun 5 Davenport Gap/NC Hwy 32 39.1 Cosby Knob Shelter 47.4 8.0
    5-Jun 6 Log Cabin Rd 52.1 Hot Springs, NC/NC Hwy 209 43.6 16.5
    6-Jun 7 Spivey Gap/US Hwy 19W 42.0 Bald Mtn Shelter 52.7 5.8
    7-Jun 8 Roan Mountain, TN/US Hwy 19E 62.0 Roan High Knob Shelter 51.5 16.3
    8-Jun 9 Iron Mtn Shelter 49.2 Watauga Lake Shelter 51.5 14.0
    9-Jun 10 Elk Garden/VA Rd 600 50.3 Saunders Shelter 49.6 14.7
    10-Jun 11 Partnership Shelter/VA Hwy 16 39.2 Partnership Shelter/VA Hwy 16 53.9 0.0
    11-Jun 12 Laurel Creek/VA Rd 615 50.8 Jenkins Shelter/Hunting Camp Creek 46.4 4.4
    12-Jun 13 Pearisburg, VA/VA Hwy 100 52.2 Cross Ave/VA Rd 793 55.6 1.0
    13-Jun 14 Rocky Gap/VA Rd 601 34.8 Craig Creek/VA Rd 621 52.8 -17.0
    14-Jun 15 Catawba, VA/VA Hwy 311 38.1 Daleville, VA/US Hwy 220 40.9 -19.8
    15-Jun 16 Bearwallow Gap/BRP 90.9 41.4 Thunder Hill 44.8 -23.2
    16-Jun 17 Robinson Gap Rd/VA Rd 607 46.4 Woodworth Shelter/Lovingston Trail 47.8 -24.6
    17-Jun 18 Reids Gap/VA Rd 664/BRP 13.6 46.7 Calf Mtn Shelter 48.9 -26.8
    18-Jun 19 Black Rock Gap/Skyline 87.4 39.1 Lewis Spring/Big Meadows Wayside 53.9 -41.6
    19-Jun 20 Skyland Loop Rd 50.6 Goose Creek/VA Rd 638 52.5 -43.5
    20-Jun 21 Whiskey Hollow Shelter 52.4 Loudoun Heights 45.1 -36.2
    21-Jun 22 Rocky Run Shelter 54.2 South Mtn, PA/PA Hwy 233 56.7 -38.7
    22-Jun 23 Woodrow Rd 58.5 Conodoguinet Creek/Bernheisel Bridge Rd 54.1 -34.3
    23-Jun 24 Peters Mtn Rd/PA Hwy 225 57.8 Yellow Springs 39.5 -16.0
    24-Jun 25 Shartlesville Rd 55.3 Windsor Furnace Shelter 52.1 -12.8
    25-Jun 26 Bake Oven Knob Rd 38.3 Leroy Smith Shelter 50.0 -24.5
    26-Jun 27 Beulah Trail 47.9 Gren Anderson Shelter/Stony Brook 51.5 -28.1
    27-Jun 28 Lake Wallkill Rd 52.8 Mombasha Mtn/Allis Trail 52.1 -27.4
    28-Jun 29 Seven Lakes Dr 48.9 RPH Shelter/Hortontown Rd 51.9 -30.4
    29-Jun 30 AT Metro Station/NY Hwy 22/55 50.3 Caesar Brook Campsite 52.0 -32.1
    30-Jun 31 Carse Brook/Cornwall Rd 34.3 Tyringham, MA/Jerusalem Rd 59.0 -56.8
    1-Jul 32 Blue Hill Rd 47.0 Wilbur Clearing Shelter/Notch Rd 49.2 -59.0
    2-Jul 33 Cheshire, MA/Hoosic River 47.4 Stratton Pond Shelter 50.8 -62.4
    3-Jul 34 Dunville Hollow/VT Hwy 9 33.0 GovernorClement Shelter 50.2 -79.6
    4-Jul 35 Mad Tom Notch/USFS Rd 21 45.6 Norwich, VT/Elm St 55.0 -89.0
    5-Jul 36 Sargent Brook/USFS Rd 13 33.1 Oliverian Brook/NH Hwy 25 45.7 -101.6
    6-Jul 37 Tigertown Brook/VT Hwy 14 48.9 Liberty Springs Camp 28.4 -81.1
    7-Jul 38 Baker Pond Brook/NH Hwy 25A 43.0 Ripley Falls Trail 24.6 -62.7
    8-Jul 39 Lonesome Lake Hut/Fishin Jimmy Trail 32.6 Carter Dome/Rainbow Trail 33.6 -63.7
    9-Jul 40 Zealand Falls Hut 22.9 Mahoosuc Notch/South End 36.9 -77.7
    10-Jul 41 Pinkham Notch/NH Hwy 16 33.7 Spruce Mtn 42.7 -86.7
    11-Jul 42 Trident Pass 28.0 Crocker Cirque Campsite 37.2 -95.9
    12-Jul 43 Grafton Notch/ME Hwy 26 24.2 Kennebec River 44.0 -115.7
    13-Jul 44 Rumford Rd/ME Hwy 17 33.7 North Pond Brook 40.8 -122.8
    14-Jul 45 Carrabassett River/Caribou Valley Rd 36.9 Mud Pond 57.6 -143.5
    14-Jul 45.51 Jerome Brook/Long Falls Dam Rd 28.0 Mt Katahdin/AT Northern Terminus 53.1 -168.6

