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  1. #1
    Springer to Elk Park, NC/Andover to Katahdin
    Join Date
    Northport, Alabama

    Default Lost Dogs Backpack with dog tags

    On June 21 Jumper was hiking SOBO on the AT in Maine w/his owner when he suddenly bolted about 100 yards into the Stratton trailhead on Route 27. Thankfully, he was found 5 days later! Pheww. His backpack wasn't on him when he was found & through talking w/his owner @ dinner last night, I learned that Eric had served 6 yrs in the USAF & just completed his service a few months ago. He had his dog tags tightly secured on his best friend's pack so chances are they're still on it. Since the dog was found near the trailhead I suspect he probably stayed in the general area. Here's his picture again so you can see the pack. If anyone stumbles across it while hiking please pm me. Wouldn't it be great to return dog tags to someone who served our country for 6 yrs?
    I am not young enough to know everything.

  2. #2


    It also would have been great if the Eric had shown some more responsibility (and courtesy to other trail users) and kept Jumper securely on a leash. The dog's bolting, going missing for 5 days, and the loss of the pack and dog tags would have been avoided (as would be the stress of a missing dog). I'm glad Jumper was found and sincerely hope the items are found and returned, but the responsibility for this situation is Eric's. There's a lesson here.

    Also, there was no picture in your original post.
    Last edited by Offshore; 06-28-2015 at 19:02.

  3. #3
    Springer to Elk Park, NC/Andover to Katahdin
    Join Date
    Northport, Alabama


    Quote Originally Posted by Offshore View Post
    It also would have been great if the Eric had shown some more responsibility (and courtesy to other trail users) and kept Jumper securely on a leash. The dog's bolting, going missing for 5 days, and the loss of the pack and dog tags would have been avoided (as would be the stress of a missing dog). I'm glad Jumper was found and sincerely hope the items are found and returned, but the responsibility for this situation is Eric's. There's a lesson here.

    Also, there was no picture in your original post.
    I do not recall mentioning anything about responsibility. This was a simple request to keep an eye out for a missing dog backpack. If you find it or know someone who has found it by all means post about it here, otherwise a posting of your opinion about why it is lost and who's at fault is totally unnecessary and serves no purpose on this thread.
    I am not young enough to know everything.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Offshore View Post
    It also would have been great if the Eric had shown some more responsibility (and courtesy to other trail users) and kept Jumper securely on a leash. The dog's bolting, going missing for 5 days, and the loss of the pack and dog tags would have been avoided (as would be the stress of a missing dog). I'm glad Jumper was found and sincerely hope the items are found and returned, but the responsibility for this situation is Eric's. There's a lesson here.

    Also, there was no picture in your original post.
    Did I miss something here? Something that warranted such a condescending reply? I've re-read the initial post several times and I see nothing alluding to how the dog was unleashed OR leashed.

    Regardless of any of the facts (which aren't presented in full in this topic), when a dog bolts (which ALL dogs do at one point or another), even if he was on a leash, the leash can VERY easily get yanked out of your hand (especially if it's a bigger dog, or when this happens out of the blue as described). Hell, I'

    Have some compassion and basic human decency. Especially when we're talking about somebody who just served our country for 6 years.

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