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  1. #221
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    Quote Originally Posted by Don H View Post
    Was that a bad thing?

  2. #222


    Quote Originally Posted by Seatbelt View Post
    Young man you don't have to "school" me on what a groupie or culture means. To insinuate that I don't know is insulting. And I am not the one with a narrow focus here. I have not accused everyone involved with TM as having an agenda. I have simply invited you and others to look at other possibilities for their motives, definitely not a characteristic of "narrow focus".
    So again a quick googling reveals that there are a number of clubs groups angels and even groups of angels that perform magic for recruitment or donations. That's an agenda no? More accurately in keeping with the importance of word specifics they do feeds. Or rides or both.

    Not sure how to double quote yet but it was pointed out to me that there is no rule stopping magic. Is there a bury your poop rule? Cuz if not I guess I don't actually have to. Every hiker knows its bad for the trail but hey no rule! Its just a suggestion right? Go with it. Or just drop and go!

  3. #223


    All depends on style I guess...sometimes less is more.

  4. #224
    Registered User Kaptainkriz's Avatar
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    We could move the feeds outside the environment...
    Quote Originally Posted by Teacher & Snacktime View Post
    I thought it was supposed to be reenactments of scenes from Monty Python's Holy Grail !
    Plaid is fast! Ticks suck, literally... It’s ok, bologna hoses off…
    Follow my hiking adventures: https://www.youtube.com/user/KrizAkoni
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  5. #225
    GSMNP 900 Miler rmitchell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Traveler View Post
    This is a great idea and to me a substantial gift that keeps on giving.

    The AT is typically maintained by local volunteers through a local association or committee. Its a good idea to try coordinating with before doing work though. As a trail maintainer (not the AT) myself I have seen well intentioned people perform sometimes heavy work in trail sections that was incorrectly done (actually made conditions worse), had an association organized work party scheduled for the same work or area, or work done on bits of trail that were moved later in the season or the following year and the effort was negated.

    A quick email or call is usually all thats needed and 95% of the time your efforts will be greatly appreciated and accepted. On behalf of the maintainers, thanks!
    My post was tongue in cheek but you bring up a good point. We do coordinate with the hiking club and report our work. Well intentioned but misguided efforts can have unintended consequences.

  6. #226
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    Quote Originally Posted by KDogg View Post
    I never felt like I was in remote wilderness on the trail. Not because of trail magic, but because I wasn't. I was never more than a few days (if that) away from a town, probably never more than a few hours away from a road and hardly ever out of cell service. This idea of remoteness on the AT is somewhat of a fantasy today. I know what folks are wanting but it just isn't that way on the AT anymore and never will be again. Population and economy drives this, not trail magic. I'm in my 50s and the US population has gone from less than 190 million when I was born to over 320 million today. Our desire to get away from this mass of humanity is understandable but maybe not as realistic as it once was.
    During my thru hike the trail was our highway - our method of travel, the way, as it felt to me. It was not backcountry, but during that time of the thru hike our front country. It was a feeling that divided life on trail and life off trail and set them worlds apart.

    What is bubbling just below the surface here is the very real problem of the partying, drug using, and generally rude groups of youngish hikers that seem intent on ruining the entire experience for everybody else in their quest to hike their own hike and get away from the society that puts limits on what they want to do.
    What is also bubbling on the other side is people who hold to a expectation of how one should hike and are resentful of others for wanting to do things differently. During my thru the scene as you describe I never encountered that I can recall. Yes some drinking, some smoking actually lots of tobacco (which was by far the most obnoxious of them all), but normally in respectful small groups which would go off on their own to do their thing.


    ... How do we fix this problem? I see it as an enforcement issue. I saw a few ridge runners at the beginning of the trail and the shelters they were at were quiet and "remote" feeling. After the first few days I didn't see ridge runners anymore and things changed
    . I never did see a single ranger or law enforcement official on the trail. Not once in almost six months. In Damascus, they completely ignore the crazy parties going on in the woods in return for commerce. I'm assuming it is only a matter of time before Trail Days grows into something that even their Chamber of Commerce can't put up with. As much as I hated the commercialization of the trail by the group known as the AMC, I never experienced a problem with these groups in NH. Maybe this should/will be the model for the future of the trail in the other states.[/QUOTE]
    Ridgerunners are educational, not enforcement, and as you pointed out they worked, perhaps time to rethink its an enforcement issue as it is not a welcoming atmosphere for the trail environment and once it's there it's hard to get rid of including the overarching feeling of oppression in society that many want to escape. Way too many are willing to jump on the enforcement bandwagon without thinking how that changes the trail.