  17. #237
    Registered User
    Join Date


    BTW, if you want to chart the next FKT attempt, you can use this spreadsheet.
    In the first tab, type in the date the challenger begins in the first cell of the date column.
    Then enter where the challenger gets to one each day. The data for Stringbean has already been entered.
    Then go to the second tab to get the side by side comparison.


  18. #238
    Registered User
    Join Date


    PS - You will need to download the file to your own computer and open it in Excel for it to work.

  19. #239
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Rangeley, Maine


    Just read that he swam across the Kennebec. Pretty cool.

  20. #240


    Hey OddManOut -

    Here's what I have noted down on my side. I used the 2018 AT Data Book and figured the mileage for the day based on the stopping point for that day minus the stopping point for the previous day. The final column is the distance I have vs the distance that you have. Obviously it all evens out in the end...

    The RoadiD tracker was pretty consistent, though after we uploaded a new version of the trail line the distance between "actual" and what the tracker was showing slowly kept growing. I think these days it's about 5 miles off - though over a 2000 mile trail, that's 0.25% off, so we'll take that as far as accuracy goes. I know one of the guys who helped develop the tracker - and has his masters in GIS (aka mapping stuff) - is actually annoyed that it's that far off.

    (Apologies for how this formatted...)

    31-May 1 Unicoi Gap/GA Hwy 75 52.3 1 52.4 Unicoi Gap 0.1
    1-Jun 2 Rock Gap Shelter/USFS Rd 67 53.1 2 105.5 53.1 Rock Gap 0
    2-Jun 3 Stecoah Gap/NC Hwy 143 44.9 3 150.3 44.8 Stecoah Gap -0.1
    3-Jun 4 Clingmans Dome Tower 49.3 4 197.8 47.5 Clingman Dome -1.8
    4-Jun 5 Davenport Gap/NC Hwy 32 39.1 5 236 38.2 Davenport Gap -0.9
    5-Jun 6 Log Cabin Rd 52.1 6 287.6 51.6 Allen Gap -0.5
    6-Jun 7 Spivey Gap/US Hwy 19W 42 7 332.7 45.1 Spivey Gap 3.1
    7-Jun 8 Roan Mountain, TN/US Hwy 19E 62 8 394.8 62.1 19E 0.1
    8-Jun 9 Iron Mtn Shelter 49.2 9 443.8 49 Iron Mountain Shelter -0.2
    9-Jun 10 Elk Garden/VA Rd 600 50.3 10 494.3 50.5 VA 600 0.2
    10-Jun 11 Partnership Shelter/VA Hwy 16 39.2 11 533.7 39.4 VA 16 - 0.2
    11-Jun 12 Laurel Creek/VA Rd 615 50.8 12 584.3 50.6 VA 615 -0.2
    12-Jun 13 Pearisburg, VA/VA Hwy 100 52.2 13 635.5 51.2 VA 624 -1
