I am a 26 year old male (will turn 27 on the trail).

In good physical shape and plan to be in excellent shape. Three weeks of training already. Have two months to go.

I love traveling solo as it seems to be in my nature to do so. I have one night of stealth camping under my belt in the Marin Headlands just north of the Golden Gate bridge. I was cold. I was scared on and off. I went to sleep to a foggy ominous bay. I woke to nothing but blue skies and the glorious Pacific. I loved that experience and I do love nature.

Financially I am in a place to do this thru hike.

I plan to start most likely in mid-July. I still have so much to learn. Nutrition, water filtration, first-aid stuff, mapping and how to use a compass, how to set up my tent and work with all my gear. But I have time. I plan to start doing beach shakedowns (I am training in northeastern Florida).

My question for White Blaze is... am I being slightly naive in attempting this. Is starting in the rogue Cascades in mid-July maybe even first week of August not reasonable for someone without extensive experience?

Thank you.