  7. #227


    Hey I just got this month's Backpacker Mag and there's a really good article on trail magic and magicians in it titled "Trail Daze" pretty interesting stuff! I can't find it online otherwise I'd post a link. I didn't realize that huge covens of wizards did the feeds I've heard so much about.

  8. #228
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    Best of all is an unexpected free flowing cold spring with a nice pool.

  9. #229
    Registered User middle to middle's Avatar
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    ALSO YADDA YADDA YADDA much ado about nothing.

  10. #230


    Quote Originally Posted by Curious G View Post
    Hey I just got this month's Backpacker Mag and there's a really good article on trail magic and magicians in it titled "Trail Daze" pretty interesting stuff! I can't find it online otherwise I'd post a link. I didn't realize that huge covens of wizards did the feeds I've heard so much about.
    Not sure what that dude is on about but I suspect filibustering which is as I recall a UA violation. Let's keep it on topic shall we. The article is not "much ado about nothing" it's about this riff raff group and some others doing magic is all and I'd like to hear from the community about what they think. Thanks

  11. #231
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    Quote Originally Posted by Curious G View Post
    Not sure what that dude is on about but I suspect filibustering which is as I recall a UA violation. Let's keep it on topic shall we. The article is not "much ado about nothing" it's about this riff raff group and some others doing magic is all and I'd like to hear from the community about what they think. Thanks
    This member of the community thinks:


    Has it affected you? Do you even hike the AT? Have you ever seen TM? Are you just trolling?

    I hike the AT. I have seen TM. I am not trolling.

    TM doesn't affect me and my enjoyment of the AT in any way but positively.

    I don't go to Trail Days, and it is not indicative of the entire AT. Neither is Damascus. Nor Hot Springs. Etc...

    Only took you 50 posts to start in on TM with not one, but two posts at the same time. Agenda much?

  12. #232
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    Well all I am going to say is when I come upon a Green Apple Jolly Rancher that has been left behind in a stash at a shelter, I get a smile on my face and am happy for the pay it forward attitude on the trail. I don't feel bad leaving behind an extra freeze dried meal that some other hiker in need is going to use. That's my take and that's the way it will stay.

  13. #233
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back on the trail View Post
    Well all I am going to say is when I come upon a Green Apple Jolly Rancher that has been left behind in a stash at a shelter, I get a smile on my face and am happy for the pay it forward attitude on the trail. I don't feel bad leaving behind an extra freeze dried meal that some other hiker in need is going to use. That's my take and that's the way it will stay.
    great idea turning shelters into bear baiting stations

  14. #234


    Quote Originally Posted by ScareBear View Post
    This member of the community thinks:


    Has it affected you? Do you even hike the AT? Have you ever seen TM? Are you just trolling?

    I hike the AT. I have seen TM. I am not trolling.

    TM doesn't affect me and my enjoyment of the AT in any way but positively.

    I don't go to Trail Days, and it is not indicative of the entire AT. Neither is Damascus. Nor Hot Springs. Etc...

    Only took you 50 posts to start in on TM with not one, but two posts at the same time. Agenda much?
    Wow. SMH. Is that rage? Need some magic pal? If you are the voice of magic I don't think you're helping the cause by being mean and hateful. I'm glad that absolutely nothing important regarding the trail is up to you. Are you a member of this riff raff frat? I'm guessing you are? I thought about answering your questions but it only took two posts from you to realize that I and everybody else probably would be happier if they just ignored you. You have nothing to teach us and we have nothing to learn from fury. I will say this in closing if you can figure out where I live and what's there then you should know we have no interest in what's happening to "your" trail to happen to "ours" so yes we're very interested in this issue. I am. So are about 16,000 people who have viewed this thread I guess. It appears to be much ado about something buddy. Try yoga and some green tea with honey to get the chi flowing. Let's not talk anymore. Thank you.

  15. #235
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back on the trail View Post
    Well all I am going to say is when I come upon a Green Apple Jolly Rancher that has been left behind in a stash at a shelter, I get a smile on my face and am happy for the pay it forward attitude on the trail. I don't feel bad leaving behind an extra freeze dried meal that some other hiker in need is going to use. That's my take and that's the way it will stay.
    Really? You leave unattended food in the woods and are proud of it. I am just amazed at the ignorance.
    enemy of unnecessary but innovative trail invention gadgetry

  16. #236

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    Quote Originally Posted by Back on the trail View Post
    Well all I am going to say is when I come upon a Green Apple Jolly Rancher that has been left behind in a stash at a shelter, I get a smile on my face and am happy for the pay it forward attitude on the trail. I don't feel bad leaving behind an extra freeze dried meal that some other hiker in need is going to use. That's my take and that's the way it will stay.
    You cite the perfect reasons why shelters should be eliminated.

    Some people cannot behave properly if theres a man made structure involved, they forget they are in the woods. They assume someone will clean up after them.

    Its really simple. If you ever think you should leave something behind.........the answer is always NO. Not a scrap of trash. Not an item your too lazy to carry. Nothing. Nada. Zip.
    Last edited by MuddyWaters; 09-19-2017 at 07:40.

  17. #237
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    Quote Originally Posted by Curious G View Post
    Wow. SMH. Is that rage? Need some magic pal? If you are the voice of magic I don't think you're helping the cause by being mean and hateful. I'm glad that absolutely nothing important regarding the trail is up to you. Are you a member of this riff raff frat? I'm guessing you are? I thought about answering your questions but it only took two posts from you to realize that I and everybody else probably would be happier if they just ignored you. You have nothing to teach us and we have nothing to learn from fury. I will say this in closing if you can figure out where I live and what's there then you should know we have no interest in what's happening to "your" trail to happen to "ours" so yes we're very interested in this issue. I am. So are about 16,000 people who have viewed this thread I guess. It appears to be much ado about something buddy. Try yoga and some green tea with honey to get the chi flowing. Let's not talk anymore. Thank you.
    LMAO! You are one funny troller. You don't even hike the AT and yet here you are. Posting in Appalachian Trail Forums and citing the ATC about TM on the AT.

    I am glad that you are so omniscient to realize that everybody else would probably happier if they just ignored me.

    Here's the thing. You posted something that's been beaten like a dead horse here. Not once. Twice. And, you don't even hike the AT. It's a controversial subject. You don't have a horse in this race, but you sure enjoy flogging the dead one. That's the definition of a troll.

    You don't like TM? Fine. Put forth some proposal, idea, thought, etc...THAT HASN'T BEEN BROUGHT OUT BEFORE ON THIS VERY SAME FREAKING FORUM!!! All you are doing is stirring the pot. Another troll-like behavior.

    Here's the deal. You have your opinion. I have mine. You are not alone in yours. I am not alone in mine.

    Quit the ad hominem-ing about me and my "fury" and uselessness to this Board. I am pretty sure you've been here before under a different name and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who has figured this out already.

  18. #238
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    Quote Originally Posted by Malto View Post
    Really? You leave unattended food in the woods and are proud of it. I am just amazed at the ignorance.
    Given that commercial dehydrated hiker meals are packaged in plastic-lined foil packages so as to last 10-20 years on the shelf, I seriously doubt they emit any detectable odor. Even for a bear.

  19. #239


    Quote Originally Posted by Malto View Post
    Really? You leave unattended food in the woods and are proud of it. I am just amazed at the ignorance.
    In bear-profuse NJ, the shelters have purpose-built bear boxes designed for food storage so it's a very different scenario than leaving food in a shelter structure itself. I'm on the AT in NJ pretty much every week, and it's pretty common to find extra food left behind in the bear boxes. It really is no different than food bags being stored overnight. There are plenty of food smells in the shelter areas that attract bears without worrying about the occasional factory sealed dehydrated meal sitting in a heavy gauge steel box purpose-built to prevent bears from accessing its contents.

  20. #240

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    Quote Originally Posted by Offshore View Post
    It really is no different than food bags being stored overnight. s.

    Yes it is
    Its discarded stuff left behind by lazy persons who are unwilling to continue carrying their stuff. Eventually some nice person has to carry other lazy, selfish, ignorant slobs waste out.

    Bear boxes are not hiker swap boxes...or garbage boxes

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