    13-Jun 14 Rocky Gap/VA Rd 601 34.8 14 671.3 35.8 VA 42 - 1
    14-Jun 15 Catawba, VA/VA Hwy 311 38.1 15 709.4 38.1 VA 311 - Catawba 0
    15-Jun 16 Bearwallow Gap/BRP 90.9 41.4 16 749.1 39.7 VA 43 - Mile 90.9 -1.7
    16-Jun 17 Robinson Gap Rd/VA Rd 607 46.4 17 797.2 48.1 1.7
    17-Jun 18 Reids Gap/VA Rd 664/BRP 13.6 46.7 18 843.9 46.7 Reeds Gap - 664 0
    18-Jun 19 Black Rock Gap/Skyline 87.4 39.1 19 883 39.1 Blackrock Gap 0
    19-Jun 20 Skyland Loop Rd 50.6 20 933.6 50.6 Skyland Service Rd North 0
    20-Jun 21 Whiskey Hollow Shelter 52.4 21 987 53.4 Manassas Gap Shelter 1
    21-Jun 22 Rocky Run Shelter 54.2 22 1038.6 51.6 lambs knoll -2.6
    22-Jun 23 Woodrow Rd 58.5 23 1098.7 60.1 Woodrow rd 1.6
    23-Jun 24 Peters Mtn Rd/PA Hwy 225 57.8 24 1156.5 57.8 pa 225 0
    24-Jun 25 Shartlesville Rd 55.3 25 1210.3 53.8 camping s of port Clinton -1.5
    25-Jun 26 Bake Oven Knob Rd 38.3 26 1250.1 39.8 bake knob 1.5
    26-Jun 27 Beulah Trail 47.9 27 1305.2 55.1 Camp Road 7.2
    27-Jun 28 Lake Wallkill Rd 52.8 28 1351 45.8 Lake Wallkill Rd -7
    28-Jun 29 Seven Lakes Dr 48.9 29 1392.7 41.7 Seven Lakes -7.2
    29-Jun 30 AT Metro Station/NY Hwy 22/55 50.3 30 1450 57.3 NY 22 7
    30-Jun 31 Carse Brook/Cornwall Rd 34.3 31 1484.3 34.3 West Cornell Rd 0
    1-Jul 32 Blue Hill Rd 47 32 1531.3 47 Blue Hill Rd 0
    2-Jul 33 Cheshire, MA/Hoosic River 47.4 33 1579.3 48 Mass 8 0.6
    3-Jul 34 Dunville Hollow/VT Hwy 9 33 34 1611.7 32.4 VT 9 -0.6
    4-Jul 35 Mad Tom Notch/USFS Rd 21 45.6 35 1657.3 45.6 Mad Tom Notch 0
    5-Jul 36 Sargent Brook/USFS Rd 13 33.1 36 1691.3 34 Clement Shelter 0.9
    6-Jul 37 Tigertown Brook/VT Hwy 14 48.9 37 1738.9 47.6 vt 14 -1.3
    7-Jul 38 Baker Pond Brook/NH Hwy 25A 43 38 1782.3 43.4 NH 25A 0.4
    8-Jul 39 Lonesome Lake Hut/Fishin Jimmy Trail 32.6 39 1814.9 32.6 lonesome hut 0
    9-Jul 40 Zealand Falls Hut 22.9 40 1837.8 22.9 Zealand hut 0
    10-Jul 41 Pinkham Notch/NH Hwy 16 33.7 41 1871.5 33.7 Pinkham notch 0
    11-Jul 42 Trident Pass 28 42 1900 28.5 backcountry n of gorham (estimated mileage) 0.5
    12-Jul 43 Grafton Notch/ME Hwy 26 24.2 43 1923.7 23.7 ME 26 - Grafton Notch -0.5
    13-Jul 44 Rumford Rd/ME Hwy 17 33.7 44 1957.4 33.7 ME 17 0
    14-Jul 45 Carrabassett River/Caribou Valley Rd 36.9 45 1994.4 37 caribou valley rd 0.1
    14-Jul 45.51 Jerome Brook/Long Falls Dam Rd 28 46 2031.5 37.1 carry place rd 9.1